Attraction and Athleticism

[Day: Sunday]

[Time: Afternoon]

[Location: Fitness Sanctuary]

I parked my car in the parking lot of the gym and got out, wearing a hoodie and sweatpants with some shoes that helped my feet not ache as much during a hard workout.

"Alright! Let's pump some iron baby!~" Lustie giggled as she hovered beside me.

"You already know," I said, twirling my keys around my finger as I walked toward the entrance. I walked inside the gym and looked around. "Alright, E. What's the move?"

[Generating Daily Goals...]

{Easy Difficulty: Earn 3000 Talent EXP}

{Normal Difficulty: Earn 5000 Talent EXP}

{Hard Difficulty: Successfully obtain a woman's number via your Talent Trait}

'Shit this might be the easiest Daily Goals yet. Alright let's get to it.' I said to Lust-E making my way forward.

[Don't get too cocky. Earning Talent EXP is harder than you think because you're only rewarded for every successful rep.]

'I know..' I said as I confidently made my way to my first workout.

"Hold on, partner. We ain't doing baby reps, unlike all these other humans, your strength grows exponentially faster because of your affiliation with me, so boost them weights up to maximum!" Lustie said.

"Are you crazy..?" I accidentally said out loud to Lustie then grunted, looking around.

A few curious glances met mine and I felt a bit embarrassed and just decided to comply with Lustie, setting the weights to maximum. A few people watched me, a few gym bros watching me as well, wondering if I was gonna pull this off.

[*Beep Beep Beep*]

'No..! The baddies are also watching?! Please hit at least one rep, Shiro!' I thought to myself as I grabbed the handle bar.

A woman who ran on the treadmill watched me, amused at my first attempt to hit maximum weights on the lat pulldowns. I began my first attempt, obviously struggling, but I could feel my target watching me which boosted my Ambition even more. Lustie watched me with her arms crossed and a smirk resting on her face.

I managed to fully pull the bar down then groaned, releasing the handle and letting the weights drop. I grunted, looking at the veins on my arm. 'Holy shit that hurt...' I uttered to myself and heard a few people clapping, impressed.

[Talent EXP +800]

'That's it?! 800?! I nearly broke my arms showing off in front of the ladies!' I thought to Lust-E.

[Better get to working that body til failure then if you wanna meet the EXP quota before the end of the day ¯\_(ツ)_/¯]

"Don't worry partner, I'll make sure you don't fall out~" Lustie giggled.

I nodded and went on to my next few exercises. As I hit the gym, I was determined to boost my Talent EXP and Level Up before Monday. With each rep, I threw myself into the workout with earnest determination. My efforts causes my target to keep her eyes on me as she kept running, her interest in me piquing by the second.

Little did she know, I had a devil beside me coaching me into doing impossible tasks that could ruin my body. As Lustie kept encouraging me and giving funny commentary, I couldn't help but to react at times, accidentally speaking out loud at times. These one sided conversations, punctuated by my expression and gestures, drew even more curious glances and chuckles around me, including my target.

Each slip of my tongue, each confused glance at an invisible presence, only served for my target's amusement, the laughter bubbling up within her uncontrollably. Her giggles mix with the sounds of the gym, creating a symphony of amusement in the gym.

[Talent EXP +15,000]

[Talent Level UP!]

[Talent Level: 3 (Hyper Learning Unlocked)]

[Stamina EXP +20,000]

[Stamina Level UP! (2 -> 4)]

[Stamina Level: 4 (Sexual Stamina Increase, Boost to Adrenaline when activated)

I finally got to sit down after an intense workout then sighed, my body aching from the heavy pain I was feeling. As I rested on the bench I sat on, I noticed someone hold a water bottle toward me and looked up, seeing it was the woman who had been watching me.

"You did pretty good out there~ It was nice watching your struggles and triumphs," The woman said, her smile genuine and friendly.

I chuckled softly at her, taking the water bottle. "Thanks, I guess I was a little extra motivated today.."

The woman sat beside me, her friendly presence wrapping around me. "By the way, my name is Chelsey La Rosa."

I looked at Chelsey, a warm smile appearing on my face. "The name's Shiro, it's finally nice to put a name to your pretty face.."

[You're already a natural.]

[Flirting EXP +200]

[Charm EXP +300]

Chelsey giggled, her cheeks flushing from my compliment. "Shiro huh..?~ Yeah I guess I should've put two and two together. A friend of mine talks about you a lot."

