Sanctuary City Girls Pt. 3

[Day: Friday]

[Time: Afternoon]

[Location: Home]

I made my way downstairs and texted Naomi and the others that I was ready to pick them up. I had already made my plan in my head, a plan I knew had a 99% success rate, the 1% being me finding a way of equalizing my time with each woman without another feeling left out.

I walked into my garage and looked at my car, having a few ideas of what I wanted Lust-E to change it into. As I pondered on the idea, one stuck out to me that I knew would be the best choice.

[We thinking the same thing?]

"A party bus." I said, chuckling to myself, my mind now made up.

[Good. I was thinking the same thing. I thought you were gonna say a limousine.]

"That was my first thought, but I didn't want to be basic and use that. A party bus is a lot more fun, plus I can also have Lustie and the others on it as well helping me out," I said.

[Good thinking. Alright, let's get this done!]

[Used 1 Luscious Box.]

A large box appeared over my car then I touched it, a bright light shining then shattering, revealing a luxurious red party bus with a Love Sigil on the sides of the bus. I decided to get in and checked out the inside of the bus, noticing the beautiful red interior and the leather seats that came with the bus. There was a section of the bus where drinks and snacks could be served and multiple screens inside to play videos, shows, music and all of the above.

"Oh yeah, this is the one right here. There's enough room for everyone even my Love Demons and has all the necessities we need," I said, then noticed Lust-E program herself to the bus, making the bus run off her system and not off fuel.

[All systems check. We are free to move our whenever you're ready.]

I nodded and smiled, making my way back into the house to grab my keys. "Red, Blue, Goldie, Passion, Mari! We're heading out!"

Lustie's ears perked up after hearing her name being called then she quickly got up. "Finally!~"

Talenta noticed how quickly her sisters got up, their excitement through the roof. She noticed how much more free will they all had compared to when she was with Vance. I could see she slightly hesitated, but my smile still won her over and she followed her sisters, transforming into her tiny companion form like the others.

"You don't have to fear me, Talenta. Whatever beef we had back then doesn't matter anymore. You can enjoy yourself like the others, so just smile..~" I said, comforting Talenta with gentle pats on her head.

[Talenta's walls have significantly lowered..]

[Talenta is warming up to you..]

"Okay...I will try to enjoy myself.." Talenta said, a slight smile spreading on her lips.

I returned her smile then got into my bus. "Alright ladies, let's rock and roll!"

We all got settled in the bus and I started it up, noticing the lights inside the bus light up. We all looked amazed by the true interior of the bus, and I knew if my Love Demons liked the bus, the girls would as well.

[Day: Friday]

[Time: Afternoon]

[Location: Naomi's House]

I parked my bus in front of Naomi's house, honking the horn to notify Naomi and the others that I had showed up. Naomi looked out the window, noticing my party bus then a short, soft laugh escaped her lips. Baylee looked out the window with Naomi, noticing the bus then she gasped, her eyes shimmering with overwhelming excitement.

"No way he got a party bus!" Baylee said then grunted as Jessica pushed her way to the window to see the bus as well.

Jessica looked at my bus with awe. "This guy never ceases to amaze me..~"

After a bit of waiting, I noticed Naomi and the others walk out of her house to the bus. I opened my doors for them, allowing them to get inside. Immediately, my bus came to life as they entered inside, each one of them extremely impressed by the entire bus itself.

"I've always dreamt of getting on one of these..! I can't believe you actually got one of these," Melissa said as she took her seat and felt how comfortable the seats were. "Oh snap.."

Chloe let out a happy sigh once she sat down, a soft giggle following her sigh. "These seats are always so comfortable I swear..~"

With everyone inside and at their seats, I began my drive to Destiny Central to the entertainment center named Destiny's Wonderland. It was the best entertainment center in all of Destiny Islands and the largest in the island. The bus was filled with exciting conversations and gossip amongst the girls. I could tell the girls wanted me to join them, but I was busy driving.

[Go ahead and enjoy the company with the girls. I can self drive this bad girl to the destination.]

