Poland, land of dreams (1862

At the end of 1861 and beginning of 1862, Grand Duke Alexander observed how the British, French and Spanish (supported by other powers or minor individuals) intervened in the Mexican Republic, all supposedly because Mexico did not pay its debts.

Obviously there were other interests behind it, but the young Grand Duke couldn't do much from his position, just wait to see the coalition fall apart.

But on the American continent at the end of January there was something that interested the Grand Duke a lot, as a member of the navy, the first American armored warship, the USS Monitor.

The Ironclads were already started in 1859, but these would probably be the first battles of this type.

The government of Alexander II was interested in building a strong navy, but the inexperience of the shipyards in modern measures, the struggles within the navy and the ministries, the lack of budget and others, limited several necessary advances.

So the Grand Duke, in his limited capacities, understood that Russia needed men with experience, or at least blueprints and technology to allow them to take off.

The American Civil War would mark an era, that's what Alexander Alexandrovich understood, and he wanted to be very close to learn.


As Grand Duke Alexander expected, the British and Spanish ended their coalition with France due to the discovery of Napoleon III's interests in silver and other Mexican resources.

With the United States in civil war, they could not intervene too much, the English and the Spanish also refused to take military retaliation, choosing better to negotiate with Mexico a way to settle the debt issue.

But France was not going back, they continued with their attempts to dominate Mexico.

Marked would be (mainly by foreigners ...) the Mexican victory over France on May 5.

On other international issues, some of the Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich's Japanese works would reach the International Exhibition of 1862, or Great London Exposition, which had a Japanese section.

The Grand Duke was a little more interested in the United States Bureau of Agriculture founded by Lincoln, he was not interested in planting corn in the southern Russian Empire, but he wanted the agricultural machinery of the time (if it could be obtained in the United States or England).

On June 3 (15), 1862, Governor Alexander Nikolayevich von Lüders in Poland suffered an attempt on his life by Andrey Afanasievich Potebnya, who managed to escape dishonorably.

On June 8 (20), Grand Duke Konstantin, the Emperor's own brother, as viceroy of the Kingdom of Poland, received an attempt on his life shortly after arriving.

Marquis Alexander Velepolsky head of the civil unit in the kingdom and vice president of the Council of State received two attempts on his life shortly after.

July 1, Moscow (NS).

Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich had officially appeared at the opening of The Library of the Moscow Public Museum, being greeted by officials and commoners (plus some intellectuals present).

The presence of the Grand Duke was announced and there was security of course, but it was still surprising to see a robust and simple man who was there to talk to people.

And to distribute bread in fact, the Grand Duke accompanied by some officials began to make this type of gift in his first public appearance, celebrating.

It was in a sense a public relations objective, the Grand Duke knows that from time to time Russia suffers from famines, if something is not done this process will continue. But for the moment giving bread to the poor was the best the Grand Duke could do.

In the months of August and September there were still important news, on the one hand President Lincoln of the United States met with prominent African-Americans, the first time an American President has done that ... he suggested that African-Americans should migrating to Africa or Central America, it was not a very successful meeting.

More importantly, Otto von Bismarck becomes Minister President of Prussia, the Grand Duke knows that this will unleash a multitude of events that will mark Europe.


Tsar Alexander II was with his sons, Tsesarevich Niicholas and Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich on a hunting trip through White Russia (Belarus) "What you propose seems to me too exaggerated brother" Tsesarevich Nicholas insisted.

"I am only telling the truth, the Poles will never accept our rule. I am only saying that we must have more eyes on them and attack before a new Polish uprising" Grand Duke Alexander answers with confidence.

The emperor was silent, and when he speaks his children are silent "A little more than 30 years have passed since the last Polish rebellion. What makes you believe that one is close?"

"... Poles do not forget, it has been almost 100 years since there is no truly independent Polish state, but still Poles have dreams of the revival of their Commonwealth. There are young radicals and attacks against many non-Polish persons or things. Some Lithuanians, Christians and foreigners are no different" The Grand Duke Alexander responds.

"But Uncle Konstantin should be able to appease them" The Tsesarevich suddenly interrupts, but Alexander II stops him on the spot, to allow Alexander Alexandrovich to speak again.

"It doesn't matter how liberal we are. The Poles will still want independence as long as we remain Russians" Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich exclaims.

Again there was silence between the three men "Let's make a deal Alexander, you will go to the Kingdom of Poland. If you discover any kind of conspiracy, I will accept your proposal." The emperor sentenced with a hint of a smile hidden by his beard.

The young Alexander Alexandrovich accepted the challenge of his father, and in a short time recruited a group of 20 officers and investigators from Russia to depart for the Kingdom of Poland.

Russia is full of secret revolutionary societies and groups, they live in universities, in cities, and probably in many other places. Investigators didn't have it easy, but with some of Grand Duke Konstantin's protégés giving support, the situation became somewhat easier.

Grand Duke Alexander seemed to know which individuals to look for, some were or were part of the Russian state or army at some point. The problem was finding hangouts and guilt.

So the group had finally found something, a "young" group emerged in October last year the Central National Committee (Polish: Komitet Centralny Narodowy, Centralny Komitet Narodowy).

Each member knew only two members and a foreman, but even so there were red (immediate uprising) and white (some pacifists, and others from coordinated military uprisings) factions that revealed part of the investigation.

Soon a list began to appear for August, kept secret by the research group:

* Dombrovsky, Yaroslav.

* Bobrovsky, Stefan.

* Giller, Agathon.

* Padlevsky, Zygmunt.

* Schwarze, Bronislav.

And the poet Maria Ilnitskaya seems involved as well.

With this evidence presented to the Russian government Tsar Alexander II congratulated his son, Grand Duke Konstantin was now in evidence, his attempts to peacefully appease the Poles failed since he is Viceroy of the Kingdom of Poland.

That was a serious blow to the younger brother's influence at the court of Emperor Alexander II.

On the other hand, Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich got what he wanted, Emperor Alexander II founded the Department on Protecting the Order and Public Peace, or Okhrana, with the intention of investigating rebellious activities in the western parts of the Empire.

Parts of Ukraine, Belarus, Courland / Lithuania, and Russian Poland.

Bronislav Schwarze was the first to fall, a Russian and French citizen, so in reality the Okhrana could not execute him, consequently ... Bronislav was sent to Siberia, Alexander Alexandrovich insisted on solitary confinement but the emperor ignored him.

The Polish movement was already disorganized and its partisan support was very low to minimal, but now it is being strangled even from the cradle.

"Despite our discoveries, we must be careful. Applying too much pressure could encourage the Poles to rebel earlier, we have to have clear judgments and evidence. If we make a mistake the Poles will be even more scandalized. In the worst case the symbolic support of foreigners towards Poles will become material support ".

-Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich insisted to the first members of the Okhrana. Companions in the Grand Duke's stay in the Kingdom of Poland.

The Tsesarevich Nicholas and his brother were once again gathered in the Winter Palace "... Aren't you going to say anything?" Nicholas mentioned something concerned, receiving a curious look from Alexander Alexandrovich "... You were right".

"... Do not be discouraged brother, I am sure that in the future your ideals will make Russia a the most enlightened country in the world" Alexander Alexandrovich calmly sentences.

Nicholas smiles briefly, happy for his brother words, but deep down in reality Grand Duke Alexander knows that he is lying, he knows that his "older brother" will die sooner rather than later