Welcome Back to Sanctuary City!

[Day: Monday]

[Time: Morning]

[Location: Home]

The morning sun painted the sky with hues of orange and pink, casting a gentle glow over my home. The air was filled with anticipation and excitement as everyone prepared to start their new life and journey at Sanctuary City.

I made sure all my bags were packed and looked around my home one last time. Suddenly, my phone began to ring and caught my attention. I grabbed my phone off my bed, looking at the caller ID and noticed it was Naomi calling me.

I answered the call. "Hey, what's up?"

"Nothing much, just calling you to tell you that your transfer went by smoothly. You're all ready to come to Sanctuary University. Also, I managed to get the share house near our university so when you're ready to come, we have a room ready for you and your friends," Naomi said, her tone filled with a mix of anticipation and excitement to see me again.

"Thanks, Nao..~ It's been a long time coming for this. I'm ready to spend time with you all and end this war for good," I replied, grabbing my luggage and heading out of my room.

Naomi chuckled softly, letting out a soft sigh. "You should know...you're wanted around the city. You have an entire bounty on your head after news broke that you killed another leader of The Syndicates. You're famous now..~"

"I don't think that's the kind of Fame I want, but...I guess I should've expected it," I said, walking down the stairs.

"Mmm. You should stay safe when coming here. I'd hate for you to get into too much danger before you can show up. I'll send you a few safe havens I have around the city, one of them being Yellow Lake. You should head to the share house first before heading to Sanctuary University," Naomi said.

"I will. I'll call you when I make it to the city," I replied.

"Okay. Love you," Naomi said.

"Love you too," I said, the call ending afterward.

I walked into the living room, noticing everyone conversing with one another and waiting for me. I noticed everyone talking to Eliza, Ani being the most curious about her.

"Is everyone ready to head out?" I asked, a warm smile settling on my lips.

Celene looked over at me, giving me a warm smile as well. "Yeah, we're all just about ready."

Eliza looked over at me, her red eyes shining as she stared at me. She walked over to me, inspecting every inch of my being. "So you're...my savior..?"

I smiled at Eliza, my presence offering an inviting vibe. "Is that what they told you..?"

Eliza nodded, looking up at me. "Mhm...they said you fought hard for me. You killed Lotus...and saved me from his hold..~ After so long, my hero has come..~ Mon héros...~" She said softly, resting her head against my chest and took me in for an embrace.

Ani grunted softly, a hint of jealousy in her eyes. "S-So when are we heading out?"

I looked at Ani, giving her a soft smile. "We can head out right now, I want to have you all at a safe haven as soon as possible."

Ani nodded her head, her eyes shifting to Eliza who was still embracing me. "Okay.."

I looked down at Eliza, hearing her soft snoring. I let out a soft chuckle, gently shaking her. "Eliza..."

Eliza opened her eyes, noticing she was still embracing me. She looked up at me with a coy smile. "Mmm..? Oh, sorry...I have a bad case of Narcolepsy...I hope you don't mind it.."

"I don't mind it..~ It adds to your charms..~" I said softly, gently caressing her cheek, feeling her body shudder at my touch.

[Eliza likes that...]

[Eliza's Affection Meter rose to 20%]

Eliza chuckled softly, letting me go and yawned softly. "Let's head out..~ I'm ready..~"

I nodded, gathering everything and heading out to the garage with everyone else following behind. I grabbed my keys and went into the garage, packing everything into the trunk of my car. I knew this would be the last time I would see Destiny Central for now, my heart swelling with a bittersweet sensation, but I remained determined knowing that Sanctuary City needed me now more than ever.

We all got into my car, my Love Demons transforming into their tiny companion forms like Lust-E so we all could fit inside without transforming my vehicle. Once we were all settled in, I set off to Sanctuary City.

[New Woman Registered!]

[Information Acquired.]

Name: Eliza Druand

Age: 24 (Real Age - 34) [For the readers, due to her transformation via Philosopher's Stone she's Ageless now.]

Birthday: April 22nd

Height: 5 Feet 6 Inches

Weight: 125 lbs

Nationality: French

Race: Vampire

Status: Her Savior

Bond: 20%

Title: None

Occupation: None

Most Desirable Trait(s): Lust, Charm, Flirting, Passion, Empathy

Least Desirable Trait(s): Abusive, Corruptive, Compulsive Lying

Libido: During Daytime - Conservative; During Nighttime - Very High

Favorite Gifts: None


[Day: Monday]

[Time: Afternoon]

[Location: Sanctuary City]

The road stretched ahead, flanked by the dense, verdant forests of the Destiny Islands. I focused on the road, while the others chatted, the scenery a blur outside the windows.

