
"This was your idea of a good restaurant to eat? It's so…unpretentiously rustic?"

I couldn't help but laugh at Miss Amelia's fancy way of saying the place looked 'poor'.

Just like I'd said, I did pick her up from the inn she and her party had been staying at. The 'Golden Lake inn'. Not as nice as mine, but the owners were decent folk.

It had taken a lot of yelling on Miss Amelia's part to get Laurenz to not hijack their little outing though. He really was a cute kid.

I'd brought her over to Dona Marília's little restaurant, 'Flavors of Marília's'. She served the best local dinners as far as my opinion was concerned, and my opinions were always right when food is involved.

It was one of the places I'd taken him. He really liked the food.

Now, now Di. Get it together. Remember what Sofia said. No thinking about him tonight. Just enjoy yourself with the pretty lady and…and move on.