
I love barging into the lecture hall with a little contour and highlight on my face to bring out the spark.

I love my gorgeous walk, leaving people's mouths wide open in awe.

I love being in the spotlight!

I love being me!

Don't look back. Make them seek your face. I keep my eyes up not to see those tapping each other and turning their faces.

Sadly, I can't ignore the whispers as I walk past a few gaping biscuit bones. They won't stop talking about me while throwing stares.

"Oh, look, it's the gay."

Yes. I am, but not the only gay in school, for Christ's sake.

"He's even on heels!"

Oh yes, darling. Do you like them?

"He's so bad at makeup."

Girl! Check your brows before throwing shades.

"Does he ever notice people?"

Yes, I do, to those without sponge wigs.

"I heard he has dated boys on campus."

That's partly true. I'll give it two out of ten.

Silly, jobless girls!

I clutch my bag on my wrist and walk to a seat. I sit in the middle of the class.

"Did you find your room?"

Shock seeps into my bones.

I lift my eyes to face the bully who humiliated and saved me on my first day at Riedel Hall. What is he doing here?

He pulls out a chair next to mine and sits, a sick smile on his lips.

"I did.." I say in a low voice, unsure of why he's seated next to me. Is he about to spill a new joke? cause a scene?

"Good for you." He cracks his knuckles.

I glance at him, and... the hell! Those bones from earlier? Their mouths are wide open. They are lost, staring at us.

I almost blurt out laughing.

What must they be thinking? This is my happy moment, for real. Glad we made them jealous.


We? Am I terrible for saying that?


But it's just that a few glances should serve their gobbling eyes.

The boy breathes a sigh. "Your name?"

I slide out of my mini-trance and look at him. "Collin."

"Anyways. You're cool with taking notes for me today, right?"



I widen my eyes when he tries to give me what must be his smile, but he looks like a hyena.

Or Nathan's poop, yes.

I repress the urge to roll my eyes. "Is that why you're sitting with me?"

"Yeah. What other reason would I have?" He questions and crosses his arm over the table to rest on them. "I spent half a day at the gym lifting weights. My arms are so fucking sore."

I stare at his muscles and unyielding expression. "Not my problem."

He narrows his eyes. "Did you just give me attitude?"

My heart is pounding, yet I manage to speak. "You should be polite; you're the one who needs help."

He changes positions. Now, he is leaning his cheek against the palm of his hands, eyeing me. "You don't have to be an asshole! Just do it!"


What makes him feel like he can just ask me anything? He isn't my friend! We hardly know each other.

"Y-You should write yourself, sir."

"What did you say?" He smirks stupidly. "Speak louder; I didn't hear you."

"I said you should write yourself!" I groan, tapping the table in haste.

"Bro!" He lets out a loud laugh. "Take a chill pill, okay? Relax!"

The same words he used after scaring the hell out of me yesterday. What does he want? Does he not have any friends? Or are they all like him—unserious and annoying?

He lets out his second sigh today, still staring at me. "Are you having conversations with yourself?"

I clench my fists under the table, trying to keep my cool. Why does he have to be such an ass? And now, I'm even sounding like him.


Stand up.

Get out.

Not like I'll dare say it to his face...

"Look, Mr. Man, I don't owe you anything, and I am not your note-taker."

He chuckles, unfazed by my retort. "Seriously, you don't know my name?"

I stare at him.

"There's a poster of me on the door of this lecture hall, and you don't know who I am?"

I still stare at him.

"Fuck! Just watch this," He says before gesturing to a girl beside us. He twitches his brows at her, and a loud 'OMG' moan escapes her tongue.

"Jaxson, oh Jaxson," she is fanning her face with her hands frantically.

Girls are weird.

"Still not my problem." I snap back at the weirdo, who advances from twitching his brows to licking his lower lip for the girl.

"See!" Jaxson looks back at me. "Your written notes will be way better than mine. Send them to me after our class is over." With that, he lies back on his desk.

The arrogance of this guy.

You will remain here.

Jaxson's eyes are closed, but his lips form a smile. "Thanks in advance, Collins."

My heart stops, then speeds up again. I don't hold long conversations with Dad or Emma like I do now.

I am even showing him my childish attitude.

What is wrong with me?

"I'm going to take a nap," Jaxson murmurs. "Tap me if the teacher comes to our table."


"You heard me well. I was loud enough."

The teacher is inside the hall. She is walking to and fro, talking loudly in her microphone about something that seems important, yet I yell.

"I'm not in for this. I'm still not writing for you."

One of Jaxson's eyes cracks open. "Are you going to ever shut up? I need to sleep."

"I hate you! Just fuck off!"


Did I just give Jaxson more of my attitude again?

I feel it will continue like this anytime he's around me. I just can't control it.

His lips curve into a smile. "Don't curse, Collins. Be a good boy."

Another groan leaves my lips. Butterflies are roaming in my belly seeing his fetish smile. I am about to have a headache. I don't know what is wrong with me, but I can't possibly like him, right?

Not after six breakups.

Collins, Wake up! This is the last thing you want to do!