Heart and Dawn

[Date: 1/17]

[Time: 10:30 AM]

[Location: Home - Destiny Central]

The sun smiled upon the islands, casting a warm golden glow over Destiny Central. The house bustled with excitement as everyone had their plans ready for the day. Most had already left for work, school, or other activities.

I sat in my room at my desk, working on my system via my laptop and sipping on a cup of coffee. Lust-E and Suru had themselves hooked up to my computer, working on themselves using my laptop.

"Babe!~" Lustie called out, floating toward me and hugging me from behind.

I looked back at Lustie and smiled at her, placing my hand on her cheek. "Good morning, Red. What's up?"

"Well...I want to go out with you today~ I was thinking about seeing if Habilee is free today after she clocks out!" Lustie said, resting her chin on my shoulder.

I gave it some thought, thinking about what all we would do together. After thinking for a bit, I gave her a nod. "Sure, we can go bother Habilee for a bit. I'm sure she would like to unwind with us after work."

"Ha! Did I heard you two making plans?" Sensitia asked, walking out of the bathroom with only a towel over her head.

We looked at Sensitia and noticed she was naked. Lustie scoffed at her boldness, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, we're making plans Fairy. Without you! So go be naked elsewhere and not in front of my boyfriend!" Lustie said, puffing her cheeks at Sensitia.

"Our boyfriend," Passion corrected, her eyes glued to the TV.

"I am the Head Girlfriend! I claim 90% of the ownership of Shiro! Besides, there's no way I'm sharing with that Pixie Prick!" Lustie scoffed, crossing her arms.

Sensitia's left eye twitched, an annoyed smile playing on her face. "Pixie Prick..? That's rich coming from a Demon who's last name is Pixielust. Weren't you a virgin before Shiro? I don't want to hear anything from a failed Succubus."

"Failed?! Why I oughta..." Lustie scoffed, the tip of her tail becoming a blade.

"Whoa, whoa, let's all calm down here. I understand sisterly bickers happen often between you all, but remember who's the real one in charge here. There will be no fighting between you all unless I give the okay and today isn't one of those days," I said, gently caressing Lustie's cheek to calm her down.

Lustie scoffed and held me tighter. "Hmph! You're lucky I'm super loyal to Shiro or else I would've beat your ass.."

"Beat me?" Sensitia asked, laughing at her with a mocking tone. "My ability can go all the way up to Pathifery aka Emotion Manifestation! No way you're winning an honest and clean fight against me."

"You do realize I'm literally Aphrodite, Asmodeus, Lilith, and Kama all in one right? When I was born, Mama made me the Ultimate Aphrodisiac. My ability works on women as well. You wouldn't even make it to that level of power before I cause you to have an intense pleasurable explosion," Lustie countered, her tail swaying from side to side.

"Plus, I'm you, Passion, Romancia, Flirtoria, AND Charismari in one! The sin of Lust is too strong for your little wittle Sixth Sense," Lustie added, giving Sensitia a mocking smirk.

"I would argue, but I can't deny that Lustie is in fact the strongest Love Demon due to her ability to even effect people regardless of their gender, immunities, and sexual orientation. Curse those Love Deities and their Gifts to Lustie.." Passion mumbled, hugging a pillow as she watched a cartoon on the TV.

"See? Even the most stubborn can recognize realness. Real recognizes real," Lustie boasted, letting out a triumphant scoff.

"Whatever," Sensitia said as she walked toward me, placing her hand on the desk, leaning down toward me. "Let me join you two. It would be nice to have a normal outing for once.."

"You're gonna have to put on some clothes. Habilee and the other girls have the ability to see you as well," I said, my eyes meeting Sensitia's.

'He has a lot of self control...not even looking at my breasts when they are exposed. Then again...he's seen so much of them they don't even bother him anymore..' Sensitia thought, standing up straight then smirked.

"Alright, I'll be ready in a few," Sensitia said, walking off.

Lustie and I watched as Sensitia went back into the bathroom. She let out a sigh and glanced down at me.

