My Love Demon (18+)

[Day: Saturday]

[Time: Morning]

[Location: Home]

Today was a calming Saturday morning...The birds were singing their soft melody, the warm glow of the sun peered through my windows, and the atmosphere was soft as I got ready to take Lustie out. I was quite excited on the inside as this is my first date with Lustie and I was glad to get the chance to date her.

As I was getting ready, Lustie poked her head into my bathroom. I noticed her and gave her a soft smile.

"Hey, slowpoke~ Are you ready yet?~" Lustie asked, an excited smile playing on her lips.

"Almost, just trying to get my hair in order," I said, a soft chuckle following my sentence. I stared at myself in the mirror and smiled. "I have a lot planned for us, a full day of just messing around..~"

"Sounds like a normal day for us," Lustie chuckled softly, leaning against the doorway and watched me. "So, whatcha have planned for us today?"

"Quite a lot actually. We have the entire day to ourselves basically and there's a lot I want to do with you," I said, finally getting my hair in order. I set down my brush then looked at Lustie. "And there's a lot of things I want to do to you.."

[Lustie really liked that...]

[Lustie's Affection rose to 25%]

Lustie blushed and felt her heart skip a beat. She smiled and walked toward me, her ears wiggling. She gripped my shirt and pulled me into a kiss then pulled away. "Well, my favorite human, if you manage to show me a great time, I'll let you do whatever you want with me..~"

I smiled at Lustie, my cheeks becoming red and my heart slightly racing faster. "Don't worry, we're gonna have a great time out there..~"

Lustie gave a soft smile, her eyes locked onto mine. "Good..~ It's about time that I test you for myself..~"

I chuckled softly, making my way out of the bathroom. "Before we go..."

I used Lust-E to obtain a Luscious Box so I could give it to Lustie. Lustie walked toward me and noticed me holding out the box toward her. She happily accepted the gift and opened it, noticing a few items inside. She pulled one of the items out then her cheeks became instantly flushed.

"A Flogger..?! Sh-Shiro!" Lustie exclaimed, her gaze quickly turning toward me.

"Pull the other one out..~" I said, giving her a mischievous chuckle.

Lustie didn't know what to expect, but she pulled out the next item. As she identified the second item, her cheeks became more red. "Oh you son of a bitch..~"

[Shiro, is that...a remote vibrator?]

"I've gotta make this date a little more exciting~ Since you're a demon, I know you can handle my shenanigans compared to the others..~" I laughed softly.

"So you want me to put this inside me so you can activate it at any time and stimulate me from anywhere and everywhere? See this is why you're my favorite human..~ You actually understand me..~" Lustie giggled. " about you put it inside me..?~"

"Yeah, so you can trick me into having sex with you this early in the morning?" I asked, a playful smirk curling on my lips.

Lustie looked away with an innocent smile on her face. "Mmmn...Maybe..~"

"Not happening..~ Besides if I get caught up in you, we'll miss all of our reservations," I said as I walked toward Lustie and gently kissed her lips.

Lustie kissed back, her excitement bubbling inside her. She pulled away then sighed softly. "Alright, I'll do it myself..~"

"Good. Now hurry up, I wanna get to Morning's Destiny before the traffic becomes too intense..~" I said.

"Alright, Alright..~" Lustie giggled then walked toward the bathroom.

I waited for Lustie then heard Lust-E beep. I looked at her and noticed a notification.

[The Device has been connected.]

I smirked and tapped on the vibrator icon and noticed different settings displayed on the screen. To see if it actually worked, I tapped on Mode 1 then heard Lustie's moan echo in the bathroom.

"Fuck...! could at least give me a heads up!~" Lustie moaned, her body shaking with pleasure from the activation of the vibrator.

I turned it off then chuckled softly. "My bad! I just wanted to see if it worked!" I said, trying my hardest to contain my laughter.

Lustie slowly walked out of the bathroom, her legs trembling slightly. "Now...I'm all wet and horny.."

"I'll help you fix that problem later..~ For now let's head out before we're late." I said, smiling at Lustie.

"Alright..~" Lustie said, following me out the room.

