Esorian Training Pt. 5 [Lustie]

[Day: Sunday]

[Time: Evening]

[Location: Verdant Grove]

Today was the last day of my training, and it was going to be the most intense. Instead of training in the sunlight, Lustie opted to wait until night where her powers as a demon grow to the peak of her potential. In this forest, it was only me, Lustie, Charismari, and Celene. Lust-E sat upon my shoulder, curiously watching Lustie, noticing she was trying to locate energy within the forest.

I looked around my surroundings, feeling dark energy and eerieness around the forest. There was definitely something in the area that I wasn't truly aware of. "So, Red...why are we training at night? I know your powers peak during the night, but is there any other reason?"

"Mhm~ Today you will be learning about Demonic Source which is the opposite of Angelic Source. Think about everything Benevolent and Holy and flip that upside down. With demonic energy, your negative traits are boosted by 100% while your positives are lowered," Lustie started then walked toward me.

Lustie gracefully walked behind me, wrapping her arms around me. "Tonight, you won't be fighting me..~ You won't be able to even land a hit on me the moment my influence hits you..~ Tonight, you will be helping me defeat a member of the Old Heavenly Tribe that wanders the forest."

"Why? Who is this person?" I asked, watching Lustie's hand glide down my body.

"His name is Lotus...He was my very first client. It's time to give you a little backstory about my life so listen closely, my love..~" Lustie said, resting her chin upon my shoulder, her fingers tracing my stomach.

"10 years ago, I appeared to Earth via The Temple of Beginnings, but it wasn't voluntarily. I was summoned here...and I was only 10 years old at the time with only my basic demon abilities. Because I was too young, he ended up just using my demon abilities to craft weapons and equipment to help the top dogs of The Syndicates for the last 10 years," Lustie started, her eyes fluttering shut.

Lustie continued, "When I unlocked my Lust Abilities, he began to abuse his influence on me... forcing me to craft potions and other elixers that could help him seduce any woman he wanted. Even discipling me with Holy Texts if I dared to ever disobey him. The gentle man I once knew was nothing more than a monster inside...and it was definitely true when the woman he seduced was killed by his hands because she wasn't perfect enough for him.."

I listened to Lustie's story closely, gently holding her hand as I felt her hold on me tightening. I could sense that telling her backstory to me was hard for her. My mind ran with questions, wondering what Lotus had really done to Lustie.

"He killed multiple women, lusting for the perfect woman until his paws landed on one woman. She was such a pure soul...a soul that was destroyed by him and my power. Before I met you...most of my clients were within The Syndicates. I've watched countless women get abused and used...their blood also on my hands. At a certain point of my life...I wasn't a Love Demon. I was...just a monster," Lustie said softly, gripping my jacket tightly.

"Then I found you...a pure soul. A righteous soul. A caring soul. With you, I was finally able to escape The Syndicates...and because of you I...regained my purpose. A purpose I was born to do. I am a descendant of Asmodeus, yes...but I do spread love and lust. Even when you lust for the women you love, I can sense that Lust become Love... something no one has done before with my power."

"What I'm trying to say is...I want revenge on Lotus. I want to kill him and save the woman he has captive. I can't do it alone though... I'm too afraid that I might freeze up, and I know with you I can do anything..~" Lustie finished, opening her eyes and smiled at me.

I returned Lustie's smile with my own then nodded my head. "I will help you, Red. We will save the captive woman and kill Lotus... together."

Lustie's eyes sparkled with happiness, her ears wiggling and her tail wagging. "Thank you, Shiro..~ Alright, let's get down to it. Charismari and Celene are also here as well for case things get too bad because Lotus isn't weak in the slightest. He is an Alchemist with a Philosopher's Stone. We are gonna need all the help we can get...and also Charismari is needed to Purify the woman from the evil spell I helped cast upon her."

"And I'm here for you, Shiro. Just in case you become consumed by your own demons," Celene said, smiling at me. "I couldn't risk bringing Ani with me for a mission like this. It's too dangerous and it could trigger her PTSD..."

