Karma Pt. 2

[Day: Wednesday]

[Time: Evening]

[Location: Sanctuary Highway]

The roar of my engine filled the air as I raced down the off-road to escape the SCPD while trying to keep up with Mariana on her motorcycle. Baylee hung on tightly to the seats, keeping balance while on the bumpy ride.

"We got a helicopter above. Splitting for now, I'll meet you back on the highway." Mariana said then put on her led lights to attract the helicopter, taking the tunnel route.

I pressed on the gas, picking up speed as I raced against one of the police cars. As I raced, Lust-E beeped, surprising me and Lustie.

"Stop you car now!" The woman yelled as she raced then smirked, gripping her steering wheel with pure enjoyment. "Oh yeah, I'm busting this guy and his stupid fancy car! You're not getting away from me!"

I looked at my rearview mirror and noticed she was picking up speed. With a few blinks, her car actually crept up to mine then sped past me, leaving behind dust and debris. I grunted, swerving and drifting around the rocks her car left behind.

'Who the hell was that woman?' I asked to Lust-E.

[Her name is Sargent Phoenix aka Phoenix Bridges. Caden's biological sister. She's a dirty cop who specifically targets Karma and has inside information about The Syndicates.]

I inhaled sharply then scratched the back of my head. 'Yikes man... We're getting in deep huh? Alright. What do I need to do?'

[Win the race. If you beat her in a race to the first exit, she will automatically be interested in you because her record is undefeated against supercars like yours.]

[I've given you two of the best routes to your destination. One is more safe and stealthy, while the other...it tests your Talent, Charm, and Luck Traits.]

I looked at the two options and noticed they had difficulties.

{Easy Difficulty: Safe Route; Time: 2h 10m 15s.}

{Ambitious Difficulty: Test Your Traits (Charm/Talent/Luck); Enemy will be aggressive (+15% Bloodlust); Enemy reinforcements will show up; Your path with Mariana will only cross once before the second split; Time: 1h minutes.}

I managed to execute the loudest gulp of my life because even Baylee darted her eyes toward me. I looked at Baylee then back at the road and noticed Phoenix still ahead of me.

"Baylee, hang on tight!" I warned then drifted around a curve then sped down the road.

Baylee felt a presence keeping her safe and looked at me, noticing a faint magenta energy around me. She looked ahead, feeling an overwhelming amount of adrenaline rushing around her body.

"Go, Shiro!" Baylee said, her voice filled with an extreme excitement.

[Goal: Beat Phoenix in a race and reach your destination before Phoenix.]

{Easy Task: Complete the goal}

{Normal Goal: Beat Mariana to the destination}

{Hard Goal: Beat Phoenix while she's Bloodlusted}

I nodded to myself then began to pick up speed down the road, hearing multiple police sirens blaring out into the evening sky. I looked at Mariana's camera, and noticed she was still speeding down the tunnel with police cars after her as well.

"You good, hermosa?" I asked, checking on Mariana.

[Charm EXP +1500]

[Mariana's Attraction Meter rose to 5%]

Mariana chuckled a bit then looked at me on her phone. "Yeah I'm straight, elegante. You better focus on your situation, or else you'll get caught~"

"Like I'd get caught by these basic traps..~" I responded, giving her a soft chuckle.

Mariana smirked at me, not saying anything back. She looked ahead then sped forward. "Good luck, Shiro~ I'll meet you when we cross."

I noticed I lost connection to Mariana then looked at my rearview mirrors then noticed we were approaching a freeway. 'Chances are Phoenix is still ahead. We're gonna play a little game with her.'

"What kind of game are we talking?" Passion asked.

'Check me out. I play a lot of Need For Speed and I was quite decent at it, but I've also played a lot of stealth games where I can disguise my car to hide and shit. What if you can, you know..' I suggested.

"Shiro, that idea is so crazy that it might work. Passion do it." Lustie said.

"I'm not using my Desire Manifestation for that! That takes way too much energy and I won't be able to protect Baylee while protecting you at the same time." Passion argued, sounding more concerned about the plan than her own energy usage.