[Day: Saturday]

[Time: Morning]

[Location: Morning's Destiny]

As the morning sun painted the sky in soft hues of pink and gold, Lustie and I stepped into Morning's Destiny, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and sizzling bacon greeted them as they found a table by the window, bathed in warm sunlight. We expected it to be crowded in here this morning, but it seems everyone is probably still at home enjoying leftovers from Thanksgiving.

"So, where did Whitney go today?" Lustie asked.

"She went over to Chelsey's place. She said she's gonna spend the night there, so we have the house to ourselves..~" I answered, looking through my socials to see what everyone's been up to. "Look, she's out with Chelsey right now..~"

Lustie leaned forward as I showed her the picture of Whitney, Chelsey, and Adrianna. She smiled and sat back in her seat. "They all look so happy, especially Whitney..~ I'm glad she recovered alright too.."

"Yeah, I am too...I know when she's with Chelsey she'll be alright. I still do worry... y'know if they will try to pull that stunt again." I said, looking at the picture.

"Probably not since we will be more prepared for it. They caught us off guard last time, but like they say in my home world, You can't trick an old man twice!" Lustie giggled softly.

"Shiro," A voice called out to me as they approached the table.

I looked over and noticed Aubrie then smiled. "Hey, Brie. Good morning..~"

Aubrie smiled at me then looked at Lustie. She noticed her pointy ears and her unnatural physique. "Who's this?"

"My name's Luuuss...I mean...Lucia!" Lustie answered, nearly exposing herself.

Aubrie looked over at me, having my face in my palm. "Okay...I mean she's pretty..pretty dumb..."

"I heard that." I said then chuckled softly. "Her name is Lucia Red. She's one of my old friends from America who's visiting here for a while."

[Man I wish I could give you EXP for that great cover up. Oh I know..!]

[Talent EXP +1000]

[Converting EXP to Credi...]

[Credi Earned: 1000]

'Hmm..~ So each time I earn EXP now it gets turned into Credi? That's actually pretty cool.' I thought to Lust-E.

Aubrie looked at me and Lustie then shrugged and smiled. "Whatever...Welcome to Destiny Central, Lucia. Anyway, what can I get for you two?"

"You already know what I want," I said, smiling at Aubrie.

"Yeah, I'll get my baby his chocky milk and pancakes..~" Aubrie teased, giggling softly.

'Everything on this menu looks so good...I can't choose..!' Lustie thought to herself as she stared at the menu.

"If you want my recommendation, the Acacia Breakfast Plate is the best seller right now. It comes with an omelette, bacon, grits, a two sides of your choice." Aubrie suggested, waiting for Lustie to make her decision.

"I'll take that with...a waffle and a biscuit orange juice!" Lustie said, beaming a smile at Aubrie.

Aubrie nodded as she wrote down our order. "Alright~ I'll just take those menus and have everything out in a moment."

Lustie and I handed our menus to Aubrie and watched her walk off.

"She's so damn you're lucky." Lustie chuckled then looked at me.

"Couldn't have gotten her without you... It's nice seeing her being more nice toward me even though she's still sour at times. But...that is her charm," I replied, my eyes meeting Lustie's. "I am curious about something."

"What's up?" Lustie asked.

"So your home world, what is it called and what's it like?" I asked.

Lustie sat back in her chair and smiled brightly at me. "I was starting to think you'd never ask. My home world is named Esoria, a planet that resides in a different solar system with a planet named Utalia. It's a large planet, the largest planet in that solar system," Lustie began then closed her eyes.

"It's a planet composed of nine regions: The Elven Region, The Angel Region, The Demon Region, The Fairy Region, The Kitsune Region, The Nymph Region, The Dragon Region, The Human Region, and The Spirit Region." Lustie continued.

"Huh...And you and your sisters come from Esoria correct?" I asked.

Lustie nodded and smiled at me. "Mhm!~ When I was first summoned here, I appeared at a location named Heavenly Bay inside a temple. The first man to summon me ten years ago was an alchemist who needed help making a love potion to seduce a woman he had fallen in love with. Ever since then I've been in Destiny Islands, helping anyone who summoned me fulfill destiny and dreams."

"What stopped you from going back to Esoria?" I asked.

