Boreal Garden Raid

[Date: 1/18 - Wednesday]

[Time: 10:00 PM]

[Location: Elvania - Revedell Grove]

I went with the Beilana Guild to the forest within the Revedell District and the carriage stopped in front of the Silver 9 Dungeon Gate. We all got out and I looked around, adjusting my mask and my cloak flowed smoothly with the cool breeze of the night.

"Alright, here we are. Haile's Dungeon Raid," Obissa said, swiping down in front of her and opening a magical interface in front of her.

I noticed the interface then glanced at Lust-E and Suru. I turned my attention back to Obissa and crossed my arms. "You also have a System?"

Obissa glanced at me for a moment then turned back to her magic interface. "It's not the same Model as yours. Every Region has their own system model. The Elven system is called the E.L.F System."