From Asia to Europe (April-June, 1877


Through the work of the investigations of Vladimir Dmitrievich Alenitsyn and other assistants in the field of agriculture, they began to investigate and breed barley, rye and other cereals, vegetables, potatoes more resistant to cold.

In particular, in new lands designated for cultivation, they began to test the breeding of the cranberry, which can grow in areas of northern Eurasia and be used for direct consumption, juices, sauces, jams, or dried and sweetened for consumption.

Other projects started in the Arkhangelsk region, where the soil proved to be suitable for potatoes and some vegetables (but not particularly other crops).

Others sought the implementation of foreign species in a controlled manner within Russian crops (after the biological investigations of the Russian Empire, it was precisely sought to seek the least possible damage if something similar was done). As for example the implementation of quinoa, a seed that is treated as a whole grain originating in the Andes (Bolivia-Peru).

This obviously requires a more experienced workforce with such deals, so some new waves of foreign migration arrived for particular crops.

The most fruitful Russian quinoa crops were grown in the Far East, and some successful subsistence crops could be grown in Alyáska. But there is still work to be done in its development (genetically better crops) and commercial.

Some called quinoa in Russia, the "rice of the tundra" or risom tundry (рисом тундры).



The Chinese tea monopoly ended years ago, in British India there is a history before 1840 (first tea garden in 1837, first commercial plantation in 1840) and in 1848-1851 the Englishman Robert Fortune stole various tea plants from China taking them to British territory.

Tea in Russia appeared as early as the 17th century, although there are legends that it appeared as early as 1567 and that Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov received boxes of tea from Chinese ambassadors. Between 1840-1850, 95% of Chinese imports to Russia were tea (the most valuable green tea, and the rarest 'imperial' yellow tea, which the Chinese sell only to Russians in exchange for furs).

With the expansion of Russian railways, the time where tea is delivered and distributed was greatly shortened, in addition to the fact that there are new tea producers, it means that Russia is less dependent on China for tea and that it is cheaper .

The first Russian tea plantation emerged in 1817, but Russian tea production in the early 19th century was never particularly commercial or notable.

For this the Russian government offered some of its lands, looking for higher quality tea crops that could be produced in Russia and resist cold, currently a variety capable of withstanding -25 degrees Celsius was found.

They started plantation projects in the South Caucasus, Novorossiya-Malorossiya, Crimea and parts of the North Caucasus (around the Black Sea).

The growth was part of an active initiative by the royal family (Tsar Alexander III) together with Konstantin Semyonovich Popov (Konstantin Abramovich Popov's nephew and heir, merchant, industrialist and philanthropist who started a tea business.

Popov and the government hired some Chinese workers and their families to grow and care for the first high-quality tea plantations on Russian soil.

The most prominent being Liu Yunxing, who would bring parts of his family as his young cousin (aged seven at the time) Liu Junzhou (later Liu Tszyunchzhou).

With this, more and more successful Russian tea plantations began in the southern areas of the Russian Empire, gaining recognition especially between the 1890s and the 1900s.



Some silkworms live in the south of Russian Manchuria, with economic problems abroad, some Japanese silk workers and producers of the most industrialized European silk production (from France) ended up in the Russian Empire.

With a relatively skilled workforce, Tsar Alexander III industrialized a small silk production in southern Russian Manchuria, but there was another important goal.

The first manufacture of artificial silk from cellulose would take place near Vladivostok in 1879, shortly after other countries in Europe saw the end of the Great Depression (Long Depression).


[Easter gift]

"You see, I wanted to give you a gift last year. But sadly, well, the Russo-Turkish war came and there were some other problems." Tsar Alexander III mentions a bit embarrassed, then handing over two boxes to Empress Maria Feodorovna on Easter.

"Oh? What is it?" Maria Feodorvna asks curiously, Grand Duke Alexander and little Xenia are also there watching curiously. When opening there are two Easter eggs, actually being quite ornate jewelry. "Alexander, it's beautiful !." The empress exclaims in shock.

"It doesn't end there." Emperor Alexander III calmly exclaims and opens one of the jeweled eggs.

Inside there was a kind of doll made of wood, dressed in traditional Russian clothes. Further attracting the interest of the couple's children, Emperor Alexander continues to open the doll, showing that it is several dolls in one.

"They are called Matryoshka doll." Emperor Alexander III exclaims passing some of the dolls among the family, Maria Feodorovna was interested and Xenia played with the little doll, although Grand Duke Alexander was more curious about how the Matryoshka worked.

"They look beautiful. I didn't know they existed." The empress mentions looking at the painting of the dolls.

"Technically they are something new, I saw similar figures in my stay in Japan, there they represent some of their fortune gods in this way. I only asked that to be a little more ... Russian." Emperor Alexander III points out excited to see his family happy with him.

