Karma Pt. 3

[Day: Wednesday]

[Time: Afternoon]

[Location: Sanctuary University]

The warm afternoon sun streamed through the large windows of the university library, casting a golden glow on the rows of bookshelves and study tables. Joy and I sat side by side at one of the tables, textbooks and notebooks spread out before us. The library was relatively quiet, with only the soft whispers of other students and the occasional rustling of pages breaking the silence.

Joy pointed to a diagram in her textbook, explaining a complex concept that I had missed before transferring over. "So, this is where we left off in Elemental Chemistry. We were discussing the mechanisms of the combination of elements and how they react and change based on specific compounds."

I nodded, my brow furrowing slightly as I absorbed the information. "Got it. Thanks for catching me up, Joy. I really appreciate it."

Joy smiled, her pale pink eyes lighting up with enthusiasm. "It's no problem. I'm glad to help." She paused for a moment, then continued, "Actually, there's something else I've been working on. It's a Chemistry project I was initially doing on my own. It's about synthesizing new organic compounds for potential use in pharmaceuticals."

My interest was piqued. "That sounds fascinating. How's it going so far?"

Joy sighed softly. "It's been a bit overwhelming, honestly. There's so much to do, and I was feeling a bit stuck."

I reached out, gently placing my hand on her shoulder. "You don't have to do it alone. I'd be happy to help you with the project whenever I have free time."

Joy's face brightened, a look of relief and gratitude washing over her. "Really? That would mean so much to me, Shiro. Thank you."

"Of course," I said with a reassuring smile. "We're partners now, remember? We'll tackle it together."

We continued studying together, our heads bent over textbooks and notes. I found that Joy's explanations were clear and insightful, making the complex material much easier to understand, although I mainly already figured everything out. I still let her teach me since it made her happy talking about the subject: Joy, in turn, appreciated my thoughtful questions and my genuine interest in the subject.

As the hours passed, the library grew quieter, the afternoon sun gradually shifting to a warm, golden hue. Joy glanced at the clock on the wall and sighed. "Looks like it's about that time...I have to go meet up with the student council soon."

I nodded, closing my notebook. "No worries. Thanks again for helping me out today, Joy. And don't forget, we can work on the project whenever you need."

Joy gathered her things, a soft smile on her lips. "Thanks, Shiro. I'll take you up on that offer. See you later."

I watched as Joy walked away, feeling a sense of satisfaction. I was glad to be able to support her, just as she had supported me. As I packed up my own things, I couldn't help but feel a growing sense of connection and camaraderie with Joy.

Leaving the library, I felt the warmth of the late afternoon sun on my face, and my thoughts shifted over to think about where I would be going with Karma tonight and who we would meet. I made my walk home alone as Jessica, Baylee, and Faith all had a club meeting today.

"I actually can't wait to see who this mysterious person will be~ Is it a man? Is it a woman? The anticipation is killing me!" Lustie exclaimed, landing on my shoulder.

"Same here, but we will be leaving Southern Division of Sanctuary City so we all know who we will run into while going to meet up with this person," Passion said, her dragon tail swaying a bit.

"Phoenix," We all said in unison.

"Don't worry, I'll handle her just as I did last time. But I know they aren't the same as before. They are expecting me, but they aren't expecting the bloodline and a few extra allies to be with me..~" I chuckled softly, placing my hands in my pockets as I made my way to the share house.

"You're damn straight! But I am curious...what if we run into a Love Demon Wielder? What's the plan there because I'm assuming they have weapons that Lotus made and are all probably enhanced," Lustie wondered, tapping her chin lightly.

"Let's think about this from a power scaling prospective. Shiro was able to damage an immortal man, defeated Ruby on his own, tussled with four of the five Love Demons he owns and won two of those fights and tied the other two. Based on where you all scale, Shiro's at least Tier 7 which is at the least Small City Level and at the most Large Mountain Level," Lust-E said, using digital interfaces to calculate my strength.

"Damn I'm that strong?" I asked, looking at Lust-E.

"The Love Demons peak at Tier 6-A, High 6-A which is Multi-Continent Level. Luckie peaks at Island Level while Lustie is nearly Moon Level," Lust-E explained, her digital interfaces disappearing. "That's not counting the boosts you gain from harnessing Love Sigils from your women as well."

"Huh...that's pretty interesting. I'm glad we clarified this, just in case someone was like, 'Hmm, I wonder where Shiro scales in the story..'," I said, letting out a soft chuckle.

Lustie and Passion chuckled softly at my joke. They both shook their heads at my words.

"Also, you only need to obtain one Love Crest to increase your maximum level. Your next Level Cap will be 100," Lust-E said.

"Good thing I still have hella Credi saved up. The grind would've been something fierce," I said, a smile playing on my face. "Anyway, let's hurry home. I know they're all waiting for me."