'You sure? I don't mind driving,' I thought to Lust-E.

[I'm 100% sure. You deserve to celebrate as well with them. Go have your fun, Shiro.]

I chuckled softly then let out a soft sigh, getting up from my seat. 'Alright, E.'

[Activating Auto-Drive Mode.]

As I made my way toward the party area of the bus, the girls noticed me, cheering and happy that I finally joined them. Lustie floated toward me, handing me a drink she made then winked at me, pushing me toward the girls to join them.

The music was booming, the beat of the songs playing in the bus pulsating around the bus and the good vibes through the roof. I hung around Jessica, Baylee, Melissa, and Faith, telling them about the fight yesterday, noticing their interested expressions. As I told the story, I could see the proud smiles of the faces of Naomi, Charlotte, Mariana, and Chloe, Naomi and Charlotte confirming my feats.

As the journey to our destination went on, our pregame was already finished, each girl pretty much set for the several events I had reserved for us. The rest of the way, we all sat around talking, the girls sharing their gossips with me as usual while Lustie and her sisters cleaned up around the area.

[Day: Friday]

[Time: Evening]

[Location: Destiny's Wonderland]

We finally made it to Destiny's Wonderland, an entertainment center for both children and adults, but today they had an Adult Only deal which I could not pass up. Only Friday Evenings and Nights, Destiny's Wonderland becomes an adult only entertainment center where the bars and several lounges were now open.

Once Lust-E parked the bus, we got out and immediately I could feel each girl's growing excitement for this evening's events. I led them toward the entrance, walking inside and showing the receptionist at the front desk my reservation. Once we were allowed in, the plans were all set.

"Alright ladies, around 8 o'clock, I've booked us an entire VIP Section for just us. Let's meet up at 7, which gives us about two hours to goof around," I said, checking my watch for the time.

"Great, Charlotte, Mariana, Chloe, you already know where we are heading first," Naomi said, immediately heading to the bar with nothing, not even me, changing her mind.

"Oh yeah, and it's Happy Hour too!" Charlotte said, getting excited to have her free drinks and refills.

I chuckled as I watched the four women head over to the bar. I heard Lust-E beep, but it was to get my attention.

[This is actually perfect. Two hours before they all unite again in one location, so here's the plan...The first hour, you spend with the Sanctuary City Girls then the second hour you spend with Karma and finally you make the big move! Fuck whatever restrictions that was set on you, second hour Mark Mariana and Charlotte with a Love Sigil!]

'Oh so we are saying fuck the requirements and actually doing our own thing? Damn The Creator is gonna be pissed,' I replied in a joking manner.

[Hey, I'm sure he'll support our decision. You are the Golden MC. Besides August, I'm still waiting for a new chapter update. Bro's blue balling us, you can't just drop The Tyrant on us and dip.]

(Author's Note: I promise I will get back to Zodiac Story, I just need time to get the plot down correctly!)

'Every Fourth Wall Break is just somehow a new level. Anyway, it's time to lock in and cook up! Let's get this started,' I thought to Lust-E.

{Mega Link Date Start!}

{Part 1 Task: Raise the Affection Meter of the Sanctuary City Girls to 100%}

{Easy Task: Have Fun at the Arcade Area}

{Normal Task: Win A Game of Laser Tag against the undefeated enemy team.}

{Hard Task: Get Faith to break out of her shell.}

With my tasks and goals set, the first hour was now underway. I began to lead the Sanctuary City Girls toward the arcade area, the vibrant lights and the buzzing sounds of the arcade greeting us. Baylee's eyes sparkled with excitement, and Faith's usual soft demeanor seemed to crack under the allure of the games displayed around her.

[Jessica's Affection Meter rose to 25%]

[Baylee's Affection Meter drastically rose to 40%]

[Melissa's Affection Meter rose to 25%]

[Faith's Affection Meter skyrocketed to 50%]

I smiled as I watched Baylee and Faith dart from one game to another, their laughter filling the air. "Looks like we're in for some serious gaming," I said, glancing at Jessica and Melissa.

