The first son (October-December, 1891).

Royal wedding]

It was the middle of October, a rather slow month, but Tsar Alexander III and his family were visiting the nearby kingdom of Romania. The family was celebrating a wedding attended by other members of the Balkan royalty, Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich Romanov (son of Alexander III and Empress Maria Feodorovna) was to marry Princess Maria of Romania (Maria von Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen ), daughter of Carol I and Elisabeth of Wied.

This was attended by the Bulgarian royal family (Tsar Sergei I and his family), the Serbian royal family (King Alexander I Obrenović and his mother), the Montenegrin royal family (Prince Nicholas I of Montenegro and his family) and the Greek royal family (King George I and his family), as well as German relatives of the Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen and the Romanovs.

Princess Maria was the only daughter of the Romanian kings, but it was not a problem for other great powers, since according to the Romanian constitution Maria would not inherit anything (the throne would go to other male relatives of King Carol I), therefore not there would be a Romanov on the Romanian throne.


* Perspective of Tsesarevich Nicholas.

"Are my sisters adjusting to St. Petersburg?" Princess Elena of Montenegro asks Tsesarevich.

"Fairly good!". Nicholas responds.

"Good to know. I heard you went back to Manchuria." The Montenegrin princess mentions, talking to Nicholas about what it was like to travel the Trans-Siberian (something the Tsesarevich already had experience with).

There are some looks, some food and dancing.


"Alexander, my brother (I must make these clarifications when so many men in my family are named Alexander), was happy, Maria was also happy although leaving Romania was not very happy news for her.

Consequently the Old Man granted my brother a estate in Bessarabia, right on the border with Romania for the happy couple to live on. A simple solution.

On the other hand, I continued to be a bit bothered by my single status by some of my relatives (the Tsarina of Bulgaria), although I was able to get close to Elena de Montenegro.

Prince Nicholas I of Montenegro is quite happy, two daughters married to Russian Grand Dukes, Russian subsidies and investors in his economy, and the possibility of having Tsesarevich of Russia as his son-in-law, etc. "

-Some writings of Tsesarevich Nicholas.



In the middle of the Renaissance of the Pontic Greeks and the Manchu, among other Russian interests regarding culture, history, etc. The Tsesarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich Romanov proposed to Tsar Alexander III the creation of the Archaeological Society Russian (Русское археологическое общество, Russkoye Arkheologicheskoye Obshchestvo), subordinate to the existing Imperial Russian Historical Society (Императорское Русское историческое общество, Imperatorskoye Russkoye Istoricheskoye Obshchestvo) dedicated to the publication about material related to Russian national history.

However, the Tsesarevich proposed this new organization as efforts based on the collection of historical material from ancient civilizations not only in Russian territories but also from other ancient civilizations outside Russia, promoting the knowledge and literacy of the population through this material.

And also attracting more attention to the Russian tourist sector through new objects for museums, something that Alexander III had already done since he bought Egyptian relics and the Moctezuma headdress.

Tsar Alexander III agreed, and this expanded the functions of the Imperial Russian Historical Society, not only to Russian national history through volume publications, but also excavations, articles in scientific journals, joint work with museums and other scientific institutions. Russian governments, etc.

Tsar Alexander III and Tsesarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich Romanov were appointed honorary presidents, and in particular Tsesarevich was more active than his father, sponsoring an expedition to Egypt (after paperwork about all the work the Russians were going to do in the area ).

At the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, the debate about whether museums were ethical or not would be discussed, and the native populations asking for the retribution of their artifacts and history to their countries from the hands of foreign powers that came into possession of said objects, generally by imperialist means, looting, etc.

Russia on the other hand has argued that in the case of historical assets, they legitimately bought them from the authorities of the time (generally, now, historical assets looted by Russia are another matter).



On October 1, on the island of Java, Eugène Dubois (Dutch paleontologist) finds the first fragmentary remains of the Pithecanthropus erectus or "Java man" in Trinil on the Solo River.

In later years the Pithecanthropus Erectus would be renamed Homo Erectus.

On the same day in Sweden, in Stockholm, Skansen opens as the first open-air museum (and also a zoo), a result of national concerns that industrialization will mean a loss of local traditions and cultural traits.

On October 28, the region of Gifu, Japan, was shaken by an earthquake, leaving more than 7,000 dead and 17,000 injured.


* Qing and Mongolia.

On November 11, the Qing Dynasty and its surroundings are shaken by the Jindandao incident. The incident occurs due to the rebellion of the Han Chinese of the secret society, Jindanao (金丹 道) that rose in revolt in Inner Mongolia.

Inner Mongolia was a Mongolian region that was flooded by Han Chinese and led local Mongols to adopt Han Chinese systems of sedentary ownership and agriculture (as opposed to traditional Mongolian herding).

This was not an incident, it was a massacre that the Chinese authorities in Qing would later rename as an incident, which caused the deaths of 150,000 to 500,000 Mongols and the destruction of several of their southern settlements.

