Snowy Showdown

[Date: 1/19 - Thursday]

[Time: 10:15 PM]

[Location: Elvania - Elivagar]

Saphielle lowered her stance then launched herself forward with a wide slash, but I evaded her attack then Ibise rushed forward, leaping over me and slashed downward toward Saphielle, clashing with her. The two entered a blade lock, but Saphielle managed to push her away.

Ibise slid backwards, catching herself then ran toward Saphielle with a bellow. Saphielle dodged her powerful slashes then stuck her blade into the ground, an ice blue magic circle forming underneath Ibise.

"D-Dispel!" Lysithoe called out and pointed her staff at the magic circle, her voice shaky due to the intense cold.

The crystal within Lysithoe's staff glowed then quickly dimmed out, due to her loss of concentration of the intense cold. The magic circle glowed brightly, trapping Ibise in an ice imprisonment.