Jessica leaned against a nearby game console, her arms folded. "I'll pass on the games, but I'll cheer from the sidelines," she said with a smirk, earning a chuckle from me.

Melissa nodded in agreement, her attention drifting to the neon-lit screens. "I'm not much of a gamer either, but it's fun to watch."

"Suit yourselves, but it wouldn't hurt to get a little competitive..~" I chuckled softly as I made my way toward Baylee and Faith.

Jessica watched me, a soft chuckle slipping from her lips. "I guess a game or two won't hurt anyone..~ You joining, Mel?"

"Meh, one game couldn't hurt," Melissa giggled softly then followed Jessica around the arcade.

Meanwhile, Baylee and Faith eagerly dragged me to different arcade machines, their enthusiasm infectious. Faith found herself opening up to me, sharing stories and laughter as we played.

As Faith and I approached a DDR-style game, Faith's eyes lit up with excitement. "I've always wanted to try this one!" she exclaimed, eagerly stepping up to the dance pads.

I chuckled, stepping onto the adjacent pad. "Let's give it a shot!"

As the music started, Faith found herself swept up in the rhythm, her movements mirroring mine with surprising coordination. She couldn't help but notice how effortlessly I moved, my steps fluid and graceful.

As we danced, Faith's initial nerves melted away, replaced by a sense of joy and freedom. She glanced over at me, a wide smile on her face. "You're really good at this!"

I grinned back, twirling and spinning with finesse. "Thanks! I've been playing this since a kid, but recently I've just been freestyling it. You should join me, and just enjoy the music and the moment..~"

Faith nodded, feeling a newfound sense of connection with me. For once, she wasn't focused on impressing anyone or meeting expectations. She was simply having fun, dancing alongside someone who made her feel alive.

[Faith has begun to open up a lot more...]

[Faith's Attraction Meter rose to 60%]

After dancing to a couple more songs, Faith and I got off the dancing pads and met up with Jessica, Baylee, and Melissa, all of us ready to head onto the next location which was laser tag. As we stood in line to head into the laser tag arena, I felt excited since I haven't played laser tag in years.

The line finally began moving, and we were next to go against the undefeated team after the previous team failed to defeat the others.

[Damn they got washed LMAO! 0 - 5000? Couldn't show my face after that one. Not even a single point.]

I chuckled softly, crossing my arms as I looked at the screen that displayed the points. 'These guys do seem like they are pros, but their streak ends. They haven't seen my team yet,'

The neon lights of the Laser Tag arena cast an otherworldly glow as the girls and I stepped inside. Excitement buzzed in the air as we geared up for the upcoming match.

With me at the helm, the team felt confident as we strategized our approach. Faith and Baylee were practically bouncing with anticipation, eager to showcase their skills.

"Alright, you will be going against The Blue Rebels. The rules are simple, reach 5000 points to win. To get a point you can either shoot the target's pad or tap the pad that is upon your chest," The worker explained then looked at the screen. "The Blue Rebels are undefeated, so whoever beats them earns a special first place reward."

"Are you all ready?" The worker asked.

"Yeah, let's get this thing started!" I said, pumped up to start playing.

The worker nodded then opened the door, allowing us in. As the game began, I led the charge, my movements swift and calculated as I dodged enemy fire and scored hit after hit. The girls followed my lead, our teamwork seamless as we communicated with precision.

"Baylee, behind me and cover!" I commanded, noticing Baylee hurrying behind me then placed her laser gun upon my shoulder and rapidly firing lasers at the enemy team.

One guy immediately took cover behind a pillar. "Yo who are these guys? They are actually getting us!"

"Their leader, that's Shiro Moji from Matsugaya University! I've seen him before. That guy is legit! I go to the same University. If we want any chance of winning, we need to take him out first!" A girl said as she hid behind a large cube.

Baylee stopped firing, noticing the action had momentarily paused then got down. "What's the plan, Shiro?"

I noticed the enemy leader get up and fire a laser at my pad then quickly got down, evading the laser. I closed my eyes to sense where Jessica, Melissa, and Faith were using their Love Sigils. Jessica and Melissa were hiding, waiting for my call while Faith was trying to escape the rapid fire from another enemy.