I nodded then watched Lustie walk ahead. " will we find Lotus?"

"He is within the Heavenly Bay Area of Verdant Grove. We won't be able to find him by normal means. Since he contains Demonic Energy and a strong amount of it, we need to scope him out. With our abilities, we should be able to find him. His hideout is an ancient, overgrown temple," Lustie answered.

I nodded my head, looking at Charismari and Celene. "Are we all ready?"

"Yes, I am as ready as can be," Charismari said, summoning her cross.

"I am too. I have already asked Tengoku to watch over us. We can head out as soon as you're ready," Celene answered, faint divine energy flowing around her body.

"Alright, let's go!" Lustie exclaimed, smacking her fist against her hand, a devilish smirk tugging at her lips. "Lotus ain't gonna defeat himself!"

I nodded and activated my Crest of Lust, demonic energy awakening around me and my gauntlets changing to match the energy that pulsated around my being. The brilliant gold of my gauntlets dimmed and darkened, shifting into an obsidian black that seems to drink in the light around it. Crimson veins snaked across the surface, glowing with an otherworldly light that pulses like a demonic heartbeat. Sinister runes and glyphs appeared, etched into the gauntlets with a dark energy that flickered menacingly.

"Let's go," I said, walking forward.

Lustie, Charismari, and Celene followed behind, the four of us setting out to find Lotus.


We ran across the forest, out steps quick and filled with urgency. Everyone followed my lead, taking each turn I took and went down every hill I travelled down. The more we ran, the deeper into the forest we got and the more unsettling the environment became. I could feel goosebumps crawling along my skin, something more sinister than I expected lying ahead.

Soon, I sighted the temple Lustie mentioned, the eerie presence growing stronger as we approached it. Before we could get close to the temple, a group of masked figures emerged from the bushes and attacked. The four of us scattered, evading the surprise attack.

"You shall not pass beyond this point," The leader of the masked beings said. Her red and white hair flowed with the ominous breeze that started, her gaze shifting between the four of us before landing on me. "Hmm..? You have a system...and two Love Demons with you. Who are you?"

"Like that matters. Step aside, or would you rather be removed by force?" I asked, glaring at the woman.

The woman laughed, crossing her arms over her chest and not taking me seriously. "You seriously believe you can defeat us..?"


'Seriously? At a time like this..?' I spoke to Lust-E via telepathy.

[I make no mistakes. There are two women though. The woman you see before you, and the captive woman in the confine of that temple. Just like with Phoenix, you will need to defeat this woman to attract her.]

I nodded my head then looked at the masked woman. "I'm only giving you one last chance to step aside. I wouldn't want to hurt a beautiful body like yours.."

[??? seemed to like that...]

"Tch! Flirting with me at a time like that to disarm me? You're not like the other guys actually know how to use your words. Even still, I won't let you pass...not without surrendering that traitor over to us," The woman said, pointing at Lustie.

"Not happening. Lustie stays with me.." I said, becoming a bit territorial over Lustie.

"Is that so..? So you'd rather die for trespassing instead of doing the smart thing and surrendering her back to us? Foolish..." The woman said then heard her allies groaning and moaning. She looked around, noticing them falling to their knees after being induced with lust by Lustie.

After inducing them with sin, Charismari used her cross to eliminate their corrupted souls, sending them all to salvation and killing the Alchemists. The woman seemed surprised that her allies were quick work for the Love Demons.

"My love, I'll let you deal with the leader. Remember, you are only permitted to use you Crest of Lust~ Kill her or keep her alive, it doesn't matter to me. This is will be a part of your training. Unlike the last four days, if you're feeling overwhelmed call out for us and we will intervene and take over," Lustie said, floating backwards and watching on standby.

Charismari and Celene also went on standby, conserving their energy for the bigger fight that will soon lie ahead.

I looked at the woman then took off my jacket. "I will tell you my name, as long as you tell me yours.."

"Fine.." The woman said, keeping up her guard.

"My name is Shiro Moji. You've probably heard my name around the islands. I am Destiny's Hero...the man that will put an end to The Syndicates," I said, the crimson veins of my gauntlets shining brightly as I got into my battle stance.