"You sure about this, babe?" Lustie asked.

"I know you only let certain people share me if you deem them trustworthy enough, but I'm sure about Sensitia. She's one of us now with the help of Ambitia," I said, looking over at Ambitia who was laying on her stomach on my bed, scrolling on her phone, watching cat videos on Instagram and giggling.

"Holy shmoly she's so basic...Cat videos?" Lustie asked, shaking her head.

I chuckled softly then looked at Suru and Lust-E, noticing they were unplugging themselves from my laptop.

"All Systems currently up to date," Lust-E said, hovering above the table.

"I'm all ready to go!~" Suru giggled, flapping her digital wings to levitate in the air.

I nodded at them then stood up, letting out a soft sigh. "Alright. It's time to get ready to go."

Sensitia walked out of the bathroom in her fairy dress, walking toward me and Lustie. "Alright, I'm finally ready."

I nodded at her then grabbed my bag and keys. "Alright let's get going."

Lustie and Sensitia shifted into their tiny companion forms, floating around with Suru and Lust-E and followed me out of my room. We made our way downstairs and out the front door to my car. I got in and started it, driving off to Matsugaya University.

[Date: 1/17]

[Time: 11:20 AM]

[Location: Matsugaya University]

I parked my car in the university parking lot and got out, straightening my clothes before heading towards the main building. The crisp air carried the faint scent of freshly cut grass, mingling with the subtle aroma of coffee from nearby cafes. I strolled down the halls, making my way to the library to visit Habilee.

Upon stepping inside, the library's quiet atmosphere enveloped me, the soft rustle of pages and distant whispers adding to its serene ambiance. I walked towards Habilee's office, noticing the door was open and the blinds drawn up—a signal she wasn't busy. Poking my head inside, I searched for her.

"Mmm… where is it..?" Habilee muttered, searching for a book on the bottom shelf of her bookcase. Books were scattered around her, forming a chaotic sea of literature. She ducked under her desk, letting out frustrated sounds. "Geez, how hard is it to find a red book..?"

She continued to search, finally pulling out a book with a triumphant "Aha! Found you!"

I knocked on the door, chuckling softly. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

Habilee gasped, quickly raising up but hitting her head on the desk's underside, hissing in pain. She crawled out slowly, holding the back of her head and looking up at me, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

I covered my mouth, trying to stifle my laughter, and walked towards her, gently helping her up. "I didn't mean to startle you, Ms. Heart..~"

"Well, you did, you big jerk.." Habilee whined, lightly hitting my shoulder before calming down and smiling warmly. "Anyways… good morning..~ What brings you here? I thought you'd be out hanging around."

"Well, I just wanted to bother you while you were still here. Are you free later today?" I asked, taking a seat in front of her desk.

Habilee walked to her chair and sat down, crossing one leg over the other. "I'm free, but I'll be hanging out with Krystal. It's just a little get-together if you want to join. We planned to see a movie as well."

"Perfect!~" Lustie said, landing on Habilee's shoulder. "By the way, what were you looking for?"

Habilee looked at Lustie and smiled. Her gaze shifted to the book on her desk, her eyes shimmering with determination. "This book is important. Very important. It's a rough draft about Drapton and his lies! He wants to write a book of lies about me, well I'm gonna make him eat every syllable he wrote with this book!"

She pressed her finger on the cover, smirking. "The Master Manipulator is the name of this book. I work closely with Karma and am good friends with Charlotte and Chloe. They gave me all the dirt on Louis and his stupid mustache! I will destroy him with this one book."

'Is it bad that I find this attractive?' I thought, letting out a soft chuckle.

[Lust-E: Nah, I'm into this as well…]

"Ooo~ Let me read it!~" Lustie giggled, floating to the desk and opening the book.

"It isn't finished yet, but it has some juicy details in there… You know his kids? Maeve and Raymond? They aren't even HIS kids! Not even his blood! He's living a lie, and when I expose this, his world will shatter! Not to mention all the scandals and frauds he's committed. Yes… this will absolutely ruin his entire career!" Habilee giggled, rubbing her hands together with excitement.

