Learning To Steal!

[Day: Saturday]

[Time: Morning]

[Location: Home]


I groaned as Lust-E had woken me up from my sleep, sitting up and spamming the snooze button on her screen.

[It's off, you can stop now.]

I laid back down and pulled the covers over my eyes. "Can't a guy sleep in on the weekends, please?"

"Nope!~ We've got an important event to prepare for tonight." Lustie said as she walked into my room. She snatched off my covers, smiling at me with an excited expression.

I looked at Lustie, sighing softly. "What are you talking about?"

"You remember what Mark and his friends were talking about yesterday?" Lustie asked, crossing her arms, her tail wagging.

"His stupid...party? What about it?" I asked.

"We're going there~ It's open invitation as well! They actually won, and Mark being the MVP was feeling himself so much everyone is invited. We're going there for two people who will guarantee show up." Lustie said.

"Hell no!" I sat up quickly, looking at Lustie as if she's lost her mind. "No way am I going to that dumb ass party."

"It's already too late. The play is already ran. Besides don't you wanna learn a special skill?~" Lustie asked, holding this new skill over my head.

"Fine. What's this skill?" I asked.

"It's an Unlockable. Use Lust-E to unlock a skill named Heart Stealer." Lustie said.

I nodded and grabbed Lust-E off my nightstand then went to the Skills Tab, seeing I had three skills I could unlock. I chose Heart Stealer, spending 3000 Credi to unlock it.

[Remaining Credi: 16,600]

[Skill Unlocked: Heart Stealer]

[Heart Stealer Description: An ability that allows you to "steal" the hearts of others, the potency of this ability depending on your Charm/Charisma Trait.]

"Huh, this is pretty intriguing. How does it work?" I asked and looked at Lustie.

"Heart Stealer works very well with your Luscious Presence, but without it can be useful. Heart Stealer at base comes with a Passive Skill called Silver Tongue, an ability that allows you to sway people to your side effortlessly," Lustie began to explain then summoned a chalk board. "Since this is your first ACTUAL skill that you needed to unlock, I'll give you a quick breakdown."

"Heart Stealer works in two ways Social Manipulation and Aura of Attraction. You can activate this skill at will, but it only takes effect via eye contact or physical touch, physical touch only having a low chance of working," Lustie explained, writing down the information.

"If physical touch has a low chance, I'm assuming eye contact is the only reasonable play for this skill?" I asked, taking notes.

"Pretty much, but once again this skill truly depends on your Charisma Trait. Heart Stealer only makes it easier for you to get women's numbers, but the main usage of Heart Stealer is simply stealing women from other men!" Lustie said.

"What?!" I asked in shock.

Lustie laughed, holding her stomach. She shook her head and placed a hand on her hip. "Nah I'm fucking with you. Imagine liking NTR," Lustie said, looking at the invisible camera.

I looked around and looked back at Lustie. "Was...was that a 4th Wall Break..?"

"Moving on! The higher level your Charisma Trait is, the higher range you'll have with this skill and the better chances you have at swaying your target. While I don't normally have my clients steal women from men, I kinda want you to steal Aubrie and I mean like adding her to your roster type of steal." Lustie said.

I looked at Lustie then sighed, shrugging my shoulders. "Fuck it. Let's run the play then."

"Hell yeah, partner!~ You already know the drill, we're going to the mall to prepare you! So throw some clothes on and let's get to grinding that Charm EXP!" Lustie said.

"Got it." I nodded and got out of bed to get ready.

[Day: Saturday]

[Time: Morning]

[Location: Destiny Haven Mall]

I parked my car then got out, fixing my sunglasses and clothes. "Alright, E. What's the move?"

[Generating Daily Goals...]

{Easy Difficulty: Successfully Charm 3 women}

{Normal Difficulty: Earn 3000 Charm EXP}

{Hard Difficulty: Earn 4000 Charm EXP}

"So it really is a grind fest huh? Alright, let's get to it." I chuckled, making my way toward the mall's entrance.

I stepped inside this now familiar mall, the chatter and music blending into a lively hum. My gaze swept over the scene, a lively domain for sharpening my Charisma.

[Heart Stealer Activated!]

"Let's get to it~" Lustie hummed excitedly.

