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Friends vs. Business – Part 2

Ana remembers what Scoot had also said, but in a different way:  


"You also talk about Business, you and Scoot must like Business, you should work in an office then."  



Luke grimaces when Ana talks about Scoot, he tries to remain neutral, without saying what he really thinks, but after a few minutes he snaps back and says what he thinks:  


"Well Ana, I wanted to warn you about something, don't believe 100% of what Scoot tells you, you have to be wary of him, you shouldn't trust him completely, but I can't tell you to trust me completely either, it may be that she's different with you, I don't know, but I don't trust him, I've had some problems with him, but it may just be me that's the problem too...in short...I think you get the idea..."  



Ana looks thoughtful and concludes:  


"Well, he's always been attentive to me, but we don't know each other very well yet, I can't say I know him, maybe 10% yet, but I get it, if you like a challenge then I'll continue to challenge you, now give me back my flyers."  




Luke smiles, and promptly hands the flyers back to Ana.  


"Oh, I prefer it that way....me feel challenged again."  


"But Ana, now you have to go back to school and find your dad, or you can call him and tell him that you met me on the way and come with me to train at home."  




Ana remembered this detail, but she thought Luke's idea was a good one, yes she could use this excuse, to go with them, her father allowing her to have her freedom back, for a few moments, but better than none at all.  




"Oh, ok I can use that excuse of going with you, I'll call him, see if he'll fall for it...I mean accept it."  


"Hm, that's it sweetheart, you can use me as an excuse, I won't think it's bad."  




Ana raises her eyebrow and says:  


"I'm not sweetheart."  




When her father answers the phone, he says:  


"Ana? Han? Sweetheart who Sweetheart?   




Ana forgot she was on the phone, she swallows dryly, she wants to slap Luke but disguises it, and says:  


"I was eating a sweet, Dad... sorry, well I ran into the Beckers on the way, I'm calling to ask if I can go straight to training with them?  




Luke then listens, he doesn't understand why she said the "Beckers" are just him and Ana alone.  


"Beckers, there's only me here Ana..."  


"Shh, Luke be quiet..."  




His father hears something and argues:  


"Who's on your side, Ana?  



"On my side? Well..."  


Luke takes the phone from Ana's hand and says:  


"Hello Mr. Bianchi, it's Luke, I'm on Ana's side, Justin forgot a notebook at school, and I came back to get it... So, Ana can come with me to the training at my house, is it okay with you if she accompanies us on the training days?" 

Ana's father is happy on the phone, knowing that Luke is close to Ana, and accepts immediately.  




Luke hangs up the phone, Ana is incredulous at Luke's power of conviction, people accept everything instantly.  


"You're very devilish Luke... there's no denying it."  


"Have I earned a nickname, sweetheart?"  




Ana slaps Luke on the arm, takes a deep breath and says:  


"I'm not sweetheart! Don't give me cute names!"  




Luke feels Ana's heavy hand on his arm, he gets the message, no sweet names.  




They go to Luke's house, as they're already very late for Training.