Can I Handle It? (18+)

[Day: Thursday]

[Time: Morning]

[Location: Home]

"Hold on! Hey! Hey! Hey!" Lustie laughed as she danced to some Underground Music that played on my playlist as I was getting ready for today.

I poked my head out my bathroom, amused by Lustie's excitement in hearing this music. I watched as Lustie swayed her hips to the rhythm of the beat, twirling around and just having fun this morning.

Ever since Lustie came around, my mornings have been lively. She put me in a better mood each day, and because of her I'm now more driven to better myself.

"Shiro!~ Come dance with me!~ This music is HITTING!" Lustie giggled as she skipped to bathroom, reaching inside and pulling me out.

I chuckled as I was forced to join Lustie on the dancefloor which was my bedroom. I watched Lustie dance and noticed she was hitting some moves. Lustie looked at me and giggled as she watched me finally give in to the music.

"Aye! Hey! Go Shiro! Go Shiro!" Lustie laughed, hyping me up.

Lustie joined me, dancing once again. We shared lots of banter and teasing. The air was filled with much laughter and energy from the both of us. We danced to a few more songs before I noticed the time.

"Oh shit, we're gonna be late!" I laughed and hurried off to get ready.

Lustie watched me and chuckled. "I'll be downstairs!~"

"Yeah!" I called out.

[Charm EXP +450]

[Talent EXP +700 (Dancing Mastery)]

[Luscious Ambition rose to 25%]

I smiled at the notifications as I put in my new earrings. "Today's the day...Whats the game plan, E?"


"You, System. Your nickname..~" I chuckled softly.

[Nickname Registered.]

[Game Plan: Seduce Amber by raising her Affection Meter to 80%]

[If you end up having sex tonight, you're on your own. I can only help you attract women.]

"I know that. Besides imagine how awkward it would be to ask for help in the middle of it. I would rather cum early than ask for a helping hand in that moment." I chuckled.


[Before you go, would you like to review your traits?]

"Sure. Let's see what we've got so far.." I said.

[Information Acquired.]

Name: Shiro Moji

Age: 19

Birthday: December 6th

Occupation: College Student

Status: The Extra

Looks: 10/10

Luscious Ambition: 25%

Ambition Level: 2

Lust/Seduction Level: Meh.

Charisma/Charm Level: 2

Talent Level: Work In Progress...

Flirting Level: 2

Passion Level: We'll work on it.

Empathy Level: 1

Romance Level: Lol.

Luck Level: Beginner's Luck.

Stamina Level: 2

"Glad to know you haven't changed." I said sarcastically then walked out of my bathroom, gathering my things to leave.

[I'm only teasing.]

"Mhm." I chuckled softly.

[Day: Thursday]

[Time: Morning]

[Location: Matsugaya University]

I walked onto campus and looked around, seeing nothing but an air of opportunity ahead of me. I took my first step onto the campus then Lustie smirked snapping her fingers.

[Luscious Presence Activated.]

Something in my body activated and my brain shifted gears. I chuckled and stroked my hair from my eyes, my charming presence suddenly affecting the women around me. Heads began turning, noticing my presence and becoming captivated.

Aubrie noticed me as she sat with her friend and Mark. A blush slightly ran across her face, her eyes unable to look away from me. "W-Wha—That can not be Shiro.."

Aubrie's friend watched me as well, gently biting her nail as a sly smirk stretched across her face. "Hold on..~ He's kinda hot now..~"

"Amber sighted, but Gloria is also within the vicinity. You can not flirt with a girl while another is present, it'll ruin your bond. Sharing hasn't been unlocked yet, but with your Luscious Presence, you can smooth talk your way in having both of them!" Lustie said as she hovered behind me.

'Should I go for it?' I thought to Lust-E.

[Succession Rate (Luscious Presence ON): 67%]

[You need that Succession Rate to be at 100%. For this, you need your Charisma Trait more than anything else. I shall assist you.]

[Task: Persuade Gloria and Amber to share with you.]

[Reward: Sharing Feature]

I made my way toward Gloria's table with a confident stride. Part of me felt like it wasn't going to work, but because of my Luscious Presence all doubt I carried was weakened by my own Drive and Ambition. As I sat with Gloria, I noticed Amber looking in my direction. I called her over and thus the trials began.