My first stop was the same cozy bookstore I first met Chloe, its aroma of fresh coffee beckoning. Behind the counter, a young woman with an apron dusted with coffee grounds offered me a warm smile.

"Can I recommend our special blend today?" she asked, her enthusiasm genuine.

I leaned on the counter, my eyes twinkling with genuine interest. "Only if you can tell me what makes it special," I replied, my tone light and engaging.

[Nice one.]

[Charm EXP +300]

The woman smiled at me then began to explain the special blend. As she explained, I nodded thoughtfully, inserting questions and compliments. Her smile widened, a slight blush showing on her face, and by the end of our interaction, she insisted I take a sample for free, "For the delightful conversation..~"

I decided to leave a tip for her, further improving her day before leaving.

[Double Kill? You're on it.]

[Charm EXP +300]


Wandering around the mall, I noticed a young woman scrutinizing a map, clearly perplexed. Approaching with an easy gait, I offered, "Lost? This mall is pretty big."

The woman looked at me then gave me an embarrassed laugh, her cheeks becoming a bit rosy. "Yeah, this is my first time in Destiny Islands actually. I'm still getting used to the area.."

"Whatcha looking for? I can take you there if you want." I offered with a genuine smile.


[Charm EXP +300]

"This store." She pointed at Fashion Haven.

"Alright, follow me." I smiled. "Stay close by, don't want you to get lost..~"


[Charm EXP +600]

The woman blushed, sticking close to me as I guided her to her destination. Her grateful smile was my reward as I guided her, talking about the latest fashion trends as we walked. By the time we parted ways, she was laughing, promising to tweet about me, her 'fashionably insighted rescuer.'

"Last one~ Let's make this one count!" Lustie said.

[Charm EXP Needed for Normal Goal: 1500]


[*Beep Beep Beep*]

I looked at Lust-E, noticing she had detected someone. I looked at my watch, seeing it was it was only hitting 11:30 AM so I knew one Quick Date wasn't going to hurt my time. I followed the Lust Tracker and wandered into another clothing store. I noticed the dot was also moving, and it was a game of find the target.

As I weaved through the vibrant aisles of the clothing store, the familiarity of the moment was suddenly and dramatically altered. Amongst the racks of shimmering fabrics and hushed negotiations, a figure stood out to me—not because of an ostentatious style or a loud demeanor, but because of how familiar the woman looked to me. The way her blonde hair fell around her shoulders, her curved in build, and even the way she stood was all too familiar to me.

Caught off guard, but propelled by an inexplicable pull, I approached, my tone temporarily eclipsed by a wave of nostalgia.

"Krystal?" I ventured, my voice softening.

Krystal turned at the sound of her name being called, and her face lit up with a warmth that could melt the coldest winters. "Shiro? My sweet baby~" she exclaimed, her voice a melody of surprise and delight. In an instant, she crossed the space between us, pulling me into an embrace that felt like home.

Pulling back slightly, she held me at arm's length, her eyes scanning my face, noticing how different I looked. "Look at you, all grown up and...handsome," she said, her tone a mix of her natural flirtatious personality and genuine admiration.

The encounter, unexpected as it was, seemed to pause the bustling world around us. "It's been quite some time...I haven't seen you since you and Mr. Dawn got divorced. I've missed you, a lot.."

Krystal's smile softened, her gaze caught into mine. "I've missed you too, Honey...I constantly thought about you and Whitney, and hoped for the moment we get to meet again and here we are..~"

"Oh yeah..~ 100% a cougar AND a Milf? This one might be more risky to pursue due to her being Whitney's Mom and all, but I can tell she has a strong liking to you. Let's go on a Quick Date with her and get her number!" Lustie said.

[Task: Raise Krystal's Attraction Meter to 100%]

[Reward: Charm EXP +1500]

"Since we're here, how about I help you shop?~" I offered, holding my arm out to her.

[Krystal's Attraction Meter rose to 25%]

[Charm EXP +300]

Krystal took my arm and chuckled softly. "Who am I to deny my sweet, adorable boy..?~"

We began to make our way through the different aisles of vibrant fashion choices. As we wandered around, a sense of camaraderie bloomed between us. I took delight in picking out outfits I thought Krystal would look good in and elegant jewelry that fit her style, my gestures infused with a touch of generosity and thoughtfulness.

