Dawn Reunion

[Day: Saturday]

[Time: Morning]

[Location: Ashley's House]


Ashley and I groaned as Lust-E woke us up using her alarm. I sat up, pressing the button to turn the alarm off then sighed, rubbing the back of my head. I looked over and noticed I was still in Ashley's room. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, yawning and letting out a soft sound as she stretched.

Ashley looked over at me, her expression showing a mix of happiness and gratitude. "Good morning..~" She greeted, her voice soft as she was still waking up.

"Good morning.." I greeted back, a smile showing on my face.

Ashley leaned closer to me, her pinky wrapping around mine. I watched her, our eyes locking on each other.

[Go for the kiss (Seduction EXP Increase, Ashley's Bond Increase)]

[Playfully stop her (Charm EXP Increase, Ashley's Bond Increase)]

I stared at Ashley as she kept leaning into me as if she was moving in slow motion, another important choice having to be made. I leaned into her, my finger finding its place upon her lips. She blushed and paused in her tracks, staring at me. I chuckled softly as I stared at her then surprised her with a kiss on her lips.

[Oh? Going for both options huh? Surprised me.]

[Seduction EXP +500]

[Charm EXP +500]

[Bond with Ashley Increased!]

I pulled away from the kiss, smiling then got out of bed. "I've got to get home and get ready for my day..~"

"Already..? Not even staying for breakfast?" Ashley asked, slightly pouting and poking her lip out.

I stared at Ashley then laughed softly. "Don't hit me with that face, Ash..~ Alright I'll stay for breakfast..~"

Ashley smiled happily then got out of bed. The two of us made our way downstairs, Ashley offering to cook for me. We went into the kitchen and I took my place at the table while I watched her prepare everything for breakfast.

Ashley and I talked a lot this morning about various topics, our plans for the day and what I had planned for later tonight. I personally didn't know how long I was going to be hanging out with Krystal and Whitney today, so I couldn't give her a clear answer of if I was free tonight.

As we shared breakfast, I felt our connection deepening, her heart opening up more to me bit by bit. It felt nice seeing Ashley smile again and seeing her eyes full of life once again. I still had plans on fixing her and Aubrie's friendship, but I couldn't focus on everything at once but she understood and was very patient with this process.

After breakfast, I walked to my car with Ashley walking with me to my car. "So you're gonna go out with Naomi today huh? That's good, should keep you busy for a while~"

"Yeah, I just need some time to just...unwind after everything that's been going on. I hope everything goes good with you and your outing..~" Ashley said.

"I know it should go well..~ It's a calm Saturday, and everyone's mood should be high," I said then looked over at Ashley. I noticed her staring at me with a happy smile on her face. "If I have free time, I can swing by back here if you want."

"I'd love that..~" Ashley said, gently holding my hand. "Maybe...we could listen to music together and vibe..~"

"Definitely." I said then looked at my phone. "Alright, I should be heading out now. Don't wanna get home too late."

"Alright, be safe on the road." Ashley said.

"I will." I replied, giving her a gentle kiss on her forehead.

[Bond with Ashley Increased!]

Ashley watched me get in my car then made her way to her front door. She waved goodbye to me, and I waved back before driving off back home.

[Day: Saturday]

[Time: Morning]

[Location: Home]

I finally got ready for the day, checking the time. It was getting ready to be 11 and I was expecting Whitney and Krystal at any moment. I made my way downstairs and heard a car honk outside then looked out the window, seeing Krystal's driver outside.

I went outside to greet Krystal, watching her step out of her car, her beauty still as perfect as ever. I walked toward Krystal and smiled at me. "Hey there, Krys~"

"Mmm~ Hey, handsome~" Krystal chuckled, embracing me in her arms with a warm, tight hug.

I hugged back and smiled, always finding myself so happy in her arms. We let each other go and I began to lead Krystal to my house until we heard another car pulling up. We looked back, seeing Mr. Dawn's car. My heart stopped a bit since I wasn't expecting both of them to show up at the same time.

Mr. Dawn noticed Krystal with me and grunted. "What the hell..? She's here..?"