[Persuasion Meter: 67%]

Amber sat with me and Gloria, her gaze fixated on me. Gloria wondered who Amber was and why she was here. Amber, having the same thoughts as Gloria, shared glances at Gloria.

[Generating Random Charm line...]

I looked at the two of them and closed my eyes. "I know this might be a little...sudden, but I have asked both of you out for a date. However, my guilty conscience wouldn't allow me to betray the trust of the two of you.."

Gloria brushed her hair behind her ear then looked at Amber once again, finally realizing the situation. Amber, grasping on as well, looked at Gloria. The two of them looked back at me, allowing me to continue speaking.

I opened my eyes, a faint mystical glow surrounding my light brown eyes. I continued, my voice and words flowing like a soothing river. "I really do like you both and I do want to still take you both on dates."

[Charisma EXP +100]

Gloria chuckled, twirling a strand of her hair around her finger, her voice filled with amusement, "Shiro, you don't have to try and persuade me, especially when I watched you pull Amber at the gym..~ You're pretty good at your game...and watching you was pretty hot..~"

"I can't lie...many guys have flirted with me, but somehow you managed to captivate my heart.. That's why I'm willing to test the waters with you..~ Besides you managed to pull Gloria, I'm not mad at you for coming after me as well." Amber laughed softly, leaning forward against the table.

[Persuasion Meter rose to 80%]

"Nice, now reel it in!" Lustie said and chuckled.

"Would you two be interested in being the first two to join my roster..?" I asked, my gentle gaze shifting between Gloria and Amber.

Gloria felt her heart flutter as my charms had fully captivated her. She gave me a teasing smirk, raising an eyebrow. "Your roster huh..?~ Alright, I'll be in your little harem..~"

"Same with me, as along as you can prove yourself tonight, I don't mind sharing with anyone you bring..~" Amber responded, her sultry voice filled with a bit of genuine excitement.

[Persuasion Meter: 100%]

[Task Completed: Successfully persuaded Gloria and Amber.]

[Reward: Sharing Feature Available!]

Mark watched as I talked with Gloria and Amber, his eyes filled with burning jealousy. He crushed his energy drink can, spilling the liquids on his hand.

Aubrie noticed then grunted as she nudged Mark. "Babe!"

Mark looked at Aubrie then looked at his can. He sighed softly then stood up. "Let's go..."

The bell rang and everyone gathered their things, gossip spreading about me all over campus now. The eyes of disgust from my peers changed into eyes of curiosity, they now wondered who I really was and where my confidence and charm came from.

[Day: Thursday]

[Time: Afternoon]

[Location: Matsugaya University]

I walked out the building, texting Amber about our plans for tonight. She insisted that we hang out at my place for the first date, so I gave in and just gave her my address. I smiled at our exchanges, my heart filled with happiness that I'm finally actually texting a real woman consistently.

As I strolled to the entrance, my attention plastered on my screen, I accidentally bumped into someone then grunted as they immediately pushed me to the ground. I looked up and noticed it was Eric then glared. Those in the courtyard noticed the altercations, the whispers amongst the students starting.

I picked up my phone then stood up. I scoffed then dusted myself off. "The fuck is your problem?"

"You bumped into me, pussy. You should apologize to me, like a good little boy." Eric taunted with a smirk on his face then shoved me back. "No go make yourself useful and send the notes to me and my boys."

"How about you make yourself useful and actually make some buckets? Every game I've gone to, I don't hear the ladies cheering for you. And you're Mr. All Star?" I countered, my voice filled with disgust and annoyance.

"What?" Eric asked, glaring at me.

"You heard me, my boy. I've seen better lay ups from my little cousin. You fucking suck! And you're coming at me? How about you actually learn something in Akira's class, maybe your shots would be better. Just a thought, since you clearly don't think hard enough." I said.

A few people in the crowd laughed as they watched. Eric was now pissed off and he walked up toward me, his demeanor changing into being frightening. I looked at him in his eyes then smirked.

"What..? You're all in my face...Mark would've swung by now..or do you need your daddy's permission?" I taunted.

[Luscious Presence Deactivated.]

"Whoops! I forgot to mention, Luscious Presence only lasts as long as your Luscious Ambition...hehe..." Lustie giggled, her voice having hints of nervousness for the situation now.

'You would've thought that was the first thing you warn me that I clearly see the severity of the situation—' I thought.


