The staff hurriedly cleaned up the chess arena, leaving only one table on it, and arranged the chess pieces.

Kendall and Jones, from the left and the right, entered the stage opposite each other.

The reporters frantically captured this scene.

The audience was also flushed with excitement.

Jones sat in front of the chessboard and sighed, "When I play chess with kids, I often go easy on them to give them a little confidence. But I will not do this to you because you are too confident."

"When you're overconfident, you might need someone to wake you up!"

The moment Jones sat down, his eyes became very serious.

"Who do you think you are?" Kendall also sat down and said in a cold voice.

"I'm the one who is going to beat you!" Jones moved a chess piece.

Kendall fought back.

Jones made another move, and Kendall fought back again.