"Wait, they aren't even his? His wife cheated on him?" Lustie gasped, looking back at Habilee.

"Twice… yet he never found out..~" Habilee said, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Ooo~ I wish this could be published today!~" Lustie giggled as she continued reading.

I chuckled softly, picking up one of Habilee's original works from the floor and began to read. Meanwhile, Sensitia, Lustie, Suru, and Lust-E gossiped with Habilee over the dirt she had on Louis Drapton. Everything they talked about was pretty insane, to put it lightly, but this was the war he asked for when he published his book on Habilee.

An hour went by, the bell ringing and signalling the end of the period. I looked up from my book and looked at Habilee who was working on her computer then looked over at Lustie and the others, watching them read Habilee's works and gossip amongst themselves.

I decided to stay in her office for a while longer, enjoying the peaceful energy within the office. Habilee checked the time then leaned back in her chair, feeling hungry and stretched.

"Wanna grab something quick to eat?" I asked, smiling at Habilee.

Habilee smiled back at me, nodding her head. "Yeah..~"

We decided it was time to leave the library and grab some lunch. The group of us—Sensitia, Lustie, Suru, Lust-E, and I—headed out of the library, making our way across the campus grounds.

The campus was bustling with students, the air filled with lively chatter and the occasional laughter. We walked past various buildings, each one housing different faculties, until we reached a small café nestled between the student center and the art building.

As we stepped inside, the aroma of freshly baked pastries and brewed coffee welcomed us. We found a cozy corner table and settled down, each of us ordering our preferred drinks and snacks. While waiting, we continued our conversation about the events of the past few days.

"So, what's the next move after Drapton's book is ready?" I asked, taking a sip of my coffee.

Habilee leaned back in her chair, a thoughtful expression on her face. "Well, once it's finished, I plan to publish it through a few trusted contacts. I want to make sure it reaches the right audience and gets the exposure it deserves. Drapton won't know what hit him."

"Ooo, I can't wait to see his reaction!~" Lustie giggled, nibbling on a pastry.

Sensitia, sipping on her tea, looked thoughtful. "What about his allies? Surely, he has people who will try to counter your book with their own narratives."

Habilee nodded, her gaze turning serious. "I'm aware of that. That's why I'm working with Charlotte and Chloe to ensure every piece of information is verifiable and backed by solid evidence. Once the truth is out, it will be hard for anyone to dispute it."

Suru, floating above the table, chimed in. "I can help with the digital side of things. We can use social media to amplify the message and ensure it goes viral. The more people see it, the harder it will be for Drapton to hide."

I smiled at the teamwork displayed by everyone. "That sounds like a solid plan. We'll all support you in any way we can."

As our conversation continued, the café door opened, and a familiar face walked in. Krystal, Habilee's companion for the day, spotted us and made her way to our table. She was dressed casually, a bright smile on her face.

"Hey, everyone! Fancy seeing you all here," Krystal greeted, pulling up a chair.

"Hey, Krystal! We were just discussing some plans for later today. You're still up for the movie, right?" Habilee asked.

"Of course! I'm looking forward to it," Krystal replied, then glanced at me. "Are you joining us, handsome?~"

"Yeah, I thought I'd tag along. It's been a while since we all hung out together," I said with a smile.

"Great! The more, the merrier," Krystal said, then leaned in conspiratorially. "Any juicy gossip while I was away?"

"Oh, you have no idea," Lustie said with a playful grin. "We'll fill you in on all the details."

As the afternoon wore on, we finished our drinks and snacks, then decided to take a leisurely walk around the campus before heading to the movie. The sun was still high in the sky, casting a warm glow over the university grounds. We strolled along the pathways, chatting and laughing, enjoying the company of friends.

As we walked, a thought crossed my mind. "So, what's the plan after the movie? Any other fun activities?"

Krystal glanced at Habilee, then back at me. "We were thinking of heading to the arcade or maybe grabbing dinner. There's a new restaurant that just opened downtown. Heard great things about it."