"Really? Who?" I asked.

"Her name is Whitney, I assume you two are pretty close." Chelsey said, a soft chuckle following her sentence.

I blushed and smiled, scratching the back of my head. "We are pretty close. We've been friends since our highschool years."

"I see. She actually babysits my daughter when I'm at work or here at the gym to lose the pregnancy weight." Chelsey said, giggling softly.

"Hmmm...By definition she is a milf, but her age doesn't meet the true requirements. I've got an idea, how about you challenge her? Add her to your roster and then we go after Whitney next. Smooth talk her into the challenge!" Lustie said.

[Task: Obtain Chelsey's Number.]

[Reward: Talent EXP +5000]

Chelsey genuinely did pique my interest, and I already had an idea of how I was gonna use Heart Stealer to smooth talk my way to her heart. I activated my Heart Stealer ability and went to work.

"I can tell you come here often, your figure is damn there immaculate.." I said, my tone full of playfulness and admiration.

[Flirting EXP +300]

[Charm EXP +300]

Chelsey chuckled, a lightness in her voice as she responded, "You really think that or are you just saying that to be a flirt?"

"I mean what I say, besides you truly look amazing. Your figure is truly attractive to me," I said, giving Chelsey a genuine smile.

[Charm EXP +600]

Chelsey smiled and ran get fingers through her hair, a blush settling in on her face. "A lot of guys do tell me that, but somehow your words affect me and make me pretty happy..~"

[Chelsey's Attraction Meter rose to 70%]

I smiled and sat back on the bench. "Are you doing anything after this?"

"Not really, gonna go home to my daughter after this. Why?" Chelsey asked, her gaze full of curiosity as she looked at me.

"Well I was thinking maybe we could play a quick game of basketball or something? I would love to keep talking to you." I said.

[Chelsey's Attraction Meter rose to 80%]

"Oh yes! I love basketball!" Chelsey said, getting up with a quick burst of energy. "A quick game of five?~"

I chuckled, standing up and nodding. "Let's go, quick game of five."

"Yes! Let's hit the court, man!" Chelsey said, grabbing my hand and leading me to the indoor basketball court.

I could see the excitement she had and her love for basketball as she happily dragged me to the court. As we walked onto the court, she grabbed a ball and began to bounce it down the court, smiling.

"I hope you're ready! I'm not known to lose in a game of basketball~" Chelsey quipped, a glint of mischief in her eyes as she sized me up with a smirk on her face.

I flashed a grin in response, seeing her competitive spirit come to life. "Is that so? I hope you aren't secretly underestimating me, you might be surprised," I said, a note of admiration for her creeping into my tone.

Chelsey smirked and held the ball in her hands. "Oh?~ I can't wait to see what you've got," she chuckled bouncing the ball toward me.

I smirked, dribbling the ball while stationary in my position. I hadn't played Basketball since my junior year of high school, so I had lost a bit of my natural talents in the sport. I got the game started with a quick drive to the basket, but Chelsey's speed caught me off guard, forcing me to come to a stop.

As I went for the shot because I couldn't move, Chelsey jumped up, smacking the ball down with a laugh. She hurried to the ball and now she was on offense. Chelsey skipped forward while dribbling, hitting me with the meanest hesi I've ever experienced and had me looking like I had two left feet.

"Oh damn!" Lustie laughed as she watched.

"Wooo!~ Don't make this too easy for me, babe!" Chelsey laughed as she laid the ball up for the first point.

I looked at Chelsey and chuckled softly, walking to take my spot on defense. "It was just a lucky crossover~"

We checked the ball and began the second play. Chelsey's agility and ball handling was insanely good, but I was determined to not let her blow me out of the water. As she dribbled I noticed my Hyper Learning was helping me adapt to her speed, allowing me to steal the ball and make my first point to her surprise.

Chelsey figured it wasn't going to be easy, so she started trying even harder for the next couple of points, her sudden improvements making it harder for me to adapt to her quickly. Soon the score was 4-4, an even game although I had to play extra hard to keep up with her.

"Well~ Game point, Shiro~ You have surprised me, but this is where I call it game," Chelsey said, her voice filled with excitement and determination to win this short game.

"Oh yeah? Well I'll do whatever I can to stop you," I chuckled, my resilience and Ambition boosting my determination to win and further impress Chelsey.

