~Chapter 1 A Bran New Day In Hell Part 1~

Lucifer walks his way up to the hotel after the place had been renovated and fixed up after the battle against Adam and his exterminators, he looked up at the building at what they built and in hope things will be better now. Lucifer knocks on the door. He fixes his coat waiting at the door as he begins to talk to himself as in practicing to rehears what to say the right way. "Hey Charlie! The um place looks great." Smiles in an awkward way. "Well I mean of course it does I-I helped build it."

Charlie appears at the door as she usually does being her normal bubbly self. "Hey dad! It sure does look amazing and good job on the building." Vaggie appeared behind her as she usually did to make sure she didn't need to be protected. "Yes, good job sir."

"Oh ha ha, yes of course. Anything in my power I will do for you. Though maybe it needs more, oh idk me. Maybe an L for the hotel or more red, I like Red."

"Yeah, it could also use some areas for learning how to achieve redemption without being bothered for those that wanna be redeemed." Commented Vaggie. Charlie smiled at his request but also wanted to tell him that she didn't want to change too much.

"But that's just my thoughts. It is obviously your, um hotel. I just, don't really like *clears throat.* Who gave it...the name" Lucifer lowly mentioned referring to Alastor the Radio Demon himself even there first meeting wasn't what you could call a great one. One he would never forget.

"Don't worry, I don't completely trust him either." Whispered Vaggie, she never did trust Alastor.

"Glad I'm not the only one." Whispered Lucifer to Vaggie. "See, well get along just fine Maggie"

"Dad, we're not putting an L on the hotel when Alastor worked so hard to change it and please stop making Vaggie feel on edge." Charlie tried to nicely say without sounded irritated under her breath.

"Aw, babe. I love it when your protective."

Charlie blushed to this comment and tried to hide it. She looked back at her dad who was still awkward in conversation with her.

"Hey dad?"

"Yes, Charlie?"

"I would love it if you added something of yours to this hotel. Just don't change the name, okay?" She smiles as she walks inside with Vaggie and Lucifer not far behind.

~Inside The Hazbin Hotel Lobby~

Husker was at the bar drinking from a bottle and tidying up the bar with a rag with the same grumpy frown. Lucifer walks over to the bar. "Sooooo, is- is this all you do all day?"

He looks up at Lucifer. "Eh, pretty much besides those exercises Charlie has us all do; it's a living. What can I get you, your highness?"

"Oh ho. I don't really, uh drink alot. Not good for the soul. Beside ha, ha. Could you imagine how the ring of hell would run if I was DRUNK all the time. Ha ha. He says kinda nervously.

Charlie walks over to where Husker and her dad are. "Hey Husker and dad. Husker can I get a glass of wine please?"

"Hehe, yeah, probably for the best. Husker says to Lucifer before speaking to Charlie as she walks up. "Yeah, sure, coming right up." He pulls a wine glass off of a rack and grabs a wine bottle, pouring Charlie a glass after setting it down in front of her.

"Babe you shouldn't be drinking wine."

"I know but I hear a little bit is good for the soul." She lightly takes small sips. Lucifer sees this and decides to take a moment and try to bond with his daughter.

"Yea um you know what maybe a little bit of red wine will be fine. But it better be sweet!" He demanded.

"Dad is going to add some stuff to the hotel and I can't wait to see what he does." Charlie takes another sip of her wine.

"Really? I mean of course! Adding my extra fazaz will make this place look tip top!" Lucifer gloats.

Stolas walks up to the Hotel doors a bit excited but doesn't know if he believed it worked, even though he heard about it. "Come now Blitzy, it might be fuunnnnn" Stolas says as he walks up to the door.

Blitzø comes in following Stolas unwillingly, looking around the area. "Fuck this place is a dump." Stolas knocks on the door and stands properly. "Now darling, fix up your outfit. There we go." He says fixing it.

Blitzø blushes a bit, nodding. "Thanks." He looks at him, blushing a bit more.

Stolas blushes back."Now what do we say?Ohhhh I'm so excited!" He claps much like his father Paimon.

Blitzø chuckles and smiles, hiding a blush smile as Stolas looks at him.

Huskers ears perk up at the sound of the knock at the door. "Someone's at the door, excuse me, I'll be right back." He puts the bottle back, leaving the red wine bottle on the bar for Lucifer and them as he walked to the door to open it with a frown. "Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel." He says not as over joyful like Charlie but said it none the less and doing a gentleman's bow.

"I can't wait to see what you do with your addon to the hotel dad." Charlie was excited about this.

"I'm um, getting it done now." He is on the phone.

"Can I watch as you put your touches to the hotel?"