"C'mon Dad, please don't do this right now..." Whitney softly whined, looking at her father. "This is really important to me..."

Mr. Dawn looked at Whitney then looked back over at me and Krystal, giving Krystal a judgemental look. He turned the car off then got out. He looked at Krystal and slightly glared at her, still feeling a bit of animosity for her.

Krystal noticed his glare then looked away from him. She was about to speak then noticed me stepping forward. "Shiro..?"

I walked forward and placed my hands in my pockets. "Mr. Dawn, I'm sorry you had to find out this way, but I am the mastermind behind their meet up."

"Why? You of all people should also understand how I feel about Whitney and Krystal seeing each other. That woman is no good for either of you. Nothing but a bad influence! Did you forget what she does?" Mr. Dawn asked, his tone judgemental and unapproving.

I tilted my head and sighed softly. "I don't care."

Mr. Dawn looked at me a bit surprised from my shift in demeanor. He watched Whitney get out of his car. "Whitney, what are you doing?"

"I'm going with Shiro and Mom! I haven't seen her since my sophomore year after you kicked her out!" Whitney said then turned to her father. "I love you, Dad...I truly do...but I love Mom just as much and this has been my dream! I'm not letting you stop me!"

Krystal smiled at Whitney's words then shifted her gaze back to her ex-husband, wondering what he was going to say.

Mr. Dawn stared at Whitney, his mind unwavering and his decision final. "Whitney, I do not approve of this. I'm banning you from seeing Krystal AND Shiro if this is what you're pulling behind my back. I give you a home and clothes and yet you still want to run to a slut who can't close her legs?"

"Dad!" Whitney gasped, covering her mouth.

Mr. Dawn's comment angered me in the inside because of his blatant disrespect toward Krystal. I walked toward Whitney and had her go over to Krystal. She nodded and hurried to Krystal, hugging her.

"Mr. Dawn...I still have a lot of respect for you. You're my father figure after all...but what I'm not going to allow you to do is disrespect Krystal." I said, my tone more serious than usual.

Mr. Dawn stared at me and crossed his arms. "I understand you love Krystal as well, but you don't understand what you're doing. A woman like her doesn't change. Good for her for being a professional Adult Actress, but when it came to taking care of Whitney, I was the one doing that while she was out fucking other men and getting wasted."

"She changed on me...the moment Whitney was old enough to watch herself, she decides to act like a little teenager, going out and—"

"How would you know if you were never home to see all the good Krystal has done for the both of us. All of those memories we shared? All of those outings we went on? You really have it in your mind that she doesn't care about Whitney? You're making her look like a terrible mother when you hide all of the letters she sent and the calls from her you've kept from Whitney." I interrupted, not wanting to hear anymore of his slander toward Krystal.

"W-What..? You wrote me letters and you tried to call me..? Dad told me that you didn't love us anymore after you left.." Whitney said, finally learning the truth.

"I did, sweetheart..~ I still love you with all of my heart and soul...you're my only child. I'll give the world for you.." Krystal said, giving Whitney a motherly smile while wiping her tears with her thumb.

Mr. Dawn glared at me. "You're willing to throw away our trust...for Krystal? The man who saves you from Mark and his gang. The man who gives you a second home?"

"You can't manipulate me, Mr. Dawn. I'm not the same naive boy any of you once knew," I said then activated my Luscious Presence to boost my Heart Stealer. "With that said, Whitney moves in with me, where she can freely see Krystal."

[Mr. Dawn's Heart has been stolen.]

Mr. Dawn grunted then sighed, getting back into his car with defeat shown on his face. He drove off without another word.

"Heart Stealer is so cool, you basically win every debate and argument with that and now you have completed the second mission!~" Lustie giggled.

[Mission Complete: Convince Mr. Dawn to let Whitney move in with you.]

[Reward: Ambition EXP +1000]

[Ambition Level UP!]

[Ambition Level: 3 (All Current Skills Potency +10%)]

[Social Battery has lowered to 75%]

It didn't feel good to me using my power in such manner to negatively manipulate someone, but I couldn't let him continue bashing Krystal and lying to Whitney. That conversation alone killed my mood, but at least I have both Dawns safe with me.

