Sacred Palace Raid

[Date: 1/8 - Monday]

[Time: 1:00 PM]

[Location: Elvania - Silver Dungeon: Sacred Palace]

We walked into the palace and wandered around for a moment before heading to the throne room where the Raid Boss was located. The palace was beautiful, the walls adorned with silver and golden designs and sacred turquoise energy rising up from the floor.

While we explored the palace, we opened a few chests that were laid across the area and collected loot that would be useful to us. Feno found a ring with a white jewel engraved inside it, Ikeshia found a rapier that was more quick and easy to use than her Greatsword, Aeson found a broadsword covered in intricate designs, and I found a spell scroll.

Feno let us to the front of the throne room doors and came to a halt. "Alright, before we go inside, let's go over this dungeon boss for a moment. It's best we strategize now instead of dying within this dungeon unprepared."