The Failed Savior

[Date: 2/6 - Monday]

[Time: 10:00 AM]

[Location: Elvania - Vana Dokkalf]

Esta, Akumu, and I made our way inside the throne room, Naexi sitting on her throne and awaiting our arrival. Once she noticed us, she sat up straight in her seat and cleared her throat. Esta and Akumu kneeled down to Naexi, bowing their heads.

Naexi looked at me, noticing that I hadn't kneeled down. She cleared her throat louder, as if to tell me to kneel down to her. I chuckled softly and let out a soft sigh, kneeling down on one knee and looked up at Naexi.

"Hmph...Welcome my loyal retainers. I have called you here because it is time to discuss our next course of action. With the Brisingamen in my possession, I can now access my Vana Dokkalf Dreamscape and together we WILL rebuild our land by manifesting the City of Fjalar and the Temple of Darkness," Naexi announced, tapping the bottom of her staff along the floor.