I opened my eyes, a confident smirk playing on my face. "I got it."

Faith dove behind a cube, catching her breath and noticed her Love Sigil shining on her chest. She grunted as she heard my voice in her head.

"Faith am going to have you meet me on the first floor. How many life points do you have left?" I asked to Faith telepathically.

Faith looked at the screen of her weapon, seeing how many life points she had remaining. "500. This girl tagged me five times already. Another five and I'm out."

"That's more than enough. Alright, listen closely. Your target is approaching you, get up then shoot and run toward the pole to the left of you and slide down the pole onto the second floor where Jessica and Melissa are," I instructed.

Faith nodded to herself then took a deep breath then quickly got up and fired a laser at her target, tagging her and catching the woman off guard before hurrying toward the pole. The woman chased after Faith, her goal to eliminate Faith from the game to lower our numbers.

"Rapidly fire up," I instructed.

Faith took a leap for the pole and slid down, raising her weapon and rapidly fired lasers to keep her opponent off her tail. She made it to the second floor then looked around, noticing two more opponents rushing toward her.

"Evade, counter, and meet up with Melissa who is to the right of you." I said to Faith.

Faith noticed both opponents shooting at her then evaded both lasers. She countered with lasers of her own, tagging both opponents then made her way toward Melissa and rendezvoused with her.

The worker watched the match from his screen, audibly impressed by Faith's movements and calculated steps with my guidance. 'They are actually giving them a run for their money. Who the hell is their leader..?'

Faith began to shine brightly, her quick reflexes and sharp aim catching everyone's attention. With each successful hit, her confidence soared, and she moved with a grace and agility that left everyone impressed. She began to lead Jessica and Melissa to the first floor where Baylee and I were.

The enemy leader got up and noticed Faith, Jessica, and Melissa then began to fire at them, tagging Faith four times before the girls took cover once again. Faith was surprised at how fast her remaining life points at gone down then looked at Jessica and Melissa, noticing they were on their last hits as well.

Faith decided to lock in, activating her gamer mode and getting serious as she wanted to win. "I'm going in."

"Wait, you're on your last hit! If you get hit again, you're out," Jessica warned, watching Faith get up.

Faith walked from behind her cover and swapped to her secondary weapon as it was faster than reloading her main weapon. The enemy leader and his partner got up and took aim at Faith. They began to fire, but Faith evaded each shot then rushed ahead, tagging the leader's partner with multiple lasers, eliminating the woman from the match.

Baylee watched in awe, noticing Faith's impressive movements and reflexes. She noticed another opponent rushing toward Faith from behind.

"Snipe them. They are on their last point. Aim for the metal wall, the laser will ricochet back toward them," I said, looking up at Baylee.

Baylee took aim and fired a laser at the metal wall then the laser bounced back, tagging the opponent behind Faith, eliminating them from the match as well. The enemy leader was surprised as he had forgotten that Baylee was still hiding with me. He took aim at Faith as she was a bigger threat than Baylee.

As he was about to fire, he felt a tap on his shoulder then turned around, noticing me behind him with a confident smirk on my face. He was completely stunned, completely taken aback by our teamwork and skill.

"Boop." I said playfully, tapping the pad on his chest, eliminating him from the game.

The enemy leader let out a soft sigh then chuckled softly. "Hmph...Good game, Shiro," he said, offering his hand for a handshake.

"Likewise," I said, accepting his handshake.

As the game drew to a close, my team emerged victorious, the final score a resounding testament to our skill and teamwork. With a triumphant cheer, we accepted the grand prize, a trophy, a symbol of our hard-fought victory.

I smiled as I handed the trophy to the girls, their faces beaming with pride and excitement. "A well-deserved win," I said, my voice filled with warmth. "And a memento to remember your time at Destiny Central."

With our victory under out belts and a trophy the girls held with pride, we made our way out of the arena. The girls decided they were now hungry after all the running around they did, so they headed toward the food court of the entertainment center to get something to eat. Before they headed there, I handed them one of my cards so they could buy themselves whatever they wanted.