I grunted and immediately ducked under Eric's punch then countered with a swift uppercut to his chin, causing him to stumble back. The onlookers gasped and began to make an uproar as our fight started.

"Rush in and block!" Lustie coached.

I gave a look of determination before nimbly rushing in then took a blocking stance just as Eric threw his punch. I managed to push him back, swiftly hitting him with a right hook then a calculated body shot, using what I've learned from Amber during our workout session.

"Jab, Jab, weave, counter! Run the play!" Lustie called out.

I swiftly delivered two jabs at Eric's face, one left then one right. Immediately after the second, I leaned back, evading his right hook then delivered a clean right hook to his jaw, knocking him to the ground. The collective "ohs" began growing, gathering the attention of the security and Akira once again, this time the scene was different.

I looked down at Eric then picked up my bag. "Don't ever forget this moment...if you try to spin back, just know I'll be ready."

[Talent EXP +300 (Combat Mastery)]

[Talent Level UP!]

[Talent Level: 2 (Knowledge in all fields +10%)]

Akira watched me walk off and looked back down at Eric. 'What the hell..? He beat Eric too..?'

Aubrie watched from the table then gently bit her finger, regretting not giving me the time of day yesterday.

[Seems like you've attracted Aubrie.]

'I'll save her for next week...right now I've got to focus on Amber.' I said to Lust-E.


[Day: Thursday]

[Time: Evening]

[Location: Home]

I finally got everything set for my date with Amber. I had my table set for two, with fine china that rarely saw the light of day, now paired with gleaming silverware and crystal glasses that reflected the flickering candlelight. In the center of the table stood a petite vase, cradling a small bunch of amber-colored roses, a silent nod to my guest of honor.

[Talent EXP +1500 (Culinary Mastery)]

[Romance EXP +500 (Setting and Mood Mastery)]

[Passion EXP +300 (Time Management Mastery)]

[Charm EXP +10 (You look nice.)]

I chuckled softly as I placed the last pan down in the counter. "Thanks.."

I had Lust-E playing some smooth jams in the background while Lustie chilled out in my guest bedroom as I got the last bit of details down to a tee.

As if on cue, my doorbell rang, and my heart skipped a beat. I took a deep breath, smoothing out my shirt, before heading to the door.

[You got this.]

'Thanks.' I muttered before opening the door.

There at my door was Amber, looking as radiant as ever. She wore a simple, yet elegant dress that complimented her figure, her hair falling softly around her shoulders.

"Wow, look amazing," I couldn't help, but exclaim, my eyes lighting up with admiration.

Amber blushed, a sly smirk playing on her lips as she bit her bottom lip. "Thank you..~ You're definitely some eye candy yourself..~" she said, gently placing her hand on my chest as she stepped forward.

[Go in for the kiss (Seduction EXP Increase, Attraction Increase)]

[Let her pass (Charisma EXP Increase, Attraction Increase)]

Time felt like it was moving in slow motion as these two important choices popped up. This moment will define my character, it will tell Amber and the rest of the world what kind of man they will be dealing with.

I made my mind up, pulling Amber closer to me, gently kissing her lips. Amber's blush became more intense, but she immediately melted into the kiss.


[Seduction EXP +500]

[Amber's Affection rose to 25%]

Amber pulled away, holding onto my arms, her gaze fixated onto my eyes. Her soft breaths mingled with mine, her heart beat nearly syncing with mine. "Mmm~ Oh you're really getting me amped up now, let's hope you can keep this up..~"

I chuckled as I let Amber pass. I closed the door and grunted softly, feeling a spark inside my body.

"Oh buddy, are you in for a ride~" Lustie chuckled as she hovered beside me.

'What was that?' I muttered to Lustie as I closed the door.

"I am a Lust Demon, Shiro~ You just ignited your Lust in that very moment. The seal is undone~ Tonight, you become a man.." Lustie seductively chuckled then floated off.

My body immediately became excited and I chuckled to myself, patting myself on the back. 'We truly did it..'

[It ain't over yet, Rookie...but you have amused me. Keep it up.]

My dinner with Amber unfolded with an easy grace, each course a testament to my culinary skill and my desire to impress Amber. From the delicate appetizers, to the phenomenal main course, Amber was clearly impressed by my skills and took an extra note of my skills.