"Affirmative," Lust-E said.


[Day: Wednesday]

[Time: Afternoon]

[Location: Home - Sanctuary City]

I made it back to the share house, seeing everyone was already outside and ready. Making my way toward them, I overheard Naomi going over a game plan with everyone.

"Making plans without me huh?" I teased, walking over to Naomi.

Naomi looked at me, a smirk playing tugging at the corner of he lips. "Well you sure took your sweet time getting here. Besides the plan isn't anything too extravagant. Remember last time? We're running the same play again."

"Got it," I said, nodding my head.

"Also, we have decided for you to deal with Phoenix since your car can transform and morph into anything. Once we get her out of the way, we can have smooth sailing. For now, our plan is to recruit Alice as she has equipment that can help us enhance our own," Naomi said then looked at her watch. "Plus, I hear she's kinda like Eliza here. Boosted by a Philosopher's Stone which gives us a noticable advantage."

"Alice? Like the one from Matsugaya?" Lustie asked, looking at me.

"Nah, that Alice isn't the same one Naomi is talking about. Besides, she didn't even appear last volume aside from a name drop," I answered, glancing at Lustie.

"You know, I've gotten so used to the Fourth Wall Breaks that it doesn't even phase me anymore. I have accepted that I can't do it like you all can," Passion said then sighed softly.

I chuckled softly then looked at my own watch, checking the time. "Alright, when are we heading out?"

"We will head out right now and get to the Central Division before dark. We want to deal with the least amount of problems when we get to the division. I believe it's the safest option," Naomi said.

"Alright, the set up will be like this. Charlotte, Chloe, Mariana and Dante will take the off-road to lead away the extra forces. Me, you, Ani, and Eliza will deal with the main forces. Celene is staying behind to watch over the girls," Naomi explained, looking at me.

"This will also be the perfect chance to Attract Phoenix and get her over on our side. We need someone like her on our team since she probably knows everything we need to know about The Syndicates," Lustie said to me via telepathy.

I subtly nodded my head. 'Yeah, I was planning on that anyway. I'm not letting her slip through my fingers this time..'

"Alright, I'm ready to get this done with. Let's go recruit Alice," I said, walking to my car.

As I made my way to my car, Lust-E manipulated it and changed it into a new, faster car. I admired its new sleek red and black exterior, gliding my fingers through the hood and the doors.

"Your new car, the Valkyrie XE. Modelled after the Aston Martin Valkyrie but enhanced to your liking and made to support fast and dangerous lines on the roads," Lust-E said, looking proudly at my new car.

"Alright..~ Lets do this shit. Ani, Eliza! Come on," I said, getting into my car.

Ani hurried toward my car, holding Eliza's hand to keep her awake for as long as she could. They both got into my car and I started it, the roar of the engine immediately waking Eliza up from her drowsiness.

"Good luck!~" Chloe said, waving at us before hopping in Charlotte's car.

"Keep in touch, Naomi," Mariana said, gently patting her shoulder. She made her way toward her motorcycle and mounted it.

"If you get into too much danger, send us the location and we'll head there as fast as possible," Dante assured, heading toward his motorcycle.

Naomi nodded at their words of encouragement, giving them a thumbs up to head off. She watched their vehicles set off down the road then walked to her motorcycle. She mounted on it, putting on her helmet and started her motorcycle. She signalled for me to roll down my window.

I rolled down my window, looking at her. "What's up?"

"You ready?" She asked, looking at me.

"As ready as I can be, Boss," I said, giving her a smirk.

Naomi smiled behind her helmet and nodded her head. "Let's ride," She said, revving her engine before racing ahead.

I put my car in drive then raced behind her. As we drove to the highway, I got a group call invitation then answered it. Ani leaned over to look at my phone screen, noticing everyone on one call.

"First exit we take is Exit 23 to set on the course of the Central Division then we split into our designated routes," Naomi said.

"Got it," Charlotte nodded.

"Understood," Dante said.

With the plan in motion, we all drove together onto the highway as a group, all of us taking the same route to the first target exit. Once we reached the exit and got back into the main road, Charlotte, Mariana, and Dante split off and left Naomi and I to deal with the police forces that hawked us down.

I noticed I had lost connection with the three, leaving Naomi and I alone in the call until we regrouped. I glanced at Ani, noticing she was praying to Tengoku then glanced at my rearview mirror, seeing Eliza resting her eyes.

"Are you ready for the action, babe?" Naomi asked, looking behind her seeing Phoenix's car and her forces behind her.

"I was born ready. They aren't stopping us," I chuckled softly, looking in my rearview mirror.

Phoenix smirked as she noticed us then got on her intercom. "You managed to beat me last time, Criminal! This time, I'll catch you and bring you to justice! It doesn't matter what supercar you bring now!"