[Link Date Start: Whitney x Krystal]

After such an interaction, the three of us went into my house to unwind and cool off. Krystal and Whitney sat in my living room and caught up with each other about what happened over the years while I went to the kitchen to make lunch for the three of us.

We began to share lunch in the living room, watching old shows we used to always watch and chatting about the plans for the day and talking about old memories that were embarrassing yet humorous now that we were looking back on them.

Whitney's eyes began to shimmer with excitement as she hatched an idea. "You know what we all should do? We should play Pixel Warriors!"

Krystal's eyes piqued with interest from Whitney's suggestion. "That old game?~ I haven't seen you two play that game since you two were 14!" Krystal laughed softly, shaking her head gently.

I chuckled softly and got up. "I still have the cartridge upstairs, I can break out the old system and bring it down here," I said, smiling at the two of them.

"I'll help you look~" Whitney said as she got up.

I nodded and the two of us went upstairs to my room while Krystal stayed downstairs, continuing to watch the show that was on. Whitney and I were in my closet, rummaging through packed boxes and old bins for the game system.

Whitney glanced over at me, although she was happy, she still thought about the interaction between her dad and us.

"Shiro," Whitney began, her voice hesitant, but needing to break the silence, "I know you don't want to think about it right now, but...I want to thank you for bringing all the truths to light. About my dad hiding Mom's letters and calls to me...it really had me thinking about what all he's lied about.."

I paused, a sigh escaping me as I lowered a box to the ground, the weight of her gratitude and our shared history weighing down on me. "Whitney, your dad was like a father figure to me...since my parents originally abandoned me due to their inability to take care of me." I admitted, my voice tinged with a bit of sadness and fondness.

"It wasn't easy... listening to him bash Krystal, tarnishing her name. I can truly see his side...truly but I don't agree with him. Yes Krystal was an adult actress, but she told me that it was all just for the money for you and me. It wasn't easy making this decision because I don't want you to lose your relationship with your dad, but.." I continued then grunted as Whitney placed her finger on my lips.

Whitney moved closer to me, her eyes searching mine. "You don't have to explain yourself, Shiji..~ I understand your decision was made to ultimately protect me and mom. You've always thought about others before yourself and that's what I love the most about you... I'm sure your decision won't affect my relationship with Dad that much and I'm sure he'll understand why you did it.."

I met her gaze, the corners of my mouth lifting in a tender smile. "Are you sure you're okay with my decision..?"

"I'm perfectly fine with it..~ I've always dreamt of living with you...by your side, my high school crush..~ I'll still visit Dad and I'm sure we can all get along again in the future.." Whitney said, her gaze staying firm on mine.

Whitney and I shared a gentle kiss before going back to searching for my old game system, with boxes and containers moving and stacking on one another. Whitney finally found the old came system, holding it up like it was a first place trophy and cheering happily. I enjoyed her excitement and went back downstairs with her to hook everything up.

"Must've been a pretty messy closet huh?~" Krystal teased as she watched me set everything up.

"Ehh kinda, but everything is in boxes so it's alright." I answered, a soft chuckle following and a pleased smile as I noticed the console's logo appearing on the screen.

The three of us got cozy on the couch with each other and began to play the game that was a relic of our past. The joy we all felt as we watched our pixelated characters leap across the screen was exhilarating, bringing back the simple memories and joy to us.

As the time passed, the three of us were still at my place just hanging around. It was like a lazy day for all three of us since we were so cozy on my couch, so I just decided our date would be indoors and they both happily agreed.

[Day: Saturday]

[Time: Evening]

[Location: Home]

The evening finally set, the world around finally slowing down and the evening light peering through my windows. I was in the kitchen preparing dinner, humming a little tune to myself as I cooked. I noticed my Social Battery and my Ambition hasn't even lowered at all, I was still full of energy so I decided to make dinner extra special.

[Working extra hard huh? I like that.]

[Passion EXP +600]

[Passion Level UP!]

[Passion Level: 2 (All Trait Potency +10%)]

'So...Passion is only for my Trait Potency?' I thought to Lust-E.