{Normal Task Completed!}

{Hard Task Completed!}

[Jessica's Affection Meter skyrocketed to 100%]

[Baylee's Affection Meter skyrocketed to 100%]

[Melissa's Affection Meter skyrocketed to 100%]

[Faith's Affection Meter skyrocketed to 100%]

[Talent EXP +10,000]

I watched as the girls happily made their way to get some food to eat then I made my way toward the bar to spend the second hour with Karma.

[Nice going! Now let's get onto the second hour shall we?]

'Hell yeah, E. Let's see the second half of my tasks,' I said to Lust-E.


{Part 2 Task: Mark Mariana and Charlotte}

{Easy Task: Raise Mariana's Attraction Meter to 100%}

{Normal Task: Mark Charlotte with a Love Sigil.}

{Hard Task: Mark Mariana with a Love Sigil.}

The dimly lit lounge area of Destiny's Wonderland exuded an aura of relaxation and indulgence as I searched for the booth where Naomi and the others were. Once I found the booth, I made my way toward them, settling down with the four.

"Have fun with the girls?~" Naomi asked, interested in the gossip I had to share with them.

"Yeah I did..~ They are at the food court now, so I came by to check up on you all," I answered then noticed Naomi pour a drink in a glass for me.

"Good, now you can unwind with us..~" Naomi chuckled, handing me the glass.

"Thank you," I said, a smile on my face as I accepted the glass.

As the evening unfolded, I focused my attention on Charlotte and Mariana, my gaze lingering on them with a subtle intensity. Naomi and Chloe noticed I wanted to pursue the two and gave me their insight on what they really liked and didn't like. I listened intently, their words guiding me on my pursuit.

After taking their insight, I slid toward Mariana, her curious gaze landing on me. I rested my arm on the back of the booth and immediately went to work on Mariana.

"I know we've barely spoke after our high speed chase, but I've been wanting to know more about you if that's fine.." I spoke softly, my voice only audible enough for her to hear.

[Charm EXP +5,000]

Mariana smirked, slightly playing hard to get, but also really interested in me. "Yeah? Well that's gonna cost you, señor..~"

"Cost me what..?~" I asked, playing along with her.

"You're gonna have to deal with my brother a lot and most guys can't get past his intensity let alone handle me," Mariana said softly, a twinkle in her eye, hoping I would accept her challenge.

I chuckled softly, twirling a strand of her hair around her finger. "Well I'm not most guys...and if I can handle someone as intense as Naomi, I can most definitely handle you, hermosa..~"

[Charm EXP +5,000]

[Mariana's Attraction Meter rose to 20%]

"Oh yeah..?~ You're gonna have to show me..~" Mariana whispered toward me, slightly leaning towards me as I twirled a strand of her hair around my finger.

Leaning in close, my voice was a velvety whisper as I showered Mariana with compliments, each word a testament to her beauty and charm. My flirts were artfully crafted, tailored to captivate her attention and kindle the flames of attraction.

Mariana, initially guarded, couldn't help but be swept away by my words. My sincerity shone through, my compliments ringing true and touching her heart. A blush graced her cheeks as she returned my compliments with a shy smile, her walls crumbling under my charm.

As the evening progressed, I sensed Mariana's resistance waning, her barriers melting away in the warmth of my affection.

[Charisma/Flirting EXP +5,000]

[Mariana's Attraction Meter rose to 100%]

[Bring it in, you've hooked her.]

"How about it, Mariana..?~ How about I take you out on a date in the future so you can get the full Shiro Experience..?~" I asked, using my Heart Stealer to reel her in.

Mariana's heart fluttered as she felt the enchanting pull of my charisma, her doubts and reservations fading into the background. She found herself drawn to me, not only for my irresistible charm but also for the happiness I brought to her loved ones. A faint glow appeared on her chest, a Love Sigil forming on her chest.

[Love/Charm/Flirting EXP +7000]

[Mariana's Heart has been stolen...]