" that you say your name...your name rings many bells. A man trying to play savior but has no idea what he's going up against. I am Ruby Whitmore, a sub leader of The True Syndicates. If you think you're going get close to defeating me, think again!" Ruby bellowed, dashing toward me.

I lunged forward with a swift strike the same time she threw her attack. Our fists clashed, but I easily won the test of strength, pushing her back. Ruby went on the defensive, evading and blocking my swift strikes. With a graceful movements, she twirled around my punch, landing a powerful back fist to my jaw and knocked me off balance.

Ruby clapped her hands together, blasting me with a powerful bolt of lightning that sent me flying. I recovered off one hand then placed my hand on the ground, a black and red tentacle manifesting from my lower back using my demonic energy. I launched my tentacle toward Ruby at high speeds, Ruby barely managing to evade it and sustained a scratch on her arm.

'Tch..! What the hell is that..?' Ruby thought to herself as she rapidly evaded my tentacle with careful movements.

I made the tentacle disappeared then firmly placed my hands on the ground, the claws of my gauntlets digging into the ground. I sent a barrage of roots toward her at high speeds, the roots wrapping around Ruby, draining her energy slowly. Ruby grunted loudly as her energy was being drained, but she remained resilient. She set the roots ablaze using her Fire Manipulation, the red half of her hair glowing as she activated her power.

Ruby planted her feet on the ground, panting softly and holding her arms. Her body shuddered as the sensation of her very own life force being drained remained around her body. "Now you will pay for that!"

Ruby began to launch multiple fireballs at me, but I quickly sprang into action, weaving my arms around to manipulate the fireballs and sent them flying back toward her. Ruby evaded the fireballs, launching bolts of lightning toward me. I stomped my foot down, raising my arms and creating a wall of stone to block the bolts of lightning.

Lightning began to crackle around Ruby's legs then she launched herself toward me at lightning speed as the wall lowered, landing a powerful lightning kick to my face and launched me back. She ran toward me, the white side of her hair shining then she began to rush me with light speed strikes. Ruby launched me into the air then used her light energy to warp above me, landing a powerful stomp on my back and crashed to the ground with me.

"Shiro!" Lust-E exclaimed, rushing toward me and checking on me. "Shiro, are you okay?"

I slowly got onto one knee, looking at Ruby as she stood strong. I lowered my head, closing my eyes. "Yeah...I'm alright..."

Lustie watched me, wondering what I was doing then realized I was praying. Charismari and Celene watched as well, and all three noticed something different about my prayer. There was no Divine Energy generating around me.

"Kaua..." I said softly, standing up then I let out a deep Tribal Howl, my tribal tattoos glowing a deep red. My gauntlets began to make a deep humming sound, the crimson veins shining brightly.

"He just prayed to Jigoku and he answered!" Celene said, her expression a mixture of awe and concern.

"Jigoku?" Charismari asked, looking at Celene.

"Jigoku is a Mojisolan God and husband to Tengoku. Jigoku is the Mojisolan God of War and Chaos. The fact he responded to Shiro...means even he acknowledges Shiro.." Celene said, now watching me closely.

My mind became clouded with a multitude of thoughts, my hair became more beast like and became a dark red color, and my eyes shone a bright orange hue. I looked at Ruby with a serious expression and a sigil formed in my eyes.

Lust-E began to transform in response to my Crest of Lust, her body changing into a dark, alluring figure with bat-like wings and glowing red eyes. Her clothes turned into a dark, gothic attire with intricate red and black designs.

Ruby stared at me, her mind racing with many questions. She took a step back, feeling the intensity of our power. ' this..?'

I walked forward then sprinted toward Ruby, catching her off guard with a swift Destiny Flash to her face, knocking her away. I ran after her, landing a barrage of powerful blows to her then I landed a powerful uppercut to her chin, knocking her upward. Lust-E flew toward Ruby and swiftly blasted her down with a beam of demonic energy.

