~Chapter 6 Wedding Day Blues Part 1~

Charlie yawns being tired from sleep last night, she is was up most the night thinking about the wedding and how nervous she was. "Hey Husker, can I get a glass of wine please?" Asks Charlie as she rubs her head.

Stolas comes down from his room as well, having a long night with Blitzø sexually. He yawns and stretches as he walks down to the lobby, too look for coffee.

"Oh, good morning everyone. Blitz is still asleep." You can hear Lucifer outside from the window. "Yea, uh huh? Great! Over- no OVER THERE!!!!" Lucifer says fixing up the wedding look as the Camilla people show up to finish the building. "Well FINALLY, we have to get this done by TODAY!" He Clears his throat. "Thanks for coming, this is a very special day for my daughter and Maggie. It has to be PERFECT." He said pinching his two fingers down as explaining in detail.

"Dad I need your help real quick."

"We need to wait on Fizz." He whispers to Charlie.

"Okay, I don't mind waiting." She says happily. Vaggie comes to the lobby. Charlie hides behind a bush. Alastor was standing behind Charlie, who was hiding from being seen. "Ah sweet woes of a soon to be." He says with his radio voice.

"Alastor! You scared me!" She said looking back at him from in the bushes.

"It's so FUNNY to watch people struggle in such a monogamous occasion. Oh how I love the feeling of insecurity." He smiles with his normal smiling face.

"I'm insecure about something?" She looked at him questioning his words.

"Everyone is! More than just yourself." He said still smiling and looking back at her as he walked forward a bit.

"Alastor now is not the time to add to my nervousness."

"Of course it is! It's not like your getting married or anything and everyone will be watching you. Goodbye for now darling."

"Alastor! Thanks a lot!" It made her more nervous.

Lucifer got on the phone again to make sure Fizzarolli was coming for the entertainment as far as the music goes. "Yea, will you be here soon? Yes at the Hazbin Hotel. Okay great!" His agent said they would be there soon which was pretty much Asmodeus now since the incident with Mammon.

"Is everyone coming?" Asks Charlie.

"Mmmm. Everyone but one person....sorry kiddo. I know you wanted her here." Lucifer said talking about Lilith.

"It's okay dad. I know she would be here if she could."

The workers show up wheeling in crates of angelic weapons found leftover from the battle on a couple of dollies, one walking up. "Hello, your highness, your order of weapons has arrived." She holds up a clipboard. "if you could just sign here-" she says pointing at the bottom of the work order. He signs it.

"I need help with my dress."

"Yea yea. Where are the architects? You know ha ha. For the building?" He says

"Dad would you help me?" Asks Charlie.

"Yes there! Huh? Yea. What W-what is it Charlie?Oh yes right. Excuse us. Alright Charlie I'll follow you." He follows her inside the hotel.

Lucifer walks to where she wants while on the phone trying to get ahold of Fizzarolli for the ceremony music.

He finally answered his phone. "Ah, Lucifer. What can I do for you? You know I'm a very busy imp."

"I need you too be our music player for my daughters wedding. I'll pay you for your time. The Hazbin Hotel you know souls one way to redemption! Stupid name if you ask me but ASAP!I got to go. We're getting ready and that old timey prick is trying to worry my daughter." Alastor stood there fixing his hair like he wasn't doing anything.

"This guy =_="

"I'm ready dad" she says in the other room. "Right. I got cha! I'll be there!" And he's hangs up the phone.

"CHARLIE U GOT THIS" says Angel Dust.

"Thanks Angel!" She smiles nervous but excited. Lucifer fixed her dress as he was emotional about it.

"Charlie....is that?..."

"Yea, mom's dress." She smiles blushing and also a bit sad. "I wanted a piece of her here with us." Lucifer smiles as he saw that remembering the good times and now Charlie's future. "You look beautiful, Charlie."

"You look, pretty great yourself." She smiled seeing him in his old wedding outfit. "I got to go kiddo. I'll meet you out there." He leaves the room to wait for her. As she takes a breathe. "You can do this Charlie." She says to herself as she walks out.

"Where's mom and dad?" Asks Charlie.

"I'm right here." Lucifers eyes widen not expecting her to show up. "Oh shit! Lilith!" He thinks to himself.

"Mom!" Charlie Hugs her.

"Hello Charlie!" She smiles looking at her little girl as she has grown.

"Lilith! H-hheyyyyy." He gives an awkward look." You look, um great!"

"I'm glad you came mom!" Says Charlie.

This is kinda Awkward. He thinks as he made an awkward smile face.

"Hello, Lucifer." She says in a sexy velvet voice.

"You look, *coughs* ho-great." He said feeling nervous around her since last time, he fixes his collar. As he takes a deep breath to calm his nerves.

Fizz arrives not long with something's in his hands.

"Thanks for coming Fizzarolli. Is everything ready?" She smiles sweetly.