"Alright, you've got me..~ You're lucky I really like you...otherwise you would've wasted your breath..~" Mariana giggled, handing her phone to me so I could put my number in it.

I took her phone and added my contact in it then handed it back. Mariana saved it and locked us in. With a newfound sense of certainty, Mariana embraced the connection blossoming between us, her heart open to the possibility of love with me.

Name: Mariana La Rio

Age: 22

Birthday: May 5th

Height: 5 Feet 6 Inches

Weight: 125 lbs

Nationality: Hispanic

Status: Good Friends

Bond: 45%

Title: Karma's Enforcer

Occupation: Gang Member

Most Desirable Trait(s): Charisma, Talent, Empathy, Passion, Romance

Least Desirable Trait(s): Traitorous, Excessive Vulnerability, Compulsive Lying

Libido: Conservative

Favorite Gifts: Plushies, Jewelry, Gifts of Mexican Importance

I looked over at Charlotte then gave her a playful smirk. "Don't think I forgot about you as well..~"

Charlotte giggled softly, gently biting her bottom lip, pointing to herself. "Me?~"

I chuckled softly, giving her a nod then moved around the booth to settle between Mariana and Charlotte so I could give both women the same amount of attention after I got done working my magic with Charlotte.

"I've never really got to tell you how beautiful you really are..~ You don't even understand how long I could stare at you and your beauty for..~" I complimented, noticing her eyes sparkling at my flirts and charm.

[Charm/Flirting EXP +5,000]

"Then stare at me for as long as you like...I hope I can mesmerize you..~" Charlotte flirted back, adding pressure to me with her own flirtatious attitude.

I found myself drawn to Charlotte's magnetic presence. Unlike Mariana, who initially played hard to get, Charlotte welcomed my bold flirtations and physical affection with eager enthusiasm, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Drawing her close, my touch was gentle yet possessive as I showered Charlotte with compliments, my words a reflection of her inner and outer beauty. She responded to my advances with equal fervor, her laughter mingling with mine as we shared playful banter.

Charlotte reveled in the warmth of my embrace, her heart skipping a beat as I leaned in for a small kiss. The brief moment of intimacy sent a thrill coursing through her veins, igniting a fire of desire that burned brightly in her eyes. A faint glow appeared on Charlotte's chest, the same Love Sigil forming on her chest.

Naomi and Chloe, witnessing the exchange, couldn't contain their excitement at seeing Charlotte so openly affectionate with me. Witnessing the interaction, a friendly rivalry sparked between Mariana and Charlotte, their rivalry over me only serving to deepen the connection between us and adding an extra layer of excitement to our interactions.

{All Tasks Complete!}

[Reward: All Trait Level Up!]

[All Trait Level: 20 (Luscious Abilities Potency +40%)]

The second hour flew by as the five of us hung out together then soon we got up to meet up with Jessica and the others to head to the VIP Section for the last part of our evening. Once we all met up, we followed a worker to the VIP Section where they showed us our party room where the real celebration would begin.

All of us walked into the room and began the party, singing on the karaoke, playing a few games, and even playing bowling at the private bowling area that had two separate lanes for us. The celebration had the room filled with vibrant energy and a happiness that made this night very memorable for all of us.

Soon, the girls had began to grow tired so we all called it a night, leaving the center to head back to my bus. Before taking the girls home to Sanctuary City, we all took a drive around Destiny Central so everyone could take pictures and enjoy the nice scenery.

As we drove around, the excitement in the eyes of each girl was evident as they all dreamed of living in Destiny Central after the Gang War was completely over with. Naomi promised everyone that once Karma wins, Destiny Central and Sanctuary City won't have to worry about being divided anymore and due to that promise the moral of everyone increased.

After our adventures around Destiny Central, I took everyone home back to Sanctuary City, each girl looking forward to more appearances from me now that The Syndicates were temporarily not a problem anymore.

[Mega Link Date Successful!]

[Date Analysis: You actually managed to satisfy eight women at once. What more needs to be said for real!]

[Rank: XXX

[Credi Earned: 100,000 (40,000 went to Luckie)]