Saving Muspel Pt. 4

[Date: 1/27 - Friday]

[Time: 3:00 PM]

[Location: Elvania - Muspel City]

Ikeshia and I ran through the city find Cyran as fast as possible, taking down waves of Sol Knights and Royal Guards along the way. Using Ambitia to trace the trail of the Crystal of Fire, we were making noticable progress, yet more waves of the Muspel military kept slowing us down.

'At this rate, we won't make it in time. We need to stop these guards from showing up,' I thought, striking down a few Royal Guards that stood in our path.

"We're close by. The trail is starting to come to an end. It looks like they've been heading toward the Northern parts of Muspel, possibly using the Crystal to thaw the ice blocking their path," Ambitia said telepathically, watching as Ikeshia and I struck down more waves of enemies.