" might sound stupid, but I can't go back since the Temple I appeared in needs eight keys to unlock again. Apparently that temple connects to Esoria, so whoever built that temple has connections to my world. Sadly there's no way of getting to Heavenly Bay right now since it's been hidden away due to all the supernatural shit that goes on there." Lustie said.

[Those Eight Keys are the Crest of the Love Demons and one extra key called The Mark of Love.]

"Mark of Love?" I asked.

[Do you remember each time you have sex with a woman, after you finish a Sigil appears on them?]

"Yeah?" I nodded, wondering where Lust-E was taking this.

[Those Sigils are more than just a marking. You need exactly 16 Sigils to create The Mark of Love, but the women you mark also need to be 100% because right now you marked them with a Love Sigil and not the True Love's Sigil. The only True Love Sigil you have is Whitney.]

"Okay..? Wait if that's the case..." I started, beginning to think more about what's happening.

Lustie crossed her arms then tilted her head. "I was always wondering how a human is able to mark someone, but now it's clear to me that you're the one."

"The one for what?" I asked, looking at Lustie.

"A Destiny Harem. This is actually getting exciting now..~ I had a feeling you would get to this point which is why I wanted to date you myself..~ Shiro this is huge..! You'll be the first human to actually complete his Destiny Harem..!" Lustie said excitedly.

'A Destiny Harem..? I don't know what they are talking about, but I do know that it probably would involve more women in my life so fuck it..' I thought to myself.

After that conversation, Aubrie came back with our orders and set them down in front of us. She gently kissed my cheek then waved at Lustie before going off to help her step mom in the kitchen.

As we enjoyed our breakfast, we discussed our plans for the rest of our date, each moment filled with anticipation for the adventures that lay ahead. We lingered a bit longer at our table, basked in each other's company and I knew today was going to be etched into my memory forever.

Lustie and I decided to leave after a while, after I paid for our meal and went to my car. A lot of time had already passed since we came to Morning's Destiny, so we decided to get on with the rest of our activities.

[Day: Saturday]

[Time: Afternoon]

[Location: Twilight Gardens]

We made it to a famous garden around Twilight City, a garden that bloomed beautiful flowers that people were able to freely pick as they desired. It wasn't the largest public garden, but it was well known for their botanists who spent years mastering their craft for people to enjoy.

The scent of blooming flowers and the gentle rustle of leaves filled the air as Lustie and I strolled hand in hand through the lush pathways of the public garden. Sunlight filtered through the canopy of trees, dappling the ground with golden rays of warmth.

Lustie twirled a delicate blossom between her fingers, her eyes alight with wonder. "Isn't this place magical, Shiro? I never knew such beauty existed in the heart of the city."

I smiled, my heart swelling with love for the enchanting demon by my side. "It's even more beautiful with you here, Lustie. Your presence adds a touch of magic to everything."

Lustie smiled at me, a blush settling onto her face. "You're good at that..~"

"Just speaking from the heart..~" I chuckled softly, gently stroking her chin.

[Bond with Lustie increased!]

[Lustie's Affection rose to 50%]

As we wandered deeper into the garden, we discovered hidden alcoves and secret nooks, each one more enchanting than the last. Lustie paused to admire a vibrant bed of roses, her fingers trailing lightly over the velvety petals.

"Look, Shiro," she said, her voice filled with awe, "each flower is like a work of art, a masterpiece crafted by nature herself."

I nodded in agreement, my gaze never leaving Lustie's radiant face. "Just like you, Lustie. You're the most exquisite masterpiece of them all."

Lustie looked at me, her smile becoming more radiant than ever. Her heart began beating faster and her ears wiggled. "You think so..?~"

"I know so.." I replied, gently grabbing Lustie's hand and kissed it.

[Lustie's Affection rose to 75%]

Lustie watched me, her heart skipping a few beats, her gaze never altering from me. "Shiro..~"

I smiled at Lustie then interlocked our fingers together. Together we began to continue our stroll around the garden, hand in hand, our love slowly blossoming like the flowers around us. After our leisurely stroll, we decided to go back to my car, continuing on with our date.

[Day: Saturday]

[Time: Afternoon]

[Location: Twilight Strikes]

"I say we keep these games clean and not use our powers at all!" Lustie said as she followed me toward the entrance of the bowling alley.