Krystal, in turn, beamed with appreciation, her eyes sparkling with gratitude and a hint of surprise at my gestures. She tried on the outfits I selected, each piece a reflection of my perception of her style and grace. She twirled around in each outfit, my gaze lingering upon her, a mixture of admiration and happiness watching her.

Our conversations flowed like water, effortlessly, weaving between shared memories, lighthearted banter, and occasional flirting from us both. Krystal found herself opening up to me about her divorce, explaining it was ultimately Mr. Dawn's decision to get a divorce due to Krystal's line of work.

"I nearly forgot you were an adult actress, you haven't made any new projects in a while." I said.

Krystal's soft laughter filled the air, a soft sigh following her laughter. "I'm retired, baby..~ I have already done what I need to do for my Status. I'm simply taking it slow now."

I looked at Krystal and smiled at her. "If that's the case, maybe I can treat you out again sometime. You know so we can actually reconnect and catch up on a few things?"


[Charm EXP +300]

[Krystal's Attraction Meter rose to 90%]

"I'd love that..~ Oh, here's my new number! I almost forgot that you still only have my old number." Krystal said, taking her phone out of her pocket.

We exchanged our information and texted each other to lock each other in.

"There you go, sweetie~ Don't be afraid to call me now~ Mommy's always ready to hear your beautiful voice..~" Krystal teased, playfully poking my nose.

I smiled and blushed, my heart fluttering as she poked me. I chuckled with a hint of bashfulness, scratching the back of my head. "Y-Yeah, I know.."

"Goddamn this woman is good. Even your Heart Stealer doesn't even affect her, she's just that damn fine. She stole your heart, my boy!" Lustie giggled as she watched.

As we left the store, bags of new clothes and jewelry in tow, Krystal and I walked outside to her car together. After placing her loot in the trunk of her car, I decided to talk with Krystal for a little longer before parting ways.

"Where are you headed after this?" I asked, watching Krystal lean against her car and light a cigarette.

"Back to my house in Twilight Central to get ready to go out with a few of my girlfriends~ Why? Did you want to join us three gals?~" Krystal answered, her voice filled with playfulness and tease.

I chuckled softly and shook my head. "I was just asking, besides I've already got my own plans for the day. And I don't wanna be the sore thumb with your crew."

Krystal chuckled softly, ashing her cigarette. "I wouldn't mind you joining, but if you have plans I won't stop you~"

I smiled and watched her get off her car, after finishing her cigarette.

"Well, honey, I had an amazing time reconnecting with you..~ It was truly nice to see you again.." Krystal said, her tone now soft and loving.

"Me too, and I'll definitely call you soon to set up an actual date with you." I smiled at Krystal.

[Charm EXP +300]

[Krystal's Attraction Meter rose to 100%]

[Reward: Charm EXP +1500]

[Charm Level UP!]

[Charm Level: 3 (Heart Stealer Efficiency Increased, Luscious Presence (Charm Variant) Efficiency +10%)]

"You better~" Krystal chuckled, giving me a kiss on my cheek before heading to the driver's side of her car. "See you later~"

I waved and got out of the way of her car, making my way back to my own.

[Krystal Dawn Registered!]

Name: Krystal Dawn

Age: 36

Birthday: January 28th

Height: 5 Feet 7 Inches

Weight: 126lbs

Nationality: Caucasian American

Status: Mommy

Bond: 30%

Title: Cougar Queen

Occupation: Retired Adult Actress

Most Desirable Trait(s): Lust, Charisma, Flirting, Romance

Least Desirable Trait(s): Inability to keep up with her

Libido: Inhumanely High

Favorite Gifts: Sex Toys, Baking, Clothes/Jewelry, Festive (Winter)

"You did not just put that as her Status with me." I said.

[C'mon, she's definitely your Mommy. And you should be happy. Do you know how many guys dream of even being in Krystal's presence.]

"For real! Like just having a connection with Whitney was like a cheat code! If you hadn't known Krystal before hand, you would've been fighting for your life!" Lustie laughed a bit.

"Whatever, I did my thing. Let's see the results." I said, getting into my car.