Peter Karl Gustavovich Fabergé and his teacher Hiskias Pendin became much more official and state-backed jewelers, particularly as they continued to make jeweled Easter eggs to give to Empress Maria Feodorovna.

And also for the pseudo-invention of the Matryoshka doll, which would make a major debut at the World Exposition in St. Petersburg a few years later.


[Sports culture: Semifinals]

The finals of the Second Edition of the Russian Soccer League are approaching with the semifinals of that event being held in the previous winner, Kharkov.

Sevastopol against Saint Petersburg. The Saint Petersburg team wins 5 to 3 over the Sevastopol team.

Kharkov against Erivan. The city of Kharkov beats the Armenian team of Erivan 3 to 2.



April 12, the University of Tokyo is established in Japan.

On the other hand, in the south of the country, the army recruited from the Japanese encounters problems in the confrontation with the rebel Samurai army of the Satsuma Rebellion, which advanced northwards.

In the Great Sioux War of 1876 in May, the Native American chief Sitting Bull led his group from Lakota to Canada to avoid American harassment.

Shortly after the Mad Horse chief of the Oglala surrenders due to the hunger and cold of his people.

These tribes are offered a home in the Russian Alyáska, although not all accept, some do, decide to go to the territory of Russian America with other Native American communities.


On May 16 the French civil war finally ends when Henry V's Legitimist-Orleanist forces surrender to Napoleon IV.

The Legitimist King of France, Henry V, does so in exchange for forgiveness and allowing most of the supporters of the Legitimist-Orleanist rebellion to live, who are, after all, rural men and women.

On the other hand, Henry V and the high ranks (with the exception of some military men such as Henri Eugène Philippe Louis d'Orléans) are exiled from France and from public life in the north of Spain (Carlist Spain).

The civil war in France is over, but now the country is undoubtedly ruined politically-socially, economically and militarily.

Even the capital, Paris, is in shambles in various ways, and the Bonapartist government now has several enemies among non-moderate republicans and socialists, groups active in many of France's urban centers (although at this historical moment it is mainly rural). .

In foreign relations the monarch of the Austro-Hungarian Empire Franz Joseph and the emperor Napoleon IV pose a possible meeting after the Austro-Hungarian aid to the Second French Empire.

In the French state apparatus on the other hand, the ex-Orleanist Legitimist military man, Georges Ernest Jean-Marie Boulanger is promoted by his talent in the last skirmishes of the war to a higher position.

Although some Bonapartists still regard him with suspicion, since the surrender of the southern Legitimist army he has been loyal to the Second French Empire and it is obvious that he is a monarchist.

What is problematic are the revanchist ideas of the rising military man (Boulanger).


Regarding the aforementioned Spain, with the Carlist successes the English public is wondering if Don Carlos or Carlos VII has an interest in the 'reconquest' of Gibraltar.

The kingdom of Alfonso XII on the other hand is in economic problems after the loss of important industry and other economic sectors. Unfortunately there is little foreign aid.

June 15, African American Henry Ossian Flipper becomes the first African American cadet to graduate from the United States Military Academy.

The Nez Perce defeat the American cavalry in White Bird Canyon (Idaho Territory), starting a new war between Native Americans and Americans (the government and the army).

On June 30 the German financiers launch their first series of completed and completely successful ships, in their attempts to imitate the Royal Navy to secure the German colonies in Southeast Asia and the Pacific.

The British public looks at this with mixed interest, there are some in particular concerned.


[World conquer ambition?]

"1-Support the Russian people in a state of continuous war, so the soldier becomes hardened in battle and does not know how to rest: leave it only to improve the finances of the state, to reorganize the army and to wait for a convenient moment for an attack Therefore, use the world for war and war for peace in order to expand the borders and increase the prosperity of Russia.

2-Summon by all the possible means from the most enlightened countries military leaders during the wars} and scientists during peace so that the Russian people can take advantage of the benefits of other countries without losing any of their own.

3-In any case, intervene in the affairs and struggles of Europe, especially Germany, which, as the closest, has a more immediate interest.

4-Divide Poland, support the unrest and constant struggles in it, attract the strong to its side with gold, influence the Sejm, bribe them to influence the elections of kings, keep their supporters in these elections, provide them patronage, send Russian troops there, and leave them there temporarily until the opportunity arises to leave them there altogether. If neighboring states begin to create difficulties, the temporary fragmentation of the country will reassure them until it is possible to recover what was given to them.

5-Make the largest possible captures from Sweden and provoke her to attacks, so that there is a reason for her capture. To do this, cut all ties between Denmark and Sweden and constantly play with them.

6-All Russian emperors should marry only German princesses.

7-England: Seek the integral union.

8-Move north to the Baltic and south to the Black Sea.