"Sure, I'm down for a clean game~" I chuckled, resting my hands behind my head as I made my way to the entrance.

Lustie and I decided to come to the bowling alley to get a few games in since Lustie wanted to try her hand at bowling again. As we walked inside, we noticed the place buzzed with energy, the building filled with the sounds of pins clashing and lively chatter. We got our bowling shoes and went toward our designated lane.

"Are you ready to lose?" I chuckled as I laced up my shoes.

"Me? Lose?~ Yeah right~" Lustie giggled softly as she made her way to the racks where various bowling balls were set.

Lustie gave me a playful wink, picking up a bright pink bowling ball. She walked toward the lane, taking aim at the pins. She sailed the ball down the lane, subtly controlling the ball with her demon powers and landing a strike.

"Yes!~" Lustie cheered and giggled.

[She cheated.]

'I know she did, but she forgets I still have my secret weapon..' I responded to Lust-E, a smirk playing on my face.

"That was impressive, Red~" I chuckled as I stood up. "Looks like I might have competition..~"

Lustie smirked at me, her eyes shimmering with pride. "Looks like you need to prepare to lose..~"

"Yeah okay~" I responded, picking a bowling ball then stepped up to the lane.

I took aim, focusing on the pins. With a smooth release, the ball rolled down the lane and I used my Luck Trait to make sure I landed a strike no matter how the ball hit the pins.

Lustie smirked and watched as I walked back toward her. "So we're cheating now..?~"

"Hey, you're using your demon powers so it's fair game..~" I chuckled, gently tapping her nose before taking my seat.

Lustie made her way to the lane once again, prepared to bowl another strike. As the took aim, I looked at Lust-E, activating the vibrator that was still inside Lustie. Lustie grunted, covering her mouth so she wouldn't moan in public.

'You've got to be kidding me..! I...have to resist this..!' Lustie thought to herself, trying her best to resist the pleasure.

Lustie weakly roll the ball down the lane, landing herself a gutter ball. She looked back at me, a wild blush on her face. She rushed toward me and gripped my shoulder. "You...can not be serious..! Here inside the bowling alley..?!"

"Don't use your powers and I won't use mine..~" I said, a sly smirk tugging at the corner of my lips.

Lustie covered her mouth and felt her legs shaking. "Okay..! Just turn it off..! It's...getting hard to resist it..!"

I chuckled and turned off her vibrator. Lustie's body relaxed and she took a deep breath. She subtly used her magic to clean herself up then flicked my forehead. I held my forehead, smiling at her.

[Bond with Lustie increased!]

[Lustie's Affection rose to 90%]

Lustie and I continued our games with a fair one on one with no special skills or powers. While we played, we decided to get something to eat here and sit around for a while longer, our shared laughters mingling with the sounds of rolling balls and clashing pins.

After our final game, I could see the look in Lustie's eyes that she was turned on as her mind has been filled with lascivious thoughts since this morning. We returned our shoes, making our way back to my car.

Once we got in, Lustie placed her hand on my thigh. I looked at her as I started my car then smiled at her.

"Shiro...I can't hold it anymore. I don't even think I'm gonna be able to make it back to the house.." Lustie said, her voice laced with desire and lust.

I smiled at Lustie then looked at the map on Lust-E's screen. "There's an empty parking lot nearby...Only ten minutes away. In the meantime..."

Lustie watched me then grunted as I turned on her vibrator again. Her entire body grew extremely excited as she didn't even try to resist the pleasure her vibrator caused. "Fuck..~ Why does this feel so damn good..?"

I chuckled as I drove off to the empty parking lot. Part of me knew what exactly I was getting myself into, and the other part of me had some hesitation because Lustie is a full blown demon. Having sex with Lustie is the same as asking for Death. If I am to die after having sex with Lustie, I would be going out with a bang. Literally.

I finally made it to the empty parking lot, stopping my car and rolling up the windows. Lustie wasted no time, snapping her fingers and stripping both of us naked then teleporting us to the backseat. She put down the back seats then took her vibrator out of her.

"I want to warn you about this...there is a chance that you may die from this because you are still a human...and I am still a demon." Lustie said, her voice shaky, yet soft.

"I already know the risks, but there is also a chance that I live...and I not only gain you, but will probably awaken more of myself as well.." I replied, my tone low and intimate.