[Basically. You see the Passion Trait deals with how strong your emotions are which directly influences your Lust, Charm, Talent, Empathy, and Romance traits. So when a woman's data says she desires a Passionate Man, she wants a man who feels strongly about their habits and unapologetically shows his emotions good or bad.]

"Yep! Just like Ambition, Passion also boosts your traits with the Passion Variant of Luscious Presence. Passion is pretty easy to level up which is why it's one of the traits that takes the longest to level up." Lustie added to Lust-E's comment.

'I see...~ Well that surely helps out a lot. I must also say I do feel different every day. Do these levels take place overnight? It's like my entire personality has shifted.' I thought to them as I continued cooking.

"They do actually. But that's not all, your body and mind are constantly adapting to Lust-E and your enhanced traits. Everything negative about you is slowly disappearing while keeping all of your unique and quirky traits!" Lustie explained, her tail wagging as she watched me. "I could really go in depth but we'll be here all day~"

I chuckled softly, still focusing on my cooking. As I was chopping up a few ingredients, I felt someone's arms wrap around me from behind. "Mmm..~ Based on this type of embrace, I can tell it's you Krystal..~"

Krystal chuckled softly and peeked over my shoulder. "You'd be right, hon..~ I see you're making dinner extra special...I can't wait to taste it..~"

"Yeah..?" I asked, my voice soft and intimate as I kept cutting my ingredients.

"Yeah...maybe soon I could taste you as well..~" She teased, her voice tinged with playful seductiveness.

My heart skipped a beat, my cheeks becoming red. I could feel her soft breaths trickling down my neck and her kisses on my neck made my body shiver with pleasure. With my concentration wavering, the flame within me ignited from her gentle touches and her teasing. I struggled to concentrate on my culinary chore, my movements becoming less precise, more erratic.

With a sigh of mock resignation, I set my knife down, turning in Krystal's embrace to face her. I noticed her eyes sparkle with mischief and desire. "Seems like I can't cook properly with you around," I admitted, my voice low and laden with an affectionate frustration.

Krystal laughed softly, a sound that resonated with warmth and genuine happiness. "Is that so..?~ Should I stop distracting you..?~"

Caught within her gaze, I knew any attempts to resume my culinary pursuits were futile. I capitulated with a smile, leaning in to capture a kiss on her lips. She kissed back with joy and satisfaction, as this was all she wanted.

[Romance EXP +300]

[Love EXP +200]

I pulled away, beginning to gently push her back to the living room. "Now that I gave you what you want, you are now banned from the kitchen until I'm done cooking."

Krystal playfully pouted, crossing her arms. "Nuh uh! You can't ban me!~"

"I just did~" I chuckled then sat her on the couch. "Hey Wynn, keep her here while I'm cooking~"

Whitney giggled as she watched us, giving me a nod. "Okay~"

I finally was able to go back to cooking in peace from distractions and managed to finish dinner in a timely fashion. The three of us met in the dining room, I set the table with our dinner and nice silverware. This dinner was special as this was the first time we all shared dinner together. I made sure to make Krystal's and Whitney's favorite dish, spaghetti and stuffed meatballs in which they enjoyed greatly.

After dinner, Krystal decided to sleep over, taking the secondary bedroom and letting Whitney sleep with me for the night. The day was perfect, a day I've always dreamt about...as the world finally laid rest, so did we.

Whitney left my bathroom then crawled under the covers with me, smiling as she snuggled up against me. "This feels nice..~ To finally be able to sleep with you..~"

I chuckled as I wrapped my arm around Whitney, keeping her close to me. "Are you comfy..?~"

"Mhm...~" Whitney nodded, laying her head against my chest and closing her eyes. "Goodnight, Shiji..~"

"Sweet dreams, Wynn..~" I replied, gently running my fingers through her hair as she slowly drifted to sleep.

[Love EXP +300]

[Link Date with Krystal x Whitney Successful!]

[Date Analysis: Kept Krystal and Whitney happy the entire time.]

[Grade: S]

[Credi Earned: 10,000 Credi]