{All Daily Tasks Complete}

[Reward: Luscious Box (x3), Ambition EXP +900]

[Daily Analysis: 15 Women Spoken To, 3 Women Successfully Charmed, 10 Compliments Recieved, 1 Woman Successfully Attracted, 1 Number Obtained, 1 Quick Date Participated!]

[Grade: S]

[Credi Earned: 10,000 Credi]

"Alright, now let's prepare for that party!" Lustie exclaimed, excited to see my Heart Stealer in action.

[Day: Saturday]

[Time: Evening]

[Location: Mark's House]

I parked my car at the party and noticed how lively it was. The music blasting could be heard even from outside, people were hanging out all around the premises, and it seemed like much chaos had already happened.

"We are a bit late, but I'm sure Aubrie and Ashley should still be here. Seems like we missed the drama, good. Let's get to it, partner!" Lustie said then became invisible to others.

I nodded, getting out of my car, heading toward the party. I made my way inside the house, where the real party was. I noticed a few people turning their attention to me, both curious and disapproving gazes were directed toward me. Occasional whispers could be heard, surprised that I even showed up.

[*Beep Beep Beep*]

I looked at Lust-E, following the Lust Tracker, navigating through the sea of partygoers until my eyes sought out Aubrie, her presence a beacon of light in the midst of all the chaos. Aubrie stood alone at the makeshift bar area, drinking alone.

"Something's off." Lustie said. "She doesn't look too fine, instead of stealing her out of pettiness like I was planning, find out what's wrong and cheer her up! Not only does this triple the effect of Heart Stealer via Empathy Control, but at least you'll cheer her up. Don't be charming, be dorky and your usual self!"

I walked toward Aubrie and gently tapped her shoulder. Aubrie looked over at me, a look of hurt and betrayal flickering in her eyes.

Aubrie quickly rubbed her eyes and sniffled. "What the fuck are you doing here, Bitch Boy?"

"Shit, I could ask myself the same thing, but I heard Mark was hosting a party for Matsugaya after his win so I came to support the University, not Mark." I said.

"Oh." Aubrie said, looking at the table. She lowered her head, gripping her hair, closing her eyes. "You can leave me alone now.."

[Task: Break through Aubrie's walls by raising her Attraction Meter to 100%!]

I looked at Aubrie, knowing she was hurting badly on the inside. I didn't know what to do, but one thing I knew how to do was comfort people through dorky means. "Well since you don't feel like speaking, I guess I'll talk your ear off. You're the only one at this party I actually know.."

Aubrie, keeping her eyes closed, didn't move from her spot. It was like she wasn't listening to me when I spoke to her. She was purposely trying to ignore me...and it was working until I said a few words.

"Gloria said something interesting about you yesterday...She said that you're actually a nice girl just toughened by circumstances you went through. I can definitely see it within you..." I said, speaking in a soft, soothing tone.

[Empathy EXP +100]

Aubrie opened her eyes, now paying attention to me.

"I don't know you personally, and I know you may not want to even get to know me because of my current status, but when I watch you interact with your friends, I see a smile that kinda warms my heart. A Mega Bitch actually smiling genuinely and not ripping someone's head off? Unheard of." I softly chuckled, taking a sip of my drink.

[Charm EXP +150]

[Aubrie's Attraction Meter rose to 10%]

"That's because you're a nobody to me. Bottom of the fucking barrel. You're even lucky enough to be sitting next to me right now, taking advantage of your chance to get at me next." Aubrie said.

"I'm not here to get at you." I said and looked at Aubrie. "I admit, the first time I was trying to test my luck, but you looked so sad here by yourself. I just want to know if you're okay.."

[Empathy EXP +150]

[Aubrie's emotional walls are weakening...]

[Aubrie's Attraction Meter rose to 20%]

"Tch. That's what they all fucking say. You think because I'm vulnerable you're gonna have an easier time getting to know me? You're still a fucking loser to me. A bit of luck and charm won't change that." Aubrie said, looking at me. Her words cut deep, but I kept strong.

"It's because you're vulnerable I want to know what's wrong..." I said softly, gazing into her eyes.