"That sounds perfect. Let's make it a full day out," I said, feeling the excitement build for the day ahead.

We continued our walk, making plans and enjoying the camaraderie. It felt good to be surrounded by my loved ones, sharing moments of joy and plotting future adventures.

[Date: 1/17]

[Time: 3:30 PM]

[Location: Sanctuary University]

The final bell rang, signalling the end of the afternoon school day and for the college to transition into the evening classes. I sat on the hood of my car, waiting for Habilee to come out so I could take her home.

After a while of waiting, Habilee finally left the building and made her way to the parking lot. She walked toward my car, noticing me on the hood and smiled warmly, now quickening her steps.

"Shiro!~" Habilee called out, getting my attention.

I looked up from my phone, noticing Habilee walking toward me. I gave her a smile, hopping off the hood of my car. "Hey, you ready?"

Habilee nodded, letting out a soft sigh. "Mhm~ Finally ready to unwind and hang out with you and Krystal. I just have to stop by the house so I can put away a few things."

I nodded then walked to the passenger side, opening the door for her. Habilee giggled softly as she got inside and took her seat. I got inside of my car and started it, driving off back to the share house.

"So what movie are we planning to see?" I asked, glancing at Habilee.

"It's a scary movie..~ It's called Lament of the Mother. Apparently it's one of the scariest movies out right now," Habilee answered, her smile reflecting the excitement she's feeling to see the movie.

"Lament of the Mother? It can't be THAT scary with a name like that," Lustie said, looking out the window.

"Oh but you'd be surprised from the trailers and the reviews. People have passed out from the jumpscares!" Habilee said, looking back at Lustie.

"I am a literal demon! I don't get scared easily!" Lustie declared, puffing her chest out.

"A sex demon," Sensitia muttered, scrolling on her phone.

Lustie glanced at Sensitia and frowned at her, smacking her phone out of her hand.

"Hey!" Sensitia gasped, looking at Lustie.

Habilee gasped and covered her mouth as the two girls began bickering. I let out a soft chuckle and shook my head, already used to the sisterly bickers they each had on occasion.

Inside, I was pretty excited to see this movie and gauge how scary it actually was. Since I was already used to the Supernatural, they had a high bar to reach for me. Nonetheless, I knew I would at least enjoy the movie with Krystal and Habilee.


I parked my car outside the house and waited for Habilee and Krystal to leave the house once they were ready. As I waited, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked back and noticed Sensitia handing me her phone.

I took her phone and looked at the screen noticing an article with a video playing. I turned up the volume and listened.

"This video goes out to Shiro Moji directly. You have tried The Syndicates for too long and too many times. This warning goes out to Destiny's Hero. Watch your back. We will hunt you down, and for Karma...we will strike you tenfold. This is your warning to prepare for the worst. We will kill every last one of you, starting with you, Tribal Leader," Axel said in the video, his tone chilling and serious.

"Master..." Sensitia said, her tone a mixture worry and concern.

I handed the phone back to Sensitia and looked back at her with a smile. "There's nothing to worry about, Tia..~ We've dealt with this before and we will do it again. It doesn't matter how many threats they come up with, we'll win it all," I reassured, gently caressing her cheek.

Sensitia's wings fluttered at my touch, her body slightly leaning in. Her eyes searched mine, her expression still concerned. "But...what if you lose..?"

"Pfft...us lose? There's only one person in this world who can currently defeat us. Aunt Ardor. Not even I can match her power alone. Even in the past when St. Kieran was alive, he couldn't match her True Power unless he wielded the Crest of Love. That's how powerful she is. But as far as a little magicians getting their panties in a bunch? Ha! No way," Lustie said, scrolling on her phone.

"You sound really confident, but this is serious. Axel has something major planned and it sounds dangerous," Sensitia said, looking at Lustie.

Lustie turned off her phone, closing her eyes. "Even if that was true and Axel truly is planning something big, we have a second System. A system that's actually made for Combat. While Lust-E does have the capabilities for combat, she wasn't intended to be used for combat. Suru however is a true combat ready system. We will win.."