I heard Phoenix's declare then chuckled softly. I noticed Naomi take an off-road path, causing the extra forces to target her due to Phoenix's orders. I looked at my side mirrors, noticing Phoenix closing in on me. Once she was side by side to my car, I rolled down my window.

"Ahh I see you've stepped up your game as well, Sargent. Nice ride you have there," I said, my glances shifting between her and the road ahead. "But you still won't beat me. I can promise that.."

[Phoenix's Attraction Meter rose to 10%]

Phoenix smirked, chuckling softly at my own declare. "Yeah? Then we will see about that!"

{Mission: Defeat Phoenix in a race to the Central Division.}

{Easy Task: Beat Phoenix.}

{Normal Task: Defeat Phoenix with minimal damage done to your car.}

{Hard: Get Phoenix's Attraction Meter to 100%}

The highway stretched out before us, Phoenix and I pushing our cars to the limit. We weaved through the traffic, neck and neck and neither of us gave the other the upper hand. Phoenix began to try to land a pit maneuver, but I used my Crest of Luck, causing miracles to happen to prevent Phoenix from hitting my car.

I raced ahead, temporarily leaving Phoenix behind. I whipped my car onto an off-road path, taking a shortcut to the Central Division but Phoenix was not too far behind. I looked in my rearview, seeing Phoenix behind me then smirked. I decided to give Phoenix a taste of her own medicine, driving along the gravel and rocks, sending them flying toward Phoenix's car.

Phoenix grunted, steering her car around the small rocks to prevent any of them from hitting the windshield. She looked ahead and chuckled softly. "You wanna play dirty..? Two can play dirty!"

Phoenix activated her EMP device, sending pulses toward my car, but Talenta awakened her power, forming an Anti-EMP barrier around my car. Phoenix looked a bit surprised, noticing the barrier around my car.

"What the...How is he doing that..?" Phoenix muttered, a mix of frustration and awe creeping into her voice.

She pressed on the gas, once again matching my speed and rammed her car into mine, attempting to push me off course. Ani grunted softly as she slammed into the door, her gaze turning toward my window as she noticed Phoenix.

"Roll down your window!" Ani called out, reaching into her bag.

I rolled down my window, quickly glancing toward Ani and noticed her pull out a wooden talisman from her bag. I leaned back as she tossed the talisman at Phoenix's car, shattering her window and landing on her seat.

Phoenix noticed the Talisman, grunting heavily as it began to shine. She quickly grabbed it and threw it out of her window, looking into her rearview and noticing an explosion in the distance. 'What the fuck..? If I hadn't reacted fast enough...I would've died...'

{Warning: Prevent Phoenix from dying from any means.}

Ani reached for another Talisman from her bag, but I stopped her. She looked at me, noticing the look in my eyes then decided to not get another Talisman. "What's wrong..? Do you not want me to go on the attack?"

"No. If we're gonna beat her, we're gonna do this my way," I said then pushed Phoenix's car off mine. I looked over at Phoenix and snapped my fingers at her. "Phoenix! I have a proposition for you! Meet me at the traffic light up ahead!"

Phoenix, now filled with curiosity, glanced at me then nodded. "Alright."

I sped up and drove my car from the off-road, back to the highway until I reached the traffic light. I stopped my car at the red light and watched my rearview mirror, noticing Phoenix approaching. Phoenix stopped her car beside mine and looked out of the passenger side window.

"What's your proposition, criminal," Phoenix asked, resting her arms on the top of the steering wheel.

I sat back in my seat, smiling at her, a determined glint in my eyes. "Let's have an old fashioned race. No tricks. No pit maneuvers. Nothing but a good one on one race to Sanctuary Central. If you win, I'll let you arrest me with no resistance on my end. If I win, you join Karma no questions asked."

"Are you crazy, Pepe?! What kind of stakes are these?!" Ani asked, bewilderment evident in her tone.

Phoenix stared at me for a moment then chuckled softly, looking ahead at the red light. She grabbed her walkie talkie, contacting her forces. "All forces listen up! Clear the roads from all civilians! If you're still chasing Karma, leave them to Central Division Forces! This is not a request, but an immediate order!"

"Roger that," One of her officers said.

"Shiro Moji," Phoenix began, her voice steady but laced with a hint of challenge. "Are you sure you want to go through with this? The stakes are high, and I don't plan on losing."

I met her gaze without flinching. "I'm sure, Phoenix. This race is our only option. Like I said, you win, I'll go quietly. But if I win, you join my side, no questions asked."

Phoenix raised an eyebrow, a small smirk playing on her lips. "You have guts, I'll give you that. But don't think I'll go easy on you just because you're desperate."

I chuckled, leaning casually against my steering wheel. "Desperate? I just know how to win. I've seen you drive before, Phoenix. You're good, but I'm better."