The Qing troops would crush the Jindanao rebellion only in December.


* Perspective of Outer Mongolia.

The Jindanao incident marked a before and after in the historiography of Outer Mongolia, the region was still mainly pastoral and Mongolian as opposed to the more agriculture-oriented Inner Mongolia, the Qing dynasty and with high populations of Han Chinese.

But with hordes of Mongolian refugees from Inner Mongolia moving to Outer Mongolia, there was a pseudo-awakening within Mongol consciousness.

Various participants in the suppression of the Jindanao and the Mongols of Outer Mongolia turned to support the secession of the region from the Qing dynasty.

This also marked a turn in foreign policy, the Mongols in Outer Mongolia turned towards Russia. Why this? Everything is based on the appreciable differences between Qing and Russia.

Russia was in the north of Mongolia, Qing was in the south.

Russia offered cultural freedoms for Mongol-related peoples, was militarily and politically superior to Qing (they forced Qing to give up lands in Central Asia and Russia was on the victorious side of the Sino-Japanese war) and not only that, but also there were more Russian merchants traveling to Outer Mongolia and Xinjiang than there were Qing merchants in the region (a product of the Qing treaties when they ceded Ili to Russia).

Qing on the other hand caused the Jindanao massacre, they ignored the peripheral regions of the northwest (while the border regions in Russian hands prospered), and it was clear that they could no longer defend Mongol stability and lands so well.


November 15, the constitution of the Republic of the United States of Brazil is officially created, in this event the Brazilian army and oligarchs of coffee and milk use the civil war as an excuse to establish a dictatorial, "temporary" republic.

Voting rights are further limited, opinions against the regime are crushed, propaganda is used against the federalists and monarchists, etc.

While the republic can establish a constitution unilaterally, the discussions between the federalists in the south and the Empire of Brazil in the north are complicated by opposition from the monarchical regime to the constitutional changes proposed by the federalists.

November 28, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers is created in St. Louis, United States, a union for electrical workers.

During these periods, while the solidarity of British socialists continues with regard to the situation of the army and the proposals for strikes that threaten the British economic elites continue, in India, the radical of the Indian National Congress, Bal Gangadhar Tilak creates the Indian Home Rule movement.

Based on the Home Rule movement of Ireland, which proposes the autonomy of India but also the industrialization of the subcontinent, the administrative reform that would allow local Indians access to certain government positions, and other nationalist measures.

This would put pressure on the British government, further annoying London's economic-administrative elites, obviously opposed to such a move (including King Edward VII).

Perhaps the worst effect is that the India Home Rule would pave the way for radicals within the Indian National Congress, rather than for moderate reformists.


[The Bullmoose]

* Perspective of Theodore Roosevelt.

"The Travels of Theodore Roosevelt Jr".

"After fixing some paperwork, I was able to ship my new car to the United States, a shame Romanov cars weren't very popular in America at the time (although they were in Europe).

On the other hand, I took a short detour to Kuban, to head to the Black Sea and take a scenic route through Istanbul and the Mediterranean before heading to the Atlantic.

In Kuban on the other hand my experiences did not diminish, I met a nice group of Cossacks who lent me a car to participate in a race in a 'Modern Hippodrome', unfortunately I finished in 5 place.

Yet I finally found out better that he was a Cossack, proud people, an important part of the Russian army, and free, quite nice. If I had to make a comparison (not so good), they resemble in spirit the cowboys and settlers of the American old west.

But they were changing, the Russian army was changing and it was obvious that the Cossacks were doing it too, they were above all a couple of young people now more interested in fast cars and new military technology than their ancestors. "


[Son of God]

On December 22, due to complications with his health, Eliezer Ben-Yehuda dies, something the authorities find out shortly after a doctor's visit to the cabin.

Itamar Ben-Yehuda comes under the care of the social services of the Russian Empire, however during a review of the place, a will of the deceased Eliezer and the documents regarding his stay in a French prison for years are found.

The authorities send reports to Tsar Alexander III, on the one hand the will of Eliezer Ben-Yehuda is fulfilled, with Itamar Ben-Yehuda, less than 1 year old, passing into the custody of a local rabbi who raises the child in Hebrew (for thus making Itamar the world's first modern Hebrew native speaker).

Modern Hebrew is made from part of the documents left by Eliezer.

Originally the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community in Russia was opposed to this, but then the documents regarding Ben-Yehuda's stay in prison were released.

The Jewish community and even Russian nationalists were angry, and outraged about what they read, the Jews at anti-Semitism and the nationalists at the French treatment of a Russian citizen recognized and protected by Tsar Alexander III.

In Western and Central Europe there was not much interest or focus on the documents, but in Russia the document spread rapidly in opposition to anti-Semitic texts (something more common in Russia).


[Sports culture]

The final 4 teams of the 7th edition of the Russian Soccer League are selected.

* Warsaw.

* Kiev.

* Anadyr.

*St. Petersburg.