"Eliza, I've been wondering… what exactly are you?" Ani questioned curiously, turning to Eliza.

"Oh, well, I'm a… a vampire. It all started when…" Eliza began to explain, but her eyes grew heavy, and she trailed off, her head nodding forward in sleep.

Ani nudged her gently. "Eliza, wake up. You were saying?"

Eliza woke up, her eyes fluttering open. "Hm? Oh right. As I was saying, I'm a vampire. I was… experimented on with a Philosopher's Stone," Eliza's voice wavered between drowsiness and alertness as she continued to explain.

"A Philosopher's Stone is a powerful alchemical object that can… grant immortality or even transform… someone completely. I was… a normal woman until…" Once again, she fell asleep mid-sentence.

Ani sighed, shaking her lightly. "Eliza, wake up again. You need to finish your story."

Eliza woke up with a start, rubbing her eyes. "Right, sorry. Narcolepsy. During the daytime, I can't help but fall asleep… randomly. But at night, I'm fully awake and… my powers are at their peak."

Ani nodded her head, tilting her head. "So, you can't use your vampire abilities during the day?"

"Not effectively. The sun weakens me… a lot. That's why I need a shadow veil to move around during the day… without falling asleep constantly. Though, it still happens quite a bit despite the veil..." Eliza said, rubbing her eyes.

I glanced at Eliza through the rear view mirror. "Seems like you have trouble during the day, Eliza. We'll make sure to keep you safe."

[Eliza's Affection Meter rose to 30%]

[Bond with Eliza increased.]

Eliza smiled warmly at me, giggling softly. Her cheeks became slightly rosy at my reassurance. "Thank you, Shiro..~ That means a lot to me..~"

Ani noticed how lovestruck Eliza looked as she stared at me. She held her hands between her lap, staring out the window. 'Why do I feel so jealous..?'

The car continued its journey, the conversation quieting down to process Eliza's story. The road ahead was still uncertain but I knew with us together, the challenges ahead would be easier.

Soon, we made it to the share house and Lust-E registered it as my current new home. I parked my car in the driveway and got out, heading to the trunk to get our luggage out. I looked at our new home and admired it. The share house stood welcomingly before us, a comfortable and spacious building with a cozy aura.

I smiled at everyone, giving them an excited smile. "Alright everyone, let's go see our new home."

"Hecks yeah!~ I'm so ready!" Lustie said excitedly, quickly hovering toward the front door.

We made our way to the front door, the excitement at our peak. I rang the doorbell and waited patiently, wondering who was home at the moment. Moments later, the door swung opened revealing Jessica. Once she noticed me, her face lit up with joy.

"Shiro!~" Jessica said happily, immediately embracing me for a hug.

I chuckled softly, hugging her back then our embrace was sealed with a gentle kiss. The reunion was heartwarming, the connection between us was palpable.

I let go of Jessica, holding her shoulders gently. "It's so good to see you again, Jess..~ I've missed you a lot, I'm glad you're still safe..~"

Jessica smiled at me, gazing at me with loving eyes. "I've missed you too..~ I'm glad you're safe as well..~" She said softly then her eyes moved past to Celene, Ani, and Eliza, curiosity sparking in her eyes.

"Who are they..?" Jessica asked, curiosity laced in her voice.

Celene gave a polite smile, stepping forward. She offered her hand to Jessica for a handshake. "Hi, my name is Celene. I'm Shiro's Guardian. It's nice to meet you, I've heard quite a bit about you and Karma."

Jessica shook her hand, smiling kindly. "It's nice to meet you, Celene."

Ani shyly stepped forward, bowing to Jessica. "I'm Ani Nalanie. I've known Shiro since we were kids."

Jessica nodded at Ani, smiling warmly at her then glanced at me. "A childhood friend huh?~"

I chuckled softly, nodding my head. "Yeah, we go way back..~"

Jessica then looked at Eliza, waiting for her to introduce herself, but noticed she had fallen asleep standing up, her head drooping forward. Jessica glanced at me then back at Eliza, scratching the side of her head.

Jessica looked at me, raising an eyebrow. "Uhm...is she okay?"

I chuckled softly, crossing my arms then looked back at Eliza. "She's alright. Her name is Eliza Druand. She has narcolepsy, so she falls asleep at random times."