[Empathy EXP +500]

[Aubrie's Attraction Meter greatly rose to 45%]

Aubrie grunted softly and looked down. She began to lower her guard a bit, sighing softly at my resilience. "It's...nothing you should be concerned with. It isn't your problem anyway..."

"I know it isn't, but I've seen you be a bitch to almost everyone around you so for you to be in this state...it kinda worries me.." I said, my tone expressing more sympathy and concern.

[Empathy EXP +300]

[Aubrie's walls have begun to crumble...]

[Aubrie's Attraction Meter rose to 60%]

"Seeing no one check up on you in this state...it's worrying. Everyone's partying while you're sitting here hurting alone. Where's Ashley? Where the hell is Mark?" I asked.

As I asked this, Aubrie broke down into tears. Her tear streaked face crumbled with the weight of her pain, my heart ached for her as I really wanted to figure out what happened. With a tenderness born from my empathy, I reached over to Aubrie, pulling her into a comforting embrace as her sobs wracked her body.

"Aubrie...what happened? You can tell me," My voice was a whisper of reassurance, my arms like a shelter in the storm of her emotions. Her words trembled out in a torrent of anguish.

"Mark...he...he cheated on me with Ashley," Aubrie's voice quivered, the betrayal cutting deep into her soul.

My grip tightened around her as she cried and let out her emotions, a silent vow of support and solidarity in the face of her shattered world.

I decided to lead Aubrie away from the chaos and the party, taking her to a more quiet area so she could let out her sadness in peace and not gather the attention of all the other attendants of the party. I decided to comfort Aubrie while I was still with her.

[Aubrie's Attraction Meter rose to 90%]

"If you want, I can take you home...Did you come here with anyone?" I asked.

"I came here with Ashley...and I don't want to see her fucking face right now. If I see her, I'm 100% beating her ass...I could kill her if I could.." Aubrie said.

"Let's calm down now...killing her over Mark of all people?" I asked, as I looked at her.

"Tch... What does it matter..? He broke my trust...he betrayed me. This is his second fucking time doing this as well...He won't get a third." Aubrie said, her phone clenched in her hands with anger and sorrow.

"He shouldn't have gotten a second chance.." I said.

"Yeah...but I guess I was just being stupid. I mean, he was my first boyfriend and he did take my virginity...he did buy everything for me as well...What did that bitch have that I didn't?" Aubrie asked, groaning loudly.

"Fuck! I could rip my own hair out right now!" Aubrie yelled and stood up. She sighed then hatched an idea, looking at me with a sadistic smirk. "Or...I could return the favor..."

"Eh?" I asked, noticing her plotting smile.

"Mmm, yeah you should do. He hates you the most so this would be so much better when he finds out...and you're pretty cute now that I'm looking at you. Alright my mind's made up." Aubrie said and placed her hand on her hip. "Take me to your place, I'm fucking you, Bitch Boy."


"Holy shit, no way this is happening!" Lustie laughed, watching with excitement.

"Come again? I didn't quite hear you clearly." I said with an awkward chuckle.

"I said, get your ass up and take me to your place. We're gonna fuck since Mark wants to fuck my best friend. How about I take revenge with his worst enemy..." Aubrie smirked at me, her eyes shimmering with mischief and revenge.

[Take Aubrie Home (Lust EXP Increase, Aubrie joins your harem)]

[Decline (Dumbass choice)]

I sighed and rose my head. I closed my eyes then smirked. "Fine...but you're joining my roster if we do this."

[Aubrie's Attraction Meter rose to 100%]

"Fine by me, just don't expect me to be all lovey dovey with you. You're still a loser to me even after all this." Aubrie said, crossing her arms.

"Seal the deal, Superstar! Use it!" Lustie said.

I awakened my Heart Stealer ability and pulled Aubrie toward me. She blushed, placing her hand on my chest, staring directly into my eyes. She didn't try resisting, her eyes lost within my charming gaze.

"I don't need you to be lovey dovey to me...Just as long Mark knows you're mine now, that's all I care about.." I said, my tone becoming softer as I leaned closer to her.

Aubrie blushed even more, gripping my shirt. "Hmph...deal.."

Aubrie and I kissed each other, sealing the deal. Our kiss lasted a few moments before we pulled away. With our deal sealed, I decided to take Aubrie home with me so she could get revenge on Mark.