Setting The Plan

[Day: Wednesday]

[Time: Morning]

[Location: Home]

I looked at myself in the mirror, fixing my hair and putting on my contacts. I felt really good with myself this morning, a feeling I haven't had in a long time. Lustie noticed my increasing confidence, chuckling and biting her lip. She was really feeling the increased confidence, her ears wiggling as she watched me.

"How do I look?~" I asked, turning to Lustie, giving her a striking pose.

[Charm EXP +1000 (Looking sharp!)]

Lustie's tail wagged, her eyes slightly glowing. "Looking good, Superstar~ So you're going out with Krystal this morning. Skipping classes?"

I placed my hands behind my back, closing my eyes and giving her a smug smile. "I'm passing all of my classes with flying colors and then some. Plus I already texted Akira and she just sent a thumbs up. A couple missed days ain't gonna hurt me."


[Works for me.]

Lustie shrugged and smiled. "Hey, I'm just a Demon living with her human. Whatever you choose to do, I'm with you, Boss~"

I smiled, walking out of my bathroom to finish getting ready. Today was a pretty special day for me as it would be the first time I actually spent time with Krystal in a couple years. My heart raced just at the thought of spending time with Krystal.

[Hey. I have something I want to tell you.]

"What's up?" I asked, scrolling on my laptop to finish some quick assignments.

[You can use the Luscious Boxes you collect to obtain Luscious Ranked Gifts for your dates. I know it's pretty convenient of me telling you, and I'm not gonna break the fourth wall like Lustie.]

"I can already hear her now...'We're 12 Chapters deep and we're just now explaining the most basic mechanic of the System?' Like woman, it's your fault. You didn't explain it," I chuckled softly then sighed at the fact I became the one thing I didn't want Lustie to do.

"Oh har har har. Laugh it up! I explained it in Chapter 4!" Lustie said.

[Incorrect. The Luscious Box simply appeared via your magic and it being a gift to Shiro. He had no explanation of the Item: Luscious Box.]

"Why are you two blaming me when you should blame the guy writing this scene? We should've been moved on!" Lustie said, crossing her arm.

"Wow, this is too meta for me, everything went up to 100 so fast. Let's just go before I lose my mind." I said, gathering my things and leaving my bedroom.

[Day: Wednesday]

[Time: Morning]

[Location: Morning's Destiny]

I parked my car in front of a nice cafe called Morning's Destiny. The reviews from this cafe says the owner has her own 'Aura', a motherly love that makes the entire atmosphere cozy and warm. Her cooking is said to be the best in the world, competing with Top Chefs that were trained by Gordon himself. On top of all of that, she prides herself that this cafe is Destiny Central's go-to cafe for the mornings, so it's always pretty busy here.

"Damn, where the hell is Krystal? She told us to meet her here," Lustie said, looking at her phone to check the time. "Mama Rhea is inside cooking and I'm not trying to miss this meal!"

I leaned against my car, looking at my phone and got a text from Krystal. "She's just running late. Her driver got caught in traffic."

[Scanning the area, Destiny Central does have a population of 3.5 Billion. I wonder who even founded this land, started this country. This island has a whole military!]

"It does?! I've been in this country for over 10 years and never learned about their military! Did you just learn that?" Lustie asked.

[I am a way newer model so I have access the more Earthly Information since you had Asmodeus create me.]

'Let's me know she's been at this job. 10 years strong. I wonder if this is her only purpose..' I thought to myself.

Moments go by as we waited for Krystal to arrive, and soon her driver parks his car next to mine. Krystal got out of the car, her beauty nearly blowing me away. Her hair was beautifully curled and rested nicely on her shoulders, she wore a cozy pink sweater and blue jeans. She even did her makeup for this outing, her appearance did matter a lot to her and I could truly see where Whitney got her style from.

Krystal approached with an apologetic smile, the slight rush adding a glow to her cheeks. "Sorry to keep you waiting, Honey. Traffic truly was unforgiving this morning," she explained as she gave me a hug.

I hugged Krystal back and smiled, my demeanor softening within her presence. "It's alright, just glad you made it..~"

[Empathy EXP +200]

[Love EXP +100]

Lustie watched us and giggled softly, her tail swaying and her ears wiggling. 'Can't forget they have history..~ That's a hug you give someone you love..~'

Inside, Morning's Destiny was a hub of gentle activity. The warm interior, bathed in the warm light of the sun that gently peeked through the windows, welcomed us with subtle chatters of early customers and the delicate clinking of coffee cups. We found a cozy corner table, an intimate spot that felt removed from the day's impeding hustle.