Phoenix's smirk widened. "We'll see about that, hotshot. Don't be crying to your friends when I haul your ass off in cuffs."

"Heh...as if. Maybe I'll take a picture with you when you join my side," I shot back, grinning. "You know, to commemorate the moment."

[Phoenix's Attraction Meter rose to 40%]

"Oooh...you know how to get a girl all excited..~ When you lose, I'll make sure to have some fun with you.." Phoenix chuckled darkly, revving up her engine.

"Oh yeah, you're locked in now~ All you need to do is win! We need her..~" Lustie chuckled, watching the two of us.

We lined up at the starting line, the tension between us crackling like electricity. Phoenix glanced at the traffic light then looked over at me one last time. "Last chance to back out, criminal."

I shook my head, determination in my eyes. "Not a chance. Let's do this."

Phoenix tossed me a spare radio then smirked. "Keep in touch.."

I smirked, clipping the walkie talkie to my jacket. "I will. I can't wait to hear the sound of your voice when I beat you.."

[Phoenix's Attraction Meter rose to 60%]

The two of us watched the traffic light closely, our hands gripping the steering wheel of our cars. Once the light turned green, the race was on.

Both cars shot forward, tires screeching against the asphalt. We sped through the empty streets, buildings and streetlights blurring into streaks of color. I focused intently on the road ahead, my hands steady on the wheel. I knew I couldn't afford any mistakes.

Phoenix, in her Ferrari, was a formidable opponent. She maneuvered through the streets with precision, her experience as a high-speed pursuit officer evident in every turn. I kept pace, pushing my car to its limits.

As we weaved through the city, I couldn't resist a bit of banter over our radios. "You're pretty quick for a crooked cop, Phoenix. I almost thought you were going to pull me over for speeding."

[Phoenix's Attraction Meter rose to 80%]

Phoenix's laugh crackled through the radio. "Funny, real funny. Maybe I'll let you off with a warning if you keep up."

The race was neck and neck as we approached the final stretch. Sanctuary Central loomed in the distance, its towering buildings casting long shadows. I felt the adrenaline surge through my veins, my mind laser-focused on the finish line.

Suddenly, Naomi reconnected onto the call. "Shiro, the cops. They've gone away. Did you get rid Phoenix?"

"Nah, I didn't get rid of her yet. We're blazing down the highways toward Sanctuary Central right now. We're in an old fashioned race and the stakes are huge for the both of us," I answered, my eyes glued on the road.

"Wha— Mmph...you are the Honorary Leader so I'm just gonna trust you on this. I'll meet you at the Central Division," Naomi said, driving forward. "You better win too.."

"I will, babe. Don't worry your mind over this..~" I replied, refocusing back on the race.

In the final moments, I spotted an opportunity. A slight curve in the road, one that I knew I could take at a higher speed than Phoenix. I accelerated, feeling the car respond to my command. As we took the curve, my car edged ahead, gaining precious inches with every second.

Phoenix pushed her car harder, but it wasn't enough. With a final burst of speed, I crossed the sign leading into the Central Division, my victory sealed. I slowed down, coming to a stop just after the street entering Sanctuary Central, my heart pounding in my chest.

Phoenix pulled up beside me, her expression a mix of frustration and grudging respect. She stepped out of her car, walking over to me, who had also exited my vehicle.

"A deal's a deal," Phoenix said, her voice steady despite the defeat. "You won. I'll join your side, no questions asked."

I nodded, extending his hand. "Welcome aboard, Phoenix. Together, we can bring an end to this gang war."

Phoenix shook my hand, a new alliance forged in the heat of competition. "You drive like a maniac, you know that?"

I grinned. "Thanks. I'll take that as a compliment."

[Phoenix's Attraction Meter rose to 100%]

[You can now date Phoenix!]

As we stood there, the lights of Sanctuary Central shining brightly above us, I knew the real challenge was just beginning. But with Phoenix's valuable information and my undying ambition, Karma now had a fighting chance against The Syndicates.

{Mission Complete!}

{Reward: Credi Earned +150,000, Luscious Box x10, Phoenix's Loyalty}

[New Woman Registered!]

[Information Acquired.]

Name: Phoenix Bridges

Age: 24

Birthday: February 7th

Height: 5 Feet 7 Inches

Weight: 129 lbs

Nationality: Caucasian

Status: Acquaintances

Bond: 10%

Title: The Blazing Speedster

Occupation: Police Sargent

Most Desirable Trait(s): Lust, Charm, Talent, Passion, Luck

Least Desirable Trait(s): None

Libido: Very High

Favorite Gifts: Flowers (Queen of Night Lilies and Bearded Iris specifically), Expensive Jewelry, Stuffed Animals, Expensive Makeup