Return to Muspel

[Date: 2/10 - Friday]

[Time: 4:50 PM]

[Location: Elvania - Vana Ljosalf]

A few hours went by since we saved Aesir Alfheim from Cyran and the Templars' ambush. With everyone recovered and renewed, Laevatein, Helia, and I decided that it was time to head back down to the surface and dethrone their father, King Surt.

I stood outside with Laevatein and Helia, a Flier Carriage landing in front of us for us to aboard. I looked at my system, seeing that I had a great boost in my stats and MPR after reconnecting with the Golden Star.

{Acquiring Stats...}

{Stats Acquired!}

Name: Shiro Moji

Age: 20

Birthday: December 6th

Species: Human

MPR: C Rank - 2,331

Attack: 2,510 (+49) 

Stamina: 2,712 (+45)

Dexterity: 2,280 (+37)

Senses: 2,078 (+39)

Luck: 2,076 (+31)