"This is a pretty nice place isn't it?" Krystal asked as she looked around with a smile.

"Yeah...the cafes near me don't feel like this one. I actually feel at home here," I replied, taking in the beautiful interior of the cafe.

Krystal smiled, her gaze shifting over to me. "So tell me, my handsome man..~ How's life been treating you?" Her tone, intimate, yet motherly at the same time.

I blushed a bit at her tone, but could still give her an answer. "It's been treating me pretty alright. You know, what's life without a few battles?"

Krystal chuckled softly and leaned forward against the table. "I hear about your adventures on campus from Akira..~ My big boy decided to finally fight back~"

"I don't know how she explained it to you, but the context is way bigger than that," I chuckled softly, scratching the back of my head.

The waitress showed up to our table, not noticing me at first. "Ms. Dawn~ Welcome back~"

"Oh, sweetie, you know I'll be here every morning~ You and Rhea are such sweethearts~" Krystal chuckled then looked at me. "But greet my date as well, he's surely an eye catcher~"

The waitress looked at me then blushed madly. "Sh-Shiro?!"

I looked at the waitress then snickered a bit. "Good morning Aubrie, didn't know you worked here."

"Oh?~ You two know each other?~" Krystal giggled softly.

"Oh yeah, we know each other well.." I said to Krystal, teasing Aubrie.

[Charm EXP +300]

Aubrie pulled my ear, her cheeks as red as her uniform. "I told you, loser, that was a one time thing!"

'She's obviously lying, but this shit hurts so I'm just gonna agree with her!' I thought to myself.

[Generating Bold Response...]


I looked at the line and now my doom was near. I was forced to say this line and I knew Lust-E just wanted to see my world burn. I accepted my fate, getting back into my charming persona.

"That's not—"

[Charm EXP +300]

Aubrie shoved my head against the table, her entire face now completely red. She leaned toward me, staring me in my eyes. "Finish that sentence, and I have Mama Rhea poison your food..."

"Aye aye captain..." I softly groaned.

Krystal chuckled, watching our interaction. "Yeah, you two are pretty close~"

Aubrie let go of me then reset herself, putting back on a friendly smile. "Alright, what can I get for you two lovely customers?~"

I opened my mouth to speak, but Aubrie tapped my head, making me close my mouth.

"I guess I'll order for him~ Two orange juices, one chocolate milk, a stack of four pancakes, two strawberry, two chocolate, a Rhea Style Omelette and a special Acacia Style Waffle~" Krystal said, setting the menu down with confidence.

"The chocky milky must be for you, Baby Boy~" Aubrie teased, ruffling my hair and giggled.

I blushed, gently smacking her hand away. "Yeah yeah."

Aubrie softly laughed as she stepped back. "I'll have everything out in a moment~"

Krystal watched Aubrie walk off then looked at me. "She's a sweet girl truly..~ I'm actually friends with her stepmom, Rhea. She owns this establishment, the CEO of Morning's Destiny. This is her main store."

"I mean, she has her moments of sweetness...I guess. This is probably the first time I've actually seen her be nice...and it was genuine. Even the way she teased me, there was no spite like there was before." I said. "She's sweet and sour I guess. I mainly get her sour side even through messages."

"There's nothing you can do to change that..~ She told me how you practically saved her from her scummy boyfriend yesterday. She likes you, Honey...just give her time to adapt to these new feelings." Krystal said.

I smiled and nodded, sitting back in my seat. I could see her checking up on a few more tables before we accidentally locked eyes. She waved at me, making me wave back but was tricked into a mischievous middle finger from her followed by a chortle from her. I rolled my eyes, smiling and watching her walk off.

My conversation with Krystal began flowing like the coffee being poured into a cup. We began catching up with everything that's been going on and where Krystal's been. It was so nice to really catch up with her, the smile she put on my face couldn't be recreated by any other woman, a smile of youthful joy.

As we shared our fine breakfast, my breakfast being a cheerful memory of when Krystal, Whitney, and I used to always go out on weekends for breakfast, we really dove into shared memories that had the two of us laughing and smiling like no tomorrow. Time seemed to move slow as we spent time together, a luxury that felt immaculate to us.