Jessica gave an understanding nod, smiling kindly. "Oh, I see. Well, we'll make sure she's comfortable during her stay. Come inside, Baylee, Melissa, and Faith are inside~"

Jessica gently guided us inside, Eliza being gently nudged awake just long enough to follow along. We settled into our new home, the share house filled with warmth and the promise of new beginnings.


After we all got settled in, we decided to hang out in the living room. Jessica, Baylee, and Melissa were conversating with one another, getting to know Celene, Ani, and Eliza better while I played a few games with Faith. The peace that resonated in the room was lovely to me. Seeing the happy smiles of the Sanctuary City Girls let me know that Naomi had been working hard on her end to get them all away from the hands of The Syndicates.

Soon, we heard the front door open and noticed Naomi walking inside with Chloe, Charlotte, Mariana, and Dante. Chloe, Charlotte, and Mariana noticed me sitting on the couch, their faces lighting up with excitement. They hurried over toward me, extremely happy to see me.

"Oh my goodness!~ Shiro!~" Chloe exclaimed, hugging me tightly, not wanting to let go. "You're back!~"

I chuckled softly, holding onto Chloe and setting my controller down to hold her. I looked down at Chloe, listening to her cry tears of joy. "I've missed you as well, Chloe..~ I'm back now and I'm not leaving for a while..~"

Charlotte chuckled softly as she walked toward me, a bright smile also on her face. "It's been a while, stranger..~ I'm glad you didn't run off on us..~"

"Yeah, that's would be extremadamente malo. I'm glad you're safe though, elegante..~" Mariana said, a soft smile on her face.

After a sweet reunion with everyone, Naomi pulled me to the kitchen to speak with me privately while the others introduced themselves and hung out with Celene, Ani, and Eliza.

"Glad to have you back, Hero..~ Everyone constantly asked about you and when I told them you were staying with us, it was like I told them we had won the lottery," Naomi said, watching everyone from the kitchen with a smile on her face.

I looked over at everyone as well, just happy that I got to see their faces again. "I can imagine. I'm glad to be here with you all again..~ Since I'll be going to school with you all, I'll be here for a while. It's gonna take some adjusting, but I know I'll adjust. It is strange going to a rival school though...I can already imagine the faces.."

"Speaking about Sanctuary University, has anyone from The Syndicates come back to the university since Vance's death?" I asked, leaning against the counter and crossing my arms.

"Nah, they all ran off with their tails between their legs...but we do have to deal with the stragglers a whole lot more on the streets. Luckily for us, we have the entire Southern Division of Sanctuary City on our side," Naomi answered, standing beside me.

"We really had to bust our asses out there for the last few weeks for this type of control. However, ever since that new guy and these Alchemists came along, we couldn't make any more advances to the Central Division nor could we even get close to the Northern Division. We just don't have the weaponry to deal with them like we want...we need some heavy hitters truly," Naomi sighed softly, but kept a smile on her face.

I smiled at Naomi, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Well you're in luck because I've been training like crazy the past week. I've got you all covered. I can assure that..~"

Naomi returned my smile with a coy smile, leaning her body against mine. "I can get behind that type of assurance..~ You do seem a lot stronger than the last time we last saw you..~ You know what, we should throw a welcome back party."

"You don't have to, but I have a feeling you won't take no for an answer," I said, wrapping my arm around her shoulder.

Naomi giggled softly, closing her eyes as my presence gave her a peace of mind. "Nope~ I'm not taking no for an answer... I even bought everything ahead of time.."

"I figured..~ Alright, I'm down for a party...just don't party too hard, I'd like to go to school with you all tomorrow morning," I said, rubbing her shoulder gently.

Naomi nodded, looking up at me. "That's fine by me..~"

We shared a tender kiss, the moment we shared giving us the feeling that the world around us had slowed down. Naomi finally pushed me back gently, wanting me to go hang out with the others while she prepared the food and drinks for the party. I chuckled softly, going back to the living room to let Naomi work on setting the party up.

An hour had gone by, the share house buzzing with activity. The scent of Rotel dip and meatballs wafted through the air, mingling with the sound of laughter and chatter that filled the room.

Naomi had finished preparing everything and made her way to the living room. She had a broad smile on her face as she prepared her announcement. "Alright everyone, the food is all ready for everyone to dig in. I made everything to celebrate Shiro's return."

Baylee's excitement shot through the roof, shooting up from her seat. "Yes!~ I knew I was smelling some delicious food!~"

"It does smell really delicious. I can't wait to dig in," Jessica said, smiling as she stood up.

