
[Date: 2/10 - Friday]

[Time: 10:00 AM]

[Location: Elvania - Vana Dokkalf]

The next few days went by smoothly, and the most important day had arrived for Vana Dokkalf. Today was the day that Naexi, Akumu, and Esta cross the Vana Bridge into Vana Ljosalf so they could unite with Vana Ljosalf.

With our preparations finished, we stood outside at the actual Vana Bridge. I looked back at Naexi, Akumu, and Esta, making sure they were ready for what was to come. With a nod from them, I turned back toward the gate in front of us that stood between us and the bridge.

I summoned Folkvangr and pointed the sword at the gate, the blade shining brightly then a beam of light shot into the keyhole upon the gate. The gate shined brightly then opened slowly, the squeaking sounds of the gate sounding as the doors parted.

"It's time...let us press forward and unite your two lands," I said, glancing back at the three with a smile.