'Just this once...Grant me this desire, Passion. I'll let you do whatever sadistic thing you wish to me as a reward.' I said to Passion.

Passion blushed, her pointy ears wiggling and her small dragon tail wagging. "Anything?"

'You name it, you can do it to me.' I said.

[Lust EXP +1500]

[Passion EXP +1500]

[Passion really likes that...]

"Fine, but when I recover and when we are alone...I'm not letting you out of my sights," Passion purred before awakening her Sigil and her aura surged around her body. "Your wish has been granted!"

Passion snapped her fingers and my body glowed with silver ethereal energy, slowly shattering and revealing my new self. I closed my eyes then used my Talent Trait to unlock all the skills Passion bestowed upon me using my Credi.

[Credi Spent: 40,000]

[New Talents can be Unleashed.]

"Let's rock and roll!" I said then floored it, boosting down the road at high speeds.

A few police cars chased after me and informed Phoenix that my car was headed her way. Phoenix started her car and patiently waited, watching each car that passed by her.

"Sargent! Go! His car is able to shapeshift!" An officer warned. "His car changed in to a Blue Audi R8 V10! Go now!"

Phoenix was surprised by the news then noticed three cars matching her partner's description then raced down the street after the three cars. She noticed the license plates of each car was missing so she couldn't tell them apart.

I looked in my rearview mirrors, using my Luscious Presence to tell the two cars to split off. They listened to me and went separate ways, leaving Phoenix knowing which car was mine. I changed my car back to my Acura then sped down the road. Using Lustie to hijack her comms, I was finally able to speak to her.

"I'm not one of your typical racers you bust on average. You're gonna have to work for me, beautiful." I taunted, using a charming voice to keep her attention.

Phoenix, clutching her walkie-talkie, played a smirk on her face. "Is that so? Well let's see how far you get, Karma's scum."

I chuckled softly as I raced down the road, frequently checking my map and my surroundings. Lust-E kept track of everyone in along the area to my destination. Mariana was still a ways away from me, and we wouldn't cross paths for another 20 minutes. Dante and Naomi were on the map also, but they weren't on the same route as we were. They were on the off road path to avoid as much detection as possible.

"Alright. Lust-E, let's do it!" I said then shifted my car's gears.


'I can hear them...This feeling... I've only had dreams of this, but now it's real. This...is the best day of my life!' Baylee squealed inside, reaching a state of pure bliss.

Phoenix and I tore down the highway, our vehicles weaving through traffic and drifting around corners with percision, the tension between us crackling like electricity. We were neck and neck, each ram she executed missing due to my skills to weave her attacks with my Luscious Unleash.

Phoenix accelerated, her car surging forward with a burst of speed then deployed spikes out of her car to stop me in my tracks. I chuckled at her attempt to spike my tires then locked in completely. I pressed a button on my car, causing Lust-E to release a small burst of air from beneath the car, enough to propel my car over the spikes.

'What the hell..? How did he do that..?' Phoenix thought to herself.

"Like I said, you're gonna have to work for me!" I called out, my voice reaching hers over the roar of our engines. "Now try to keep up!"

Phoenix watched my car rush ahead with speeds she didn't think was possible for a car. She grunted as large amounts of smoke embraced her car, fogging her vision. Phoenix stomped on the accelerator, using the speed of her car to wash the smoke away and began race ahead once more.

"I'm not letting him beat me..! I'm not letting him!" Phoenix bellowed and prepared to target an EMP Strike upon my car.

[Warning: EMP Strike headed straight for you.]

"They go this far huh? Well let's see how far they get," I said, bursting through a barricade to take an off road path.

Phoenix followed me then noticed my car disguise into her car. She tried to connect to her dispatch, but noticed her radio wasn't working at all until she heard her radio beeping.

"Officer Owens to Sargent Phoenix, are you sure you want to cancel reinforcements for exit 19?" The woman on the radio masked.

'What?! How is he doing this shit?!' Phoenix questioned in her head, baffled by my trickery. 'Alright...since I won't have back up...I need to pull all the stops here and now!'