I appeared in front of Ruby, letting out a roar as I landed a powerful Destiny Flash directly to her stomach, a pulse of iridescent energy flashing upon impact and sending her flying. Ruby groaned as she slammed into a tree then fell to the ground.

Ruby slowly got up, spitting out a bit of blood and caught her breath. She stood up on her feet, looking at me and watched me approach her. She wiped her lip, using her energy to summon a blade made of light energy. 'This guy isn't normal...I have to take him down quickly..'

I stopped walking then looked at Ruby, and induced her with Lust using the sigils in my eyes. Ruby grunted softly, feeling her lust awakening within her but she managed to resist my influence then launched herself toward me. I watched as she approached, dodging each slash she threw at me.

With precise movements and swift steps, Ruby couldn't land a single blow on me as the lust within her began to slowly take over her. With her last attempt, she completely missed then felt her knees growing weak from the pleasure she was feeling. She panted softly, covering her mouth to prevent herself from moaning.

"What...are you me..?" Ruby whined softly, gripping my shirt as she tried to stay focused. " I want you so badly..?!"

Before Ruby could speak another word, I used my energy to knock her away then dropped an orb of plant energy to the ground then the orb formed into a Floral Elemental Demon. The Demon let out a soft giggle, causing colorful flowers to bloom around the area forming a warm, inviting glow. Ruby looked at the flowers, a serene feeling washing over her.

'What is this..? Why do I ease..? The pleasure is still...running wild in my body. This sensation...euphoria...I haven't felt this sensation in forever...' Ruby thought herself as she closed her eyes.

I held my hand out in front of me, the Crest of Lust shining brightly on my arm. I set my fingers in a snapping position and watched Ruby as she was in a complete state of mind. 'This attack won't kill her...nor will it physically damage her. I want to save she ignorantly follows the enemy, but I know one battle won't be enough...with this technique, you will rest at ease, Ruby..'

'I shall call this technique... Euphoria Overload...' I thought to myself, snapping my fingers.

The moment I snapped my fingers, a radiant burst of energy formed around Ruby, causing her to experience an intense orgasm. She moaned loudly, holding onto herself, the colorful petals surrounding her. She slowly fell to her knees, a tranquil, yet defeated expression settling onto her face.

[Stamina has fallen to 66%]

Celene uncovered her eyes after the light that shined from my attack faded away, noticing Ruby on the ground. She noticed how peaceful Ruby looked while on the ground, as she had experienced a sensation she had long forgotten.

Lustie sniffed, wiping away her tears and clapped her hands. "That attack...was the most beautiful shit I've seen since Gojo's Hollow Purple. What the hell was that move?"

I reverted back to my normal state and watched the colorful flowers disappear one by one. I looked at Ruby, noticing her mask had fallen off her face. "I call it... Euphoric Overload combined with the Garden of Bliss. It is a technique using my Libido Drive...and the Eyes of Lust along with Plant Manipulation and Demon Creation. A lot of thought went into it...with my mind being clouded with thoughts...I thought of the best way to neutralize her."

"She must be someone you can save..?~ Is that it?" Charismari asked, walking toward me.

"Mhm.." I nodded, my gaze never leaving Ruby. "If possible...I would like to take her back with us.."

"That would be pretty smart," Lustie said and hovered toward Ruby. She went to grab her, but her body was warped away. She seemed a bit surprised then watched the ray of light return to the temple. " time..~"

"If it's alright with you all, I'd like to rest for a bit. It took a lot out of me to even use Euphoric Overload. I would like to regain as much stamina as I can before we head to face Lotus.." I said softly, giving the girls a smile.

"Of course, babe~ It's not like I expect you to do this all in one run..~ Take as much time as you need. The night is still young..~" Lustie said, gently rubbing my hair.

I smiled at Lustie then gently pulled her out of the air for a gentle kiss before making my way to sit against a tree. Lust-E plopped herself on the top of my head, closing her eyes. Together, the two of us began to plan our strategy for Lotus and how we should tackle the situation. We will be against a huge figure of The Syndicates and one of the big bosses. This was life or death and the first step into taking down The Syndicates...

~{To Be Continued}~