Naomi chuckled softly, crossing her arms as she looked at everyone. "There's enough for everyone to get at least seconds and at most thirds, so come dig in~"

Everyone got up, the excitement for Naomi's cooking evident as they all lined up to get their fair share. I noticed Eliza had drifted off, so she didn't know there was food. With a gentle nudge, she woke up and her gaze landed on me with a smile on her lips. I held her hand, helping her up and leading her to the kitchen.

Once we all got our share, we went back to the living room, the conversations lively and the area full of life. For the first part of the party, we sat around and watched a movie as we ate. The sounds of chips crunching, laughter, and light conversations mingled with the sound of the movie playing.

After we had our fair share of food, we moved on to play a few games and activities. The atmosphere was lively, with everyone mingling and enjoying the festivities. Games like uno and other card games brought out the competitive spirits of those participating, with Baylee losing yet another round to the delight of everyone else.

"I can't believe I lost at Uno again!" Baylee exclaimed, throwing her hands up in mock despair.

Jessica teased, "Maybe it's because you always throw the game at the end without calling out Uno when you're down to your last card!"

"Oof.." Naomi said, chuckling softly as she watched.

Faith, always the peacemaker, smiled. "It's all in good fun. You'll definitely win the next game, Bay..~"

"Yeah!~ I just gotta believe in the Heart of the Cards more! I declare the next victory will be mine!" Baylee declared, a determined smile on her face.

Eliza, who had briefly dozed off in the middle of a conversation, blinked awake. "Did I miss anything exciting?"

Ani giggled. "Just Baylee losing at Uno again."

Eliza smiled, her eyes twinkling and now wide awake. "I'll have to join the next round."

As the party wound down and everyone began to drift off to their rooms, Celene, Naomi, and I stayed behind to clean up. The once lively room was now quieter, but the sense of togetherness remained.

Naomi picked up empty paper plates and bowls from the tables. "That was a great party. It's good to see everyone happy."

Celene gathered plastic cups and utensils. "It really was. Everyone has such distinct personalities..~ I do have a question, how many girlfriends do you have Shiro?"

I blushed a bit as Celene asked the question. I stopped sweeping for a moment, looking at Celene. "Well...I technically 19 girlfriends, but I'm great at multitasking so I can keep track with each of them..~"

"He's not lying. One time he took eight of us out at once and we all went home very happy and pleased~ I kinda wanna go back, but alas our break is over." Naomi said, smiling as she brought the plates and bowls to the kitchen to throw away.

"Huh..~ My little one does have his own tribe here too. I shouldn't be too surprised though. I expected as much from someone as dashing as you~" Celene teased, gently pinching my cheek as she walked by.

I chuckled softly, watching Celene walk toward the kitchen. "Yeah, yeah..~"

While we cleaned, the conversation shifted from light hearted conversation to the future of Karma and the current tensions in Sanctuary City. The three of us stood around the kitchen, talking about the topic.

Naomi sighed, her face slightly serious. "So, about our plans for Karma. We need to be cautious. The Sanctuary City Government is cracking down on anyone who supports Noelle Grant's new book, The Hero's Warning."

Celene's brows furrowed. "I heard about that. Apparently, the book really hit a nerve with the corrupt officials."

"Yeah it did. Obviously the book was about Shiro and his eventual return to Sanctuary City, and everyone who supports us are literally being arrested...or worse killed because of the book. Those crooks will go to such lengths to silence us and stop Karma from gaining support," Naomi said, leaning back against the counter with her arms crossed.

"We'll have to be careful," I said, my voice soft but steady. "But we can't let fear stop us from doing what's right."

Naomi nodded. "Exactly. We need to find a balance between being cautious and staying true to our mission."

Celene looked at Naomi. "Speaking of which, what's your next move?"

"We need to gather more support discreetly," Naomi said, determination in her eyes. "And we have to protect those who are vulnerable to government retaliation."

"We'll get through this together," I reassured them. "We've faced tough challenges before."

"Thank you, Shiro. For everything," Naomi said softly. "We'll make sure Karma thrives."

"We're in this together, Naomi. We won't let the Sanctuary City Government silence us," I replied, my voice filled with conviction.

As we finished cleaning up, the house grew quiet, the echoes of the party fading into the night. Despite the challenges ahead, we found assurance in our shared purpose and unwavering support for one another. The path was uncertain, but we were ready to face it together, knowing we had each other to rely on.