"Good job calling off reinforcements," Passion said as she rested, only focusing her protection on Baylee.

"The job's not finished. I just got Lust-E's notification." I said.

[Warning: Phoenix has become more aggressive (Bloodlust +40%)]

Phoenix maneuvered her car alongside mine, seeing a chance to get the upperhand. With a determined glare, she steered her vehicle toward mine, aiming to run me off the road and put an end to my escape.

But just as Phoenix's car inched dangerously close to mine, a series of fortunate events began to unfold, seemingly orchestrated by an unseen force. A sudden gust of wind blew with enough force to shift my car to the side, narrowly avoiding a collision. Then, a piece of debris propels Phoenix's car off course, causing her to swerve last second.

[Luck EXP +3000]

"What the hell?! How is this bastard so lucky?!" Phoenix raged, slamming her fists against her steering wheel. She groaned loudly, her hair slowly becoming more wild. She began to breathe heavily, her anger point nearing its peak. "I won't let you get away!"

I drifted my car back on the main road then noticed Mariana and I were going to meet. I noticed the helicopter then noticed Mariana in the air on her motorcycle. She landed in front of me then performed a wheelie, accelerating ahead.

I noticed Mariana connect back and smiled. "We meet again, hermosa."

[Mariana's Attraction Meter rose to 10%]

"I suppose we do, Shiro~ You're still alive meaning you're pretty good," Mariana chuckled then looked back. "How about we rid ourselves of the smoke once and for all then race to the finish."

"Hell yeah, let's do it." I said, giving her a smirk.

Mariana, Phoenix, and I sped down the open roads with a helicopter following close behind. Mariana and I looked at each other on the phone then nodded to one another. I accelerated ahead and let down the roof of my car, Baylee getting more excited as her hair whipped through the air.

I activated my Luscious Presence and used Lustie to expand its radius. I began to emit pheromones to cause the police around us to become drowsy, forcing them to slow down and pull over.

"Shiro! Your presence isn't reaching the Helicopter!" Lustie said.

"Then take them out!" I said as I sped forward as the pursuit lessened.

Lustie nodded then flew up toward the Helicopter and let her demonic presence be known. The pilot began to notice Lustie floating in the air and looked surprised. Lustie performed a demonic hand gesture then held her hand out toward the helicopter and encased it in her demonic energy and caused it to malfunction..

"Mayday! Mayday! I have lost control to my helicopter!" The pilot yelled then grunted as Lustie was beside him.

Lustie snatched him out of the Helicopter then kissed his lips, drained his soul out of his body before tossing him aside. She took over the helicopter and began to fly it, changing its colors to match my car.

"Alright, calm down girl. When I said take them out, I didn't mean kill someone and take over their unit." I said.

"You didn't specify that you wanted them taken out humanely." Lustie giggled softly as she flew behind Phoenix's car.

[She really giggled after catching a body? I know she's a demon, but man.]

"Now you're taking out my forces with your little demon magic? You think you're so smart huh?!" Phoenix yelled, tearing her car down the highway and rammed into my car.

I grunted as she was managing to push my car to the side. I reached over and grabbed Baylee's arm, deactivating my Luscious Presence to raise the roof back on my car. "Mariana!"

"I'm already here!" Mariana replied then used her bat to smash Phoenix's window open.

Phoenix looked over at Mariana, drawing her pistol then began to fire bullets at Mariana. Mariana leaned back to evade the bullets then drove forward. She swerved back around then made her motorcycle jump up, the back wheels of her motorcycle landing on Phoenix's windshield.

[Warning: Don't let Mariana kill Phoenix.]

I grunted and pushed my car off the rails of the highway, which made Mariana get her motorcycle off Phoenix's car. "Sorry about that, Mariana."

"You're good, Shiro," Mariana replied then raced forward.

I sped behind and noticed another helicopter showing up. Mariana looked up, noticing it as well after hearing it above us. She turned onto the off road to lead the helicopter away.

"One last split! Make it count!" Mariana said then rode off into the distance.