Lustie smiled at me then leaned down and kissed my lips gently. "If you live after this, I'm gonna be so happy...~ I don't want to lose you like this...because of my stupid desires."

I smiled back and wrapped my pinky around hers. "I promise that I will live through this..~ Nothing and I mean nothing is taking me down..~"

Lustie giggled softly and nodded. She leaned down to kiss my lips and I kissed her back. This kiss was different from all her other kisses. There was intimacy behind this kiss which sparked an entirely new level of lust within me. After a moment, Lustie pulled away, slowly guiding my shaft inside her.

"Just relax...and let me do all the work..~" Lustie spoke softly and intimacy as she slowly moved down along my member.

My hands found themselves on Lustie's hips, an entirely new pleasure immediately embracing my body. I watched as Lustie began to ride me, her insides adjusting for that perfect squeeze around my cock. I could help but let a few soft moans slip from my lips as she moved up and down.

It didn't take long before the Lust within Lustie took over her body, her pupils becoming heart shaped, her pink aura surrounding her body. She began to move up and down faster, each time she crashed down a shock of pleasure hitting both of us. Her moans filled the entire car, the sounds of sex bouncing off the enclosed area we were in.

Soon, I started to feel my stamina being drained by her the longer we went on but I didn't care because the intensity of the pleasure was becoming too great for me. My heart began racing quickly, pounding against my chest. A passionate flame erupting and bursting like a wild inferno, my lust increasing by the second.

"Shiro..! I—" Lustie began then moaned loudly as she began to cum, her groans becoming more intense.

I couldn't move, it felt my body was paralyzed by pleasure, but I could feel everything from my head to my feet. I couldn't speak as the intense pleasure didn't allow me to. The lust that Lustie induced within me had completely paralyzed me, putting me in a state of extreme bliss.

Lustie kept moving, her inner walls having a tight hold around my shaft which further increased the unexplainable sensation my body felt. She felt my rod twitch inside of her, her excitement growing even more to have my nectar inside of her.

I couldn't warn her, the only sounds I could make being moans and loud pants. Soon, I erupted inside of her, my moan being the loudest moan I've ever produced from my vocal cords. My body shook with ecstasy, my mind blanking completely. After releasing my love nectar inside of her, I was completely motionless for a while.

After resting for a while, Lustie looked at me and noticed I wasn't moving. "Sh-Shiro..?"

I didn't respond, it felt like my heart had stopped from the supernatural pleasure and sensations. All I could feel was the buzz of the moment...then I finally opened my eyes a faint glow appearing around my body. A sigil formed on my arm, the same sigil that was on Lustie's stomach. She noticed it and her eyes widened.

"Shiro?" Lustie spoke, concern in her voice. "Are you okay..?"

I chuckled softly and closed my eyes. "Oh yeah...I'm ecstatic...I feel good..~"

Lustie smiled at me then heard Lust-E beeping.

[Bond with Lustie greatly increased!]

[Achievement Unlocked: Have Sex with Lustie.]

Lustie chuckled softly and got off me. "Can you move?"

"Hell no." I laughed softly. "My stamina is completely gone... It's different with someone like Amber or Aubrie. I don't use as much stamina when having sex, but you're a stamina is literally on zero.."

"I figured that would happen..~ Alright... I'll let you recover. I'll drive us home.." Lustie said, gently kissing my cheek.

"Sounds good...I probably won't be doing anything until tomorrow." I said, closing my eyes to rest up from an incredible session.

Lustie snapped her fingers, our clothes reappearing on our bodies then she teleported to the front seat and starting the car. "Alright..~ Now let's see how I work this thing.."

[You can't drive?]

"I don't need to when I can teleport places, but I used up my energy so I can't teleport right now..~ We're winging it from here~" Lustie giggled.

[Oh brother...Shiro, get ready for a bumpy ride..]

"Just don't crash the car." I chuckled.

"No promises!~" Lustie giggled then began to drive home.

[Date with Lustie Successful!]

[Date Analysis: Kept Lustie happy the entire time, Total money spent $179.45, Had sex with Lustie, Secured a kiss!]

[Grade: S]

[Credi Earned: 10,000 Credi]