Prologue: Aurora do Vale, the Silver Moon Inn, Diego da Silva

Aurora do Vale was a small town in an already small kingdom. In the outskirts of such a town, far from its cobblestone streets that wind their way through a mix of ancient and modern buildings adorned with ivy and flowers, there sat the Silver Moon Inn, and what a place it was.

Nestled right outside the town's main gates but still within its walls, the famous inn was a beacon of warmth, acceptance and comfort. Its welcoming and famous image invited many kind of travelers from many kinds of places and walks of life.

The sun was rising over the horizon and casted a warm glow over the sleepy town as I walked through the streets, headed back to my little inn. The smell of freshly baked bread filled my nostrils, mingling with the scent of wildflowers found on the sides of the streets. I couldn't help but smile at the baker as I walked by but the old woman just had to make a comment.

"Looks like someone had a wild night."

I turned, stopped in my tracks and sighed, hoping she couldn't see how much I was blushing from my exposed back.

"Miss Isabela, please," I begged her but she laughed in my face. In my face!

"Here. Fresh batch. Thanks for the early morning laugh, ya rake."

I took the bread and immediately tried to rush back home. I was freezing without a shirt on. I had no idea where I had thrown it when I went to Maria's place.

"I hope to the gods she didn't rip it before we fucked," I mumbled to myself before nodding at the gate's guards who were trying, and failing, to not laugh at my dilemma.

The streets of my little town were a sight to see, even when it was the crack of dawn. The food was magnificent, the people kind and the mood magical. It was the kind of place that made you want to step outside and soak up the sun. Albeit, not when you needed to do the walk of shame after getting drunk with a bar maid the previous night and fucking till the skies changed color.

You'd think I'd have learned by now. Stop drinking with Maria!