We lingered on more for dessert, our conversations flowing freely with the assistance of Lust-E. After a while of chatting, Amber reached over to grab my hand. I watched her, allowing her to.

"Mind showing me your room..?~ I think I know how to reward you..." Amber said in a soft, husky voice as she leaned closer to me.

I immediately became erect and without hesitation, led Amber to my room upstairs. Amber squealing with excitement, followed behind as we bolted up the stairs to my room. We made it to my bed and Amber pushed me down onto my bed.

She placed her hand on my chest, climbing on top of me slowly. She inched closer to me, strands of her hair falling against my face. "We've got this far already..~ Think you can still handle it..?~"

I flipped us over, with me on top, my forehead against Ambers. "There's only one way to answer that..."

"Yeah..?~" Amber cooed in a low, intimate tone as she gripped my shirt, ready to pull it off.

I softly chuckled and kissed her lips. She didn't hesitate to kiss back, soon our gentle kissing turning into a passionate make out session. The intensity of our kissing caused Amber to moan and grunt with pleasure.

We began to undress each other, swiftly at that. We couldn't even take a five seconds break, our lascivious energy too great for us to take a break.

Amber finally pulled away to catch her breath, her hand taking its place on the back of my neck. "Put it in..~ Hurry up..~"

"Don't rush me.." I chuckled softly as I brought my throbbing shaft closer to her pussy.

The anticipation is what made this sensation better, as the moment I began to penetrate Amber, both of us let out moans and groans. Amber now having a tight grip on my neck and my covers, desperately waited for me to make my move.

I held her thigh firmly, taking my first thrust. In response Amber gasped and moaned. Thrust after thrust, Amber's moans and grunts grew louder. Once I set the rhythm, the pleasure really began, the tingles in my body running wild. I couldn't help but to moan as I fucked Amber, the grip she had was nothing short of exceptional.

Amber laid back on my bed, closing her eyes, letting her moans fill the room as I dominated her. "Harder..!~ H-Harder," she begged, her voice filled with complete submission.

Fulfilling her request, I began pounding harder, having her groaning and moaning my name as a result. Her body began to tremble, her breathing becoming heavier as the pleasure within her became overbearing.

"Amber...I'm close," I said in between my grunting then felt her wrap her arms and legs around me.

"Please, cum at the same me..!" Amber whimpered and begged as she was gasping, trying to keep it in for as long as she needed for me.

I began thrusting faster, each thrust gaining more roughness. Amber cried out, screaming with pleasure. I began losing my rhythm, holding onto Amber tightly.

"Yes..! Yes, baby..!" Amber squeaked then dug her nails into my neck as she groaned loudly, her orgasm exploding.

I groaned as I had an orgasm as well, giving Amber powerful thrusts to get every bit of semen inside Amber. Amber moaned loudly, arching her back. A faint glow appeared around her pelvis then a sigil formed under her bellybutton.

[Lust EXP +1000]

[Lust/Seduction Level UP!]

[Lust/Seduction Level: 2 (Luscious Presence (Lust Variant) Efficiency +10%)]

[Amber's Affection rose to 100%]

[Achievement Unlocked: No Longer a Virgin!]

[Reward: Credi +3000]

Amber panted heavily, laying on her side as she tried to catch her breath. I sat on my bed and chuckled at Lust-E's notification. Amber heard me chuckle then slowly sat up. I looked at her then locked eyes with her.

"What's so funny..?~" Amber asked softly, crawling toward me.

"Just still in disbelief...did I slay that shit?" I asked, looking at Amber.

Amber laughed softly then pulled me toward her. "You slayed that shit, baby..~"

I chuckled softly and kissed her lips. She returned my kiss, giggling softly. The two of us got under the covers and snuggled up together, soon falling asleep.

[Day: Friday (Big Day!)]

[Time: Morning]

[Location: Matsugaya University]

I parked my car in the parking lot, Lust-E playing my playlist. Some of the onlookers noticed my car, looking at it in awe. I got out of my the car and everyone noticed Amber with me. I chuckled as I noticed the attention we were given.

[Luscious Ambition: 100%]

I lowered my sunglasses and gave a confident smirk then fixed my jacket. "Today's the big day..."

"Hell yeah it is, Partner!" Lustie chuckled then her eyes sparkling with excitement.