Sensitia heard the pure confidence coming from her sister's mouth and part of her was relieved, but that hint of doubt still rested in the back of her head. "Alright, I believe you...I just think we should be prepared for anything."

"I hear you, I truly do. I understand your concern, but there's no need to worry. Shiro is the next Savior, he's also Destiny's Hero, but most importantly he's Mojisola's Tribal Leader. He's more than ready for anything especially with his Nigoku Form," Lustie said, showing she had full faith in me.

Sensitia smiled a bit at her faith and confidence in my abilities. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you believe in him as much as you do. You've been overseeing him since day one. Alright, I'm convinced..."

A few minutes later, Habilee and Krystal emerged from the house, both looking excited and ready for the evening ahead. Krystal, with her usual cheerful demeanor, waved enthusiastically as she approached the car.

"Hey, sweetie! Ready for some scares?" Krystal asked, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"Absolutely. Let's see if this movie lives up to the hype," I replied with a grin.

The girls piled into the car, and we set off towards the theater. The drive was filled with lively chatter about the movie, mixed with teasing bets on who would get scared first. Lustie, still adamant about her demonic resilience, declared herself the winner before the challenge even began.

[Date: 1/17]

[Time: 5:35 PM]

[Location: Twilight Entertainment Center]

We arrived at the entertainment center in Twilight City and I parked my car then got out with the girls. We made our way toward the building, noticing families and friends alike entering and leaving the building with laughs and chatters.

As we entered the building, we were met with an array of colors and sounds ranging from the melodic beeps of the arcade area, the sounds of pins crashing in the bowling alley, and the lively noises of conversations and laughter within.

I bought everyone's tickets and looked at them, seeing when the movie started. "The movie starts at six, so we have a lot of time to kill."

"If that's the case, let's go to the arcade for a bit~" Krystal suggested, smiling at us.

We decided to go hang around the arcade for a while to pass the time. We wandered around the area, playing a few games and winning tickets from each game we played. The girls exuded cheerful energy as they played, the laughs I heard from them being pure like no other.

Once we got enough tickets, we went to the arcade store to cash out the tickets. Krystal and Habilee bought souvenirs from the store, their smiles brightening with their loot. So they didn't have to carry everything around, Lustie subtly used her demon magic to warp their gifts back into my car.

"What time is it?" Habilee asked, following me around the building.

"It's 5:50. We should go get snacks and food then find our seats before the movie starts," I said, leading the ground to the concession area.

We got in line and looked at the array of candies and items they had on the menu. Once it was out turn, each of us picked out what we wanted and I paid for everything. Once we got everything we wanted and needed, we went to the theater and made our way inside to find our seats.

Our food shortly arrived as we watched multiple previews and chatted amongst ourselves and soon, the lights dimmed for the movie to start. The entire theater was silent, the atmosphere already set from the sounds of a mother crying at the beginning of the movie.

Throughout the movie, the tension was palpable. Jump scares and eerie moments kept everyone on the edge of their seats. Habilee clung to my arm during the particularly intense scenes, while Krystal and Sensitia exchanged nervous glances. Lustie, true to her word, remained unfazed, though she did let out an occasional chuckle at the more predictable scares.

By the time the credits rolled, we were all buzzing with adrenaline and laughter. The movie had been a thrilling ride, and even Lustie admitted it had its moments.

"See? The movie wasn't that scary!" Lustie giggled as she got up.

"Oh yeah? Then why are your legs wobbling like a scared chicken?" Sensitia pointed out, laughing at her.

Lustie blushed madly and scoffed. "They aren't wobbling because I was scared! My legs are asleep that's all!"

"Denial is a river in Egypt, Lusella," Sensitia replied, smirking at Lustie.

We all shared a laugh while Lustie's embarrassment grew more palpable. We headed back to the car, still discussing our favorite parts of the movie. Sensitia, her earlier worries momentarily forgotten, joined in the lighthearted banter. I knew the road ahead would be tough, but with my loved ones by my side, I felt ready to face whatever came our way.