Chelsey smirked then started the final play, doing her best to cross me over, but my Hyper Learning allowed me to finally keep up with her. She tried to bounce the ball between my legs for a trick play, but I closed my legs together, catching the ball between my legs.

I grabbed the ball and began to dribble backwards. We shared light hearted banters and occasional flirts to catch each other off our game. We played our hearts out, but as I was going to make my last shot, Chelsey managed to block me, setting us back to neutral. I tried to go for a quick steal, but she jabbed the ball to the ground, hitting a calculated sidestep and hit the game winning point.

[Talent EXP +2500]

[Charm EXP +500]

[Chelsey's Attraction Meter rose to 100%]

"Boom baby!~" Chelsey cheered for herself, smiling happily and giggling. "The streak continues!~"

I chuckled softly, clapping for her win. "Congrats, you're way better than I thought you'd originally be."

"Shit you too, I haven't had this much fun playing a game of basketball! You're pretty freaking good as well, you must've played before," Chelsey said, having a sense of acknowledgement and respect in her tone.

"I used to play back when I was a junior in highschool, nothing too crazy." I smiled and watched Chelsey walk toward me.

Chelsey smiled and crossed her arms, looking at me. "You know what's crazy, now that I'm actually looking at you, Amber has spoken about you a lot as well."

"You know Amber as well?" I asked, genuinely surprised.

"Of course I do, she's my cousin on my mom's side. She told be about her date with you and how you cooked dinner for her and everything. Now that I'm actually meeting you, everything they say about you is true..~" Chelsey said, her eyes shimmering with adoration as she looked at me.

"Heh! She's hooked, so reel her in!" Lustie said.

"Well, if you like what they have to say about me, how about I show you how true their words actually are?" I asked, my tone switching to a more alluring and charming tone.

[Charm EXP +500]

Chelsey crossed her arms, checking me out then smiled, her mind being made up. She took out her phone and gave me her number. "I'd like that..~ How about you come pick me up at my house this evening and we go on a date just to see if they are really true..."

"Name a time and I'll be there..~" I said with a flirtatious smile on my lips as I stroked her chin.

Chelsey blushed as I stroked her chin, her body quickly heating up from my charms and her attraction to me. "You better..~ I don't give my number to strangers off the first day of meeting..~"

I watched Chelsey walk off and smiled to myself. 'Am I getting good or am I getting good?'

[You're respectable for your levels. Just keep this up and you'll be up there with the greats like Casanova.]

I chuckled and made my way out the gym to my car. "Right. Now let's get Chelsey registered and see these results."

[Chelsey La Rosa Registered!]

Name: Chelsey La Rosa

Age: 21

Birthday: April 17th

Height: 5 Feet 6 Inches

Weight: 117lbs

Nationality: Afro-Latina [Hispanic/African American]

Status: Acquaintances

Bond: 15%

Title: Sharp Shooter

Occupation: Waitress

Most Desirable Trait(s): Talent, Charisma, Passion, Empathy

Least Desirable Trait(s): Dishonesty, Unaccountability, Bullies

Libido: Normal

Favorite Gifts: Fitness Gifts, Yoga Gifts, Mexican/African Gifts

{All Daily Tasks Complete}

[Reward: Luscious Box (x3), Ambition EXP +900]

[Daily Analysis: 1 Woman Spoken To, 1 Woman Successfully Charmed, 20 Compliments Recieved, 1 Woman Successfully Attracted, 1 Number Obtained, 1 Quick "Date" Participated!]

[Grade: B]

[Credi Earned: 2,000 Credi]

"C'mon now, a B rank?" I asked.

[You only spoke to one woman not counting Aubrie.]

I got in my car and softly sighed. "Fair enough.."

[Day: Sunday]

[Time: Evening]

[Location: Chelsey's House]

I pulled my car in front of Chelsey's house, my engine humming softly as I stepped out, a bouquet of flowers in hand as I made my way to her front door. I rang her doorbell and cleared my throat, fixing my collar. The door opened and there she was standing in front of me, her beautiful dark hair flowing down to her hips, the beautiful, yet simple red dress she wore for the occasion, the shine of her golden heart shaped earrings, every about her was simply beautiful.

With a gallant gesture, I extended the flowers the bouquet toward Chelsey, a silent offering of adoration. "These are for you, Chelsey. You look beautiful tonight," I complimented, my words sincere and heartfelt.