"You know...I know you haven't heard from Whitney in a while and everything. Whitney actually wants to meet up with you, but.." I started.

"Yeah I know, hon. Garret won't let her come see me because he still thinks I haven't changed. I've written many letters to her, tried calling but he won't let me speak to her. He thinks I'll badly influence her mind." Krystal said, a bittersweet tone filling her voice.

"We're still going to meet up, but we agreed it has to be through me. She doesn't have your new number and I can't give it to her in case Mr. Dawn finds out." I said.

Krystal smiled at me, her heart warm and heavy with joyful emotions. "You two are really going this far as to strategize how you're gonna get all three of us together?~ Sweetie, just invite us to your house and go from there."

"Huh we were really complicating it weren't we?" Lustie said.

'Honestly, but it just feels too easy but at least it doesn't make him suspicious.' I thought to Lustie.

"Yeah you're right..~ I was thinking we meet up on a Saturday since Whitney does babysit for a friend of ours during the week." I said.

"I can most definitely clear my schedule for Saturday..~ I would give the world to see Whitney again..~" Krystal said with a happy smile on her face.

"Perfect! Mission 1 of 3 done." Lustie said.

[Personal Goal Complete: Set up a meeting with Whitney and Krystal]

Krystal and I lingered on for a moment longer, having easy conversations, Aubrie even joining along and sitting beside me. This morning felt really nice, a gentle morning I've always wished for.

[Day: Wednesday]

[Time: Afternoon]

[Location: Destiny Central Park]

The whole day Krystal and I spent a lot of time with each other and finally we met ourselves strolling down the city park's trail. Hand in hand, we immersed ourselves in the presence of the nature around us.

As we strolled around, Krystal spotted someone in the distance then smiled. I noticed her direction change and followed her, noticing she was going to greet one of her friends.

[*Beep Beep Beep*]

"Oh gosh, it is you~ Habilee!~" Krystal excitedly greeted as she approached her friend.

Habilee looked over at Krystal as she heard her voice, her glasses nearly slipping from her face. She looked surprised and fixed her glasses, her cute brown eyes shimmering with happiness to see Krystal. "Krystal!~ Hi, how are you doing?~"

"Yoooo~ Isn't that your Librarian?~" Lustie giggled.

Habilee Heart is known as one of the nicest members on staff in Matsugaya University, and she's the librarian. Now, I can admit that she's insanely pretty and she's only 30. She has straight brown hair that reached down to her shoulders, caramel brown eyes, and a developed figure that all the guys on campus talks about.

"Hold on before we pursue her, this is a great time to explain Link Dates. Let her chat for a bit, try to find somewhere private like a restroom or something." Lustie said.

I nodded at Lustie. I looked at Krystal, tapping her shoulder. "Hey, Krys. I'm gonna go find a restroom."

Krystal looked at me and smiled. "Okay, sweetheart, I'll be here when you get back~"

I smiled at her then got up and went off to find a restroom. I finally found one after having to backtrack with the help of Lust-E. I went inside and took my spot in one of the stalls.

"Alright, Link Dates. What is that?" I asked.

"Link Dates are essentially you and two chicks at the same time. Now these chicks have to be at least 80% Compatible and there's not much you can do to change Compatibility Percentages." Lustie explained.

"Ahh okay. Now how do I set this up? Do I just simply ask two women to go on a date?" I asked.

"Pretty much, now there's two types of Link Dates. One being the Normal Link Date, like Krystal and Whitney, and there's the Luscious Link Date, now that type of date could lead to a possible threesome which boosts your EXP earnings by 300%. Link Dates are pretty cool, but they drain your Luscious Ambition's Social Battery twice as fast." Lustie explained as she used her magic to project the charts and information on the stall door that only I could see.

"Got it. Link Dates essentially triple my EXP and Rewards, but drains my social battery twice as fast making me tired quickly. That's a pretty good trade off not gonna lie. Whoever made this put some thought into this..." I said as I looked at the information.

"The best part about it is you're making two women happy at the same time which boosts their Bond but also your experience. I already looked into it for you and yes Krystal is compatible with Habilee both for Normal Link Dates and Luscious Link Dates while for Whitney it is only Normal Link Dates. That's all there is to it." Lustie finished.

[New Feature Available (Link Dates)!]

"Alright, I think I understand it." I said as I stood up. "Let's go back out there and get something started."

"Hell yeah!~ Let's go!" Lustie giggled.