"Yea uh huh, Biggggg! L, uh yea of course in gold and lights! I'm motherfockin Lucifer. Huh what Charlie? No today! Okay. 10'O clock is fine." Says Lucifer to Charlie excited that she was interested in what he was doing.

Vaggie sees who's here. "Now you two are who I would not expect to come here."

"Why hello. I'm Stolas and this little imp." Stolas squeezes his cheek. "Is Blitzø." He gets mad. "Fuck fuck off Stolas!" In which Stolas chuckled about.

Vaggie calls out to Charlie. "Hey amor, the prince and an imp are here!"

"Eh making it sound like prince and the fockin pauper huh?" Complains Blitzø passive aggressively.

"It would be rude not to welcome them here am I right babe?Hello Blitzø and Prince Stolas. Please enjoy your stay here." Says Charlie excited by more guest.

"Yes, enjoy your stay here, we offer courses on redemption, among many other things." Says Vaggie.

"How Polite, you must of been taught well, but please just call me Stolas. After all we are going to be good friends. Are we not, Blitzy?"

"Blitzø you look like the type of guy to go for a whiskey, amirite?" Commented Husker.

"If you need anything just let Vaggie,my dad, or me know, Stolas." Smiles Charlie excited.

"Yeah, but don't think that just because you are the prince, that you can break any rules we have here." Vaggie said crossing her arms.

"Why, thank you. Um, I never got your name. Oh no no no. I wouldn't dream of it, we Goetia are very proper." He explains.

"I'm Vagina but everyone calls me Vaggie, and this." points to Charlie. "Is Charlie Morningstar, princess of Hell, Lucifer Morningstar's daughter."

"Oh! Wait, Vagina, as in Vagina from the exterminators of heaven?" Asks Stolas, Blitzø eyes kinda got big. "The fuck." Vaggie crossed her arms looking away. "That was a long time ago...."

"Oh, well alright. Vaggie and uh Charlie?" Husker takes a drink from the bar and says. "Just call me Husk, I'll be at the bar if anyone needs me, or a drink. He returns back to behind the bar and puts back the wine bottle and wipes down the bar.

"Oh do you mind if I have some absinthe? Do you mind if I come in?"

"Absinthe? Uh, yeah, I got that." Husker places a bottle and a glass on the bar for Stolas.

"Charlie Morningstar at your service so let me know if you need anything." Says Charlie happily.

"Morningstar? You mean like THE Lucifer Morningstar?" Says Stolas.

"Yea, hi." Lucifer said looking all proud of himself as he appeared. "Lucifer Morningstar in the flesh." He said being full of himself.

"Oh, well it is an honor. But um...why are you here? I never thought I would see a Morningstar here?" Wondered Stolas, last he knew he was in the main part of Prides ring and doesn't come back or out often.

"So Stolas what can I do to make your stay at the Hazbin Hotel enjoyable?" Asks Charlie with big hopeful eyes.

"Well, I-I really haven't thought about it. I suppose I just need my daughter and Blitzy here."

"Ah, Christ." Says Blitzø rubbing his temples.

"You can bring whoever you want here to make your stay enjoyable." Says Charlie.

"Well then. Come on Blitzy. We should, go to my room, I mean our rooms" Stolas says with a ornery look.

"Vaggie I'm going to our room and I was wondering if you wanted to join me?" Vaggie heard her and nod her head and agreed to follow her.

"Enjoy your stay Stolas." Waves Charlie leaving with Vaggie.

"I want to stab." Says Niffty creepily.

"Oh ha ha ha, oh, wait your serious? Um alright, then go, go into the basement. There has to be a bunch there. Or angels NOT angel dust. He pats her head, in an awkward way.

"Can I stab fat nuggets?" Expressing about Angel Dust's pet pig.

"A fat what?" Asks Lucifer with the same face as to him saying "And now I am going to FUCK YOU!"

"It's Fuck you up, dad"

"Wait what did I say?" That face.

"Oh no I don't want any angel dust. I don't do drugs. Lucifer says half listening. "But whatever your doing, you can't kill, not bugs OKAY?!" Nifftys eyes widdens as she laughs like a bit of a crazy person. "Your so dum dumb." She runs off chasing a BIG bug on the floor.

"Oh yea well, fuck you. Anyyyy wayyyss. I'm going, Charlie isn't here soooo I have no reason to be here as well." Lucifer stomps his cane as red sparkle dust goes around him and he disaopears into thin air.

Niffty eats the bug and Husker watches what happens between Niffty and Lucifer, blinking with a deadpan expression then taking a drink from bottle of alcohol, no really caring what just happened.