[Romance EXP +200]

Chelsey's cheeks flushed with a blush of pleasure as she accepted the flowers, the sweet fragrance adding a touch of romance to the moment. "Thank you, Shiro..~ You are quite the charmer it seems," she teased, a playfulness in her voice.

Chelsey said her goodbyes to her older sister who was looking after her daughter for the night before following me to my car. Being a true gentleman, I opened the car door for her, allowing her to get in the passenger side. She enjoyed my charming gesture, saying, "Maybe chivalry isn't dead." I got in the car and began to drive to our destination.

As I drove, our conversations flowed well, weaving between old takes when we were younger, our dreams, and laughter. The evening air was alive with a hum of attraction and whispers of connection, as we navigated the roads toward a cozy bistro for a romantic dinner.

At the restaurant, a candlelit table awaited us, the soft glow casting over us as we settled down for a meal. My thoughtful gestures and Chelsey's infectious happiness created a tapestry of joy and shared moments of intimacy. We didn't open up about too much, but we opened up about enough for us to build an even deeper connection.

Over dinner, we shared moments of laughter and heartfelt conversations. It felt amazing for the both of us as our chemistry seemed to grow quickly.

"I must say, I haven't had this much fun on a date since...I don't know, my senior year of high school. You really know how to treat a lady~" Chelsey said, her gaze stuck on mine.

"I'm glad you're having fun, my main goal is to make sure my dates enjoy themselves to the fullest.." I chuckled, keeping eye contact with Chelsey.

Chelsey leaned against the table, smiling at me. "Well I can definitely say that I'm truly enjoying myself..~ I'm glad we came out, or else I would've missed this opportunity to see what makes you so special," she said, her voice becoming intimate.

"Trust me, you wouldn't have missed the chance even if we didn't go out today...If you hadn't made the move, I would've..~" I said, my tone also becoming low and intimate.

"Yeah..?" She asked, twirling a strand of her hair around her finger.

"Without a doubt," I answered, reaching over and moving a few strands of hair from her eyes.

[Charm EXP +600]

Our night continued smoothly, soon the bill came letting us know our night was slowly coming to a close. After paying the bill, the two of us left to go back to our car, holding hands.

[Day: Sunday]

[Time: Night]

[Location: Chelsey's House]

I parked my car in front of Chelsey's house, sitting back in my seat and looking at her. Chelsey smiled and looked at me, her eyes letting me know she didn't want this night to end.

"Promise you'll take me on another date..?~" Chelsey asked softly, her voice full of hope that this wasn't truly a one time thing.

I gently brushed her hair behind her ear, chuckling softly. "C'mon, you already know we're going on another date in the future..."

[Bond with Chelsey increased.]

Chelsey smiled with relief and cupped my hand in hers. She leaned toward me, closing the space between us and bestowing a kiss on my cheek. "Good..~ I'll see you soon then~"

I nodded and smiled at her. "Most definitely.."

I watched Chelsey get out my car and watched her walk to her front door. She looked back and waved at me, and I waved back at her before driving off.

[Date with Chelsey Successful!]

[Date Analysis: 35 Flirts Given, 35 Flirts Recieved, 1 Great Gift Given, $250 Spent!]

[Grade: A]

[Credi Earned: 7,000 Credi]


[Day: Sunday]

[Time: Night]

[Location: Home]

I finally made it home, groaning as I felt extremely sluggish and exhausted. My body felt like it was ready to give out at any moment. Everything ached beyond belief. I couldn't even make it to my room, flopping on the couch.

"Why does everything hurt..?!" I groaned.

"That's the downside of your Stamina Trait. Your stamina works almost like Ambition, but has a hidden meter that recharges everyday. The more active you are such as fighting or working out and even having sex drains your stamina pretty fast." Lustie said.

"And you didn't think to tell me this information before I nearly killed myself in the gym? Geez, why do you always wait so long telling me a drawback of something that's important?" I asked.

"Plot and perfect timing." Lustie said.

"Whatever... I'm heading to sleep, tomorrow is going to be a very interesting day." I sighed, covering my eyes with my arm.

"I agree, but no worries! I'll make sure you're ready! There's no way I'm allowing you to lose if he does end up trying to fight you." Lustie said, summoning a blanket and covering me with it.

"Thanks..." I smiled and sighed. "I appreciate it.."

Lustie smiled at me and turned off the lights with a snap of her fingers. "Sleep well, Shiro~"

I nodded and closed my eyes, easily drifting to sleep, resting for tomorrow's events.