It was just me and Phoenix once again, and we were reaching the final stretch. I shifted my gears and drive neck and neck with Phoenix. She kept using her car to attack mine, but my Luck Trait was working overtime, each attempt was met with a lucky break on my end.

"Play time's over, Phoenix!" I said then activated my Turbo, my car surging down the roads at unfathomable amounts of speed.

Phoenix grunted as her eyes could not understand how fast my car went. No matter how much speed she picked up, her car was simply not able to go as fast as mine did. She knew when she had lost, having to be forced to pull over.

"This is Sargent Phoenix. Mission failed." Phoenix said, her tone filled with anger and upset as her streak was now broken.

I noticed I was ahead on the map, but I couldn't misjudge the off road path as Mariana could be in front of me judging how her path stretched out. I kept driving forward and made it to exit 19 where I could take that exit, eventually meeting my destination. I stopped my car, noticing Naomi was already here.

I got out and soon Mariana and Dante showed up. I smiled at the three of them then sighed as I leaned against my car. "That was hectic as hell..."

"You survived and this was your first. I'm impressed..~" Naomi chuckled softly then looked at Dante and Mariana. "Sorry for leaving you two in the dust."

"Naomi, you would not believe the story I have to tell you!" Mariana said, adrenaline still flowing rapidly around her body.

"I can believe it..~ But let's save it for when we get to the lounge. Our trip ain't over yet..." Naomi said looking at the Goldenwood City sign.

"Right...Now that we are a Level 10 Threat, Goldenwood PD wants a piece of us as well." Dante said.

"Dios mío, me olvidé de ellos." Mariana sighed, tilting her head up.

"How bad are they?" I asked.

"Not too bad, but definitely just bothersome. They are most susceptible to being bribed though." Dante answered.

I looked ahead then crossed my arms. "Interesting... alright, we've made it this far. No turning back now."

[Goal Complete]

{All Goals Completed!}

[Reward: Ambition EXP +30,000, Charm EXP +5,000, Talent EXP +5,000, Luck EXP +5,000]

"Alright, we've wasted enough time, let's get to the lounge while we can." Naomi said, getting onto her motorcycle.

We all got back to our vehicles and followed Naomi to our actual destination.

[Day: Wednesday]

[Time: Evening]

[Location: Sanction Lounge]

We finally made it to the lounge and found our spot in a private area. Mariana began talking about our grand escape from Phoenix's forces to Naomi, which impressed Naomi and Dante a bit. They began to give me my props, but as fast as the celebration started, the celebration ended just as quick.


'Yeah, I see her..' I said to Lust-E.

"What are you lames doing on my side of the city? Didn't we run you out last time you were here?" The guy with short blue and black hair said, his eyes slightly glowing before his gaze met mine.

I kept my cool, my gaze unwaveringly. It was intense, our two Auras clashing awakening electrifying opportunity. He chuckled then closed his eyes, taking a few steps back.

"So you're the famous Shiro that brat Lane talks about? Man oh man, I was starting to think he was getting beat up by a weakling!" The man laughed then sat next to Naomi, placing his arm around her shoulder.

Naomi gave a face of disgust and slid closer to Baylee. "Uhm...ew.."

The man chuckled then grabbed her shoulder. "Don't be like that, Naomi... It's just me."

"Take your hand off her." I said, my voice authoritative and stern, my eyes piercing through the man with a glare of protectiveness. "And don't even try with the other two."

The man looked at me then scoffed. "Look at the boy trying to protect a couple of thots."

Dante glared at the guy. "You don't want to go there, Vance.."

Vance smirked then stood up, towering over Dante. He gripped his jacket, making him stand up. "Or what, Dante? I could throw both you and your familia over that border and no one would even care."

'Ah hell nah.' I muttered to myself then got up, leaping over the table to grab Vance, but he dodged me perfectly.

I recovered then went for a punch, but with a swift movement he was able to evade my punch. He went for one for his own, but with a random stroke of luck, a fly flew fast enough to take the punch for me.

'Nah that's plot.' I thought to myself.

[No because why. I get you're like ten times luckier than a regular human but let's be for real.]

"No even gonna lie, you would've ate that shit too." Lustie said.