"As ready as I can be! Oz sends his congrats. He unfortunately had prior things to do."

"Tell Asmodeus thanks when you see them for me Fizzarolli."

"Will do! I'll probably call him later. Is there a place set up?"

"The wedding is outside the hotel." Explains Charlie to Fizz.

"I'll go and set some stuff up. No worries princess. It'll be perfect." Fizz heads outside.

"Thank you Fizz." Smiles Charlie. He gave her a nod before turning and heading outside to set up, his tail swishing back and forth.

There was a knock at the door. "Uh hey, is Fizzarolli there?" He asks Charlie.

"Ozzy!" He goes up to him with a hug as he jumps on his shoudlers. "Hey Froggy!" They have a moment where they snuggle rubbing heads.

"Come on babe, you don't have to do all this work. That's what minions are for. Now let's get you all ready for this.....oh Hazbin Weddin." Says Asmodeus as he chuckles with Fizz.

Lilith saw them enter and leave and also interrupted there conversation. Which Lucifer was thankful for since it was awkward.

"ERMMM CHARLIE WHOS THIS UGLY WOMAN ( as in Lilith)". Says Angel Dust.

"That's my mom Lilith."


"Dad? Are you okay?"

"Uh yea...." she looked down at him.

"Lucifer, you shouldn't be so tense." She says walking by.

"Charlie your dress, its on wrong, Cmere ill help u." Angel fixes her dress up.

"Thanks for fixing that for me."

"Ya welcome, u need to look ur best✨" he winked at her as he leaned on his hip.

Lucifer waves from a far where he needs to be but still noticing Lilith a bit and hides a sad face/ blush. Charlie walks over to her dad. "Dad it's time."

"Okay." smiles with bright eyes and puts out his arm for her after he fixed his suit.

The Music begins to play as Fizz begins the music. Everyone was there. Blitzø with Stolas all dressed nice, except Blitzø which was as nice as he could look. Lol. Asmodeus in the seats by Beelzebub with a seat empty for Fizzarolli after. Millie and Moxxies they were called on duty to watch out for any trouble. Lilith sat in front a VIP for her as well as for Lucifer after. Angel dust as a grooms man as well as Husker who has a flask of whiskey. (XD). Niffty was a flower girl and Alastor was up front as a best man.

"I'm So nervous." Says Charlie as she looks up and sees Vaggie at the alter and feels less worried as she smiles softly. Angel Dust begins to tear up. Husker makes a straight face at this.(-_-)and takes a drink of his whiskey.

Lucifer with her one step at a time. Lilith sees Lucifer in his nice tux that was his old wedding tuxedo and her daughter in her dress and it was a little nostalgic for her, memories of a happier time with him.

Vaggie looks at Charlie and smiles. She's so gorgeous." Bee lightly squeals at the cuteness of the wedding and stuff.

He continues walking with her as she worries about the future.

"You can do this Charlie. Your princess of Hell and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Don't worry. I got you."

"You promise?"

"I promise." Lucifer says as he smiles softly to his only daughter.

"Ooo, I'm so excited!" Says Bee quietly and spawned in a little bucket of cotton candy. "Want some?" She asks to Asmodeus.

"Uh, no thanks. I'm good." They continue to walk and make it to the alter. Stolas gets up and taps Blitzø hand with a smile but he was also being serious about watching his job after all he was getting paid for it. Stolas runs around the chairs to get to the alter before her and uninterrupted with his grimoire.

Vaggie whispers to Stolas, Alastor and Angel. "I can't believe this is finally happening."

Angel whispers to Vaggie. "I'm so proud of u and Charlie."

"It's so exciting. Oh, how lucky you are." Says Stolas

"I'm proud of us too, we've come so far." She smiles looking at Charlie.

"It really is exciting Stolas. I am incredibly lucky."

"Well....here we are...." Lucifer not wanting to let go of her hand, his little girl giving her up to another, his everything. He wasn't sure if he was ready for that. He looks at her in sadness and worry.

"Dad you have to let me go."

Vaggie looks at Lucifer."Don't worry sir, I will always take great care of her."

"Okay....." He let's go of her hand but it felt like he was gonna lose her for some reason.

Bee was munching on her cotton candy and could barely sit still due to how excited she was.

Asmodeus whispers to Fizz. Who is now sitting there now that the music was stopping. "Someone's a little worried."

"Just because I'm getting married doesn't mean I won't need you dad." Says Charlie sweetly.

"Exactly what she said, sir. I could never replace her father." She smiles reassuringly.

"Y-yea I know....I just.....no your right. Here Maggie.

Vaggie chuckles softly. "Gracias sir."

Angel makes an ornery smile as he whispers to Lucifer. "It's fine ur sooooo attached 😋.

"I'm not attached she is my daughter Angel...."

"Sureee." He rolls his eyes.

"That's just the way of a parent, sir." Vaggie smiles.

(To be Continued....)