King Farah Marcellus LeRoux

It wasn't exactly something I would've called easy.

If I were to be completely honest, standing over Diego's sleeping body as I procrastinated leaving was by far one of the hardest things I had to do in my very long existence.

I had even begun to list out the pros and cons in either staying or leaving. The pros for staying were endless, the cons being that it would've required me watching Diego age and leave me behind. Not to mention the fact that there was no guarantee that he would have not tried to kill me once he figured out what exactly I am.

I chuckled at the thought, knowing full well I would've let him. My younger brother would've called me a fool.

Another con, one most might have considered rather important, would have been the unchecked actions of my subjects. My brother was enough for now, but down the line, I was painfully aware that I was the only thing restricting the Demon Lord from overreaching their bounds.