"Stop the cap. Shiro would've been knocked out immediately. Clobbered. Folded. He's not built like that." The Love Demon behind Vance said.

I looked at the Love Demon and studied her appearance. She had long flowing hair the color of polished silver cascading down her back in intricate braids. Her eyes, a piercing shade of cobalt blue, hold a depth of knowledge and insight that seems to peer into the very soul of those who meet her gaze.

Her features are sharp and elegant, with high cheekbones and a regal bearing that commands attention. She carries herself with grace and confidence, exuding an air of authority that belies her youthful appearance.

'Blue energy, looks like a Goddess, Vance basically having better Unleash than me. This is Talenta isn't it?" I questioned.

"Yep." Lustie said, popping the last syllable.

"So when are you gonna realize that I can hear you talking to them as well. Your commentary isn't funny." Vance said.

'Alright, we need a new way of speaking without Spiritually Awakened people being able to hear us.' I said to Lustie and Passion.

"We can—"

"Absolutely not. We aren't doing that. Anyway, I've just cut them off so they can never hear our special dialogue again." Passion said.

[Can we move on please (=_=)]

'Oh right, sorry.' I thought to Lust-E.

"So your name is Vance. I assume you are closely related to The Syndicates since you know Lane?" I asked.

"Of course I do. He was actually supposed to obtain Passion before...you know you took her. Now we can do this one or two ways. She willingly comes with me, or I beat your ass." Vance said.

I looked at Lustie and Passion then looked at Naomi and Baylee. I looked back at Vance, not taking him seriously. "Bro, let's back up. First off, you might've gotten lucky dodging my hits...but you're not getting that final blow. In this story, Luck beats Skill."

Vance scoffed then walked toward me. "Let's test that then.."

I took a deep breath then exhaled, awakening my Luscious Presence Luck Variant. A faint golden aura surrounded my body and I felt Lady Luck embracing me with her loving arms.

'What Level is this guy?' Vance asked to Talenta.

"Level 12 I believe...so everything about him is multiplied by 12. You obviously have the trait advantage so you can outplay his luck with your heightened skills." Talenta said.

Vance nodded then launched himself toward me, his movements swift and percise. I watched him carefully then using sheer luck alone began to dodge his attacks a second before it reached me.

As Vance regained his balance, he launched a barrage of punches, but each strike was swiftly evaded by sheer luck. I used my environment to my best of abilities, making sure I always had the upper hand. I took someone's drink then threw it at Vance's face then used my Luscious Presence to cause a fly to distract him. As he was distracted, the alcohol got into his eyes, temporarily burning him.

'Lustie, Devil Scream!' I called out to Lustie.

"It's not called Devil Scream, we call it Banshee Call!" Lustie said then took a deep breath, letting out a demonic and disorienting screech, deafening everyone that wasn't protected from the sound waves.

I ran forward, sliding into a kick to take Vance to the ground but he recovered then kicked me away, still deafened by Lustie's Banshee Call. He grunted as he couldn't see me anymore, looking around to spot me. I snuck in front of him then kicked him on his stomach, causing him to bend down. I positioned his head between my thighs and rose his arms up, taking a few steps back before leaping into the air and slamming him down.

"What the fuck? Did he just hit him with a Pedigree?" Naomi asked, trying not to laugh at how badly Vance is being handled.

"This fool might actually be crazy as hell." Dante said.

I stood up and deactivated my Luscious Presence. "Yeah, I did hit you with a Pedigree. How did that one feel huh? You wanna say that border comment again?"

Vance slowly got up then took a swing at me, but I countered with a faster strike, knocking him down. Vance held his face, looking up at me with a glare of hatred.

"Don't let me catch you bothering Naomi or anyone from Karma again, jackass." I said walking by him to go back to the table.

"Not gonna lie...You got your ass beat and he didn't even use his Mark of Lust at all. Me personally, I could not let that slide." Talenta instigated, wanting to see Vance try to fight me again.

'Nah, he got it for now. Imma give little buddy his respects, he does know how to get down, but next time I'm not gonna be caught lacking.' Vance said then walked off.