It Really Was A Mistake

I caught the cup that had been thrown at my head before it had made contact turning around to see Sofia glaring up at me.

"Not now, Sofie. I'm fucking wrecked," I said with a sigh before moving around the still empty ground floor, polishing the tables before we opened.

I'd slipped out of the motel room before sunrise, leaving behind the snoozing Miss Amelia as I did so.

I'd just come down from my room when I'd almost gotten abused by Sofia's throwing skills.

"I thought you were just going for a simple date with that noble."

I sighed, already guessing exactly what she was talking about.

Fucking nobles wasn't that big of a deal in most cases. Emphasis on most cases. Male nobles were usually fine, low ranked nobles were usually less of an issue. But noble ladies? As a commoner, that had historically spelled future problems.