9-Get as close as possible to Constantinople and India (whoever owns them will be the owner of the world). To this end, start constant wars against Turkey and Persia, establish shipyards in the Black Sea, gradually take possession of both this sea and the Baltic, as they are necessary to implement the plan: conquer Persia, reach the Persian Gulf, restore, if it is possible, the ancient Levantine trade through Syria and reach India as the world's storage center. Once you get the hang of it, you can do without English gold.

10-Austria: Openly supports an alliance, but secretly provokes hostility against it, the ultimate goal is to establish a Russian protectorate over it.

11-Push the Turks together with Austria.

12-Proclaime yourself the defender of the Orthodox in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Hungary and the Ottoman Empire in order to further subjugate these powers.

13-When Sweden, Persia, Poland, Turkey and Austria are defeated, the armies are united and the Black and Baltic seas are protected by the fleet, it is proposed in special secret to propose to France first (in the text - "Court of Versailles" ), and then Germany (in the text - "Vienna Court") to divide the spheres of influence in the world. If one of them accepts the offer (and this inevitably will happen), Russia first destroys the remaining enemy and then the survivor. The outcome of the struggle will be a foregone conclusion, since by that time Russia will already possess the entire East and most of Europe.

14-If both reject the offer, then a war must be unleashed between them and both must be exhausted. After that, Russia must send ground troops to Germany and fleets from the Sea of Azov and Arkhangelsk to the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, respectively. This will isolate France and Germany and hasten their surrender, after which Europe will be conquered de facto. "

-Will of Peter the Great, or better called Le Testament de Pierre le Grand.

Counts of the text first appear in 1812, in Des Progrès de la puissance russe depuis son origine jusqu'au commencement du XIXe siècle ('Progress of the Russian Power, from Its Origin to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century') by the French publicist Charles Louis-Lesure, under the command of Emperor Napoleon I as projects, plans and 'secret memories', the word testament was only used for the first time in 1826 in the German translation of the book and only the complete will appears in 1836 by F. Gaillard.

"All this supposedly found by the French adventurer and spy Chevalier d'Éon. However, the text only appears for the first time in our country in 1859, in a brochure by G. Berkholz. The text is actually a collective creation of diplomats and foreign politicians, with ideas that already appeared in the early 1700s. " The journalist and historian Sergey Nikolayevich Shubinsky exclaims in a meeting explaining with a detailed analysis the falsification that is the text 'The Will of Peter the Great'.

A fact accepted by most Russian and foreign historians.

Despite the Russian success in the Russo-Turkish war, and the importance of this in public opinion (Russia gaining a lot of sympathy, or at least the Ottoman Empire losing it) there were circles that opposed Russian policies. Seeing them as an imperialist continuation of the policies of Nicholas I, and thus brought back from the dead "The Will of Peter the Grea".

A political material that precisely called on European countries to unite against the Russian 'barbarians'. In particular, the 1870 edition already "announced" and presented Russia's supposed plans to expand into Japan.

The strategy of this text was that it presented Russia's actions as part of a massive plan by Peter I of Russia for global conquest or domination that led to the next tsars after Peter. The advantage of hindsight, you can make certain actions seem more planned than they really are ...

The text, however, would continue to be published in the following decades, although it was never taken seriously by most European politicians, but it was a strategy of foreign policy speech by some against Russia.


A curious example from 1877, where there is actually a will of a person with interests that X group dominates the world, it currently occurred in the British Empire. Cecil Rhodes, a diamond seeker, writes his first testament in 1877:

"To and for the establishment, promotion and development of a Secret Society, the true aim and object whereof shall be for the extension of British rule throughout the world, the perfecting of a system of emigration from the United Kingdom, and of colonization by British subjects of all lands where the means of livelihood are attainable by energy, labor and enterprise, and especially the occupation by British settlers of the entire Continent of Africa, the Holy Land, the Valley of the Euphrates, the Islands of Cyprus and Candia, the whole of South America, the Islands of the Pacific not heretofore possessed by Great Britain, the whole of the Malay Archipelago, the seaboard of China and Japan, the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British Empire, the inauguration of a system of Colonial representation in the Imperial Parliament which may tend to weld together the disjointed members of the Empire and, finally, the foundation of so great a Power as to render wars impossible, and promote the best interests of humanity. ".

-Testament of Cecil Rhodes of 1877.

Although Rhodes' original will was not known until later, it is fair to say that there were anti-European sentiments in imperial Russia in the late 19th century.

The main recipients of Russian hatred were the English (Anglophobia), for their support of the Ottomans, and the Germans (Germanophobia) mostly for more incoherent reasons, such as the alleged harassment or negative opinions of German student-scientists to Mikhail Lomonosov, a famous Russian scientist and an unknown author of probable Baltic German origin who published texts calling for greater autonomy for the Baltic, Poland Russian and some more territories.

Although the various types of hatred or discrimination between Europeans did not translate into particular or daily violence, we are talking about a strongly nationalist and imperialist era.

However, it is the latter political motives and not discrimination (although it could be an added factor) that caused various wars within Europe.