~Chapter 19 First Man Start Redemption & The Fall~

Michael turned from Lucifer and his conversation to see Azrael. "How much of that did you hear? Don't lie to me, I'll know."

"Most of it. Although, I only heard the conversation you and Luna had, didn't see anything." Azrael responds, trying to stop himself from smiling, because by then he'll be laughing. Michael's heart thumped in being caught as he knew, what had to be done. "I'm sorry brother, but I can't let this out. Get on your knees." He ordered him being the commander of the archangels. He said as his eyes had some black added to his eye color a mixture of both.

"Michael, you know I'd never tell anyone." Azrael tried to reason with him, afraid of Michael and what he might do.

"Then what.was it. You.heard." he said putting him down on his knees.

"You and Luna were talking low, I could barely hear anything besides you asking her to come back weekly. And then that argument with Lucifer."

Michael's eyes turned back to his angelic blue. "I see." He lift him up but whispered in his ear before he let him go. "Next time tell me nothing.".Pat his shoulder as he went back into the office.

"..well that was overdramatic." Azrael sighed. He just went back to heavens gates and stood there since he had nothing better to do.

~Hotel Lobby~

Lucifer held himself as he remembers Gabriel's words. It sunk into his soul as he already felt like a failure, remember Michaels recent words, the fear, the memory of his fall as flashbacks of Michael betraying him snd his family hurting him as he also falls from the fall. Tears began to fall from his eyes

Lucifer fell to his knees but acted like it was nothing but his eyes said all, when Michael kicked him down. Gabriel yawns looking around. "What's going on?"

"Dad are you okay?" Charlie holds out her hand to help him up. Gabe knew that look, it only had to be Michael, and maybe his words was a little harsh. But his pride wouldn't admit it. "It's nothing Charlie.....i-I have some work to do.".He opens a portal to home.

"Wait dad! What the hell just happened? Gabriel do you know what happened?"

"Judging by that look.... Micheal." He sighed.

Charlie's demon side comes out a little. "What? Why would Michael hurt my dad?"

He bites his tongue. "I am not allowed to speak of things that go on in Heaven."

"Thanks for telling me anyways Gabriel. I really do."

Gabe nods. "I am curious about what happened now."

~Lucifers Mansion~

Lucifer falls to his knees throwing his hat off as he hits the ground, his eyes red with tears from the pain, the memories of the fall still hitting inside his demonic soul like a stab from an angelic blade. "Damn it Michael...."

🎶It started long before me

I never saw it coming *remembering him and Michael being close when he was young.*

The distance,

The promise, *Promising always to be close.*

The state of isolation.🎶

🎶And in my darkest, my nightmares

Things that I can't remember.

The answer is drowning

This pain will last forever.🎶 He remembers being shunned from his ideas and the crossing of his falling.

🎶My brother and his duty *Remember seeing Michael change.*

🎶His orders🎶 *listening to his father.*

🎶My father🎶

🎶The promise🎶 *the promise being broken.*

🎶The breaking🎶

🎶Rejection🎶 *rejecting his ideas.*

🎶Deception🎶 *Michael lying to him.*



🎶The missing🎶 *angels falling*

🎶The torture🎶 *his punishment.*

🎶The madness🎶 *being betrayed.*

🎶The sadness🎶 *gave up his dreams*

🎶Can this be?

Or is it?🎶

🎶The shadow cast before me

I walk inside your circle

Protect me

Correct me 🎶*being beaten for having ideas and teaching right and wrong.*

🎶You've got your orders, soldier

Inside, my head is humming

Sometimes I hear them coming.

The power


The hate I hate believing.🎶

Charlie knocks on the door and he didn't hear it as he cries on the floor about what happened as she just walks in this time. "Oh Dad....." She holds him tightly in her arms.


"Hey Dad....."

"I'm okay, I'm okay.....Charlie, did I ever tell you the story to my falling?"

"No you have not. You're in pain. I heard the song you sang. Talk to me dad please..."

🎶unburden your load and it might make you feel better 🎶 No you didn't. But I'm here to listen." Says Charlie listening as she sang some.

🎶My ideas and my dreams where torn to dusttt, I didn't see it coming. When I was given the apples to watch I didn't know it was a seed that will bring me my loss!🎶

🎶Then when the time comes, it was myyyy choice, or was it not, I handled it too her. Knowing not what wil happen in turrrnnnn🎶

"I'm sorry that happened to you dad. I never realized how bad you were dealing with stuff. I've been selfish asking you to help me with stuff and I never asked how you were doing or anything." starts crying.

🎶Charlie. Out of all the pain, you were the best thing that gave me change. And when I gave the apple I was to blame, I watched him look me at me and say I was to blame!🎶 Him remembering the apples given to him and handed to him but unsure face about it.

🎶his promise, his lie, his betrayal and rise to power as I begged them all, they just watched as I fell no second glance, they were glad they had the chance🎶 "Michael betrayed me.....how could I believe him?"

🎶6,000 yeas and not even a glanceeee🎶 you see the doors shut to heaven as he remembers the fall.

🎶 Dad you've done so much to help everyone in hell. Heaven doesn't deserve you. So you were fooled by someone you trusted but know you can always count on me. Michael shouldn't of done that to you so he will be dealt with in his own time. Thank you for sharing your story with me. I'm so proud of you dad and will always be here for you 🎶

Lucifer holds her, as for the first time he cried.

"Oh Dad" Charlie hugs him back and doesn't let go. "I love you dad."

"I love you Charlie." He held her tight. "Dad don't go back to heaven please because I don't want you to get hurt again. So promise me you won't go back to heaven." Charlie sniffles. "Promise me."

"But what, if....." he says with sad hurt filled eyes. He half smiles. "I promise."

"Why would you want to go back to heaven?"

"You, too save you."

"I'm so tired of heaven messing with us and hurting our people. Do you think we could win if heaven decides to come back?"

"wellll, depends who comes down." he thinks. "Oh yes, we should do finnneee." He kinda lied.

"Well I should go back to my room so see you later."

"Goodbye Charlie....."

~Outside The Hazbin Hotel~

Adam felt extra mad today being trapped down here and mad at how it happened. He picks a glass up and just smashes it a little then picks the pieces up and then smashes more glass plates that he bought when just stares at it. Fuckin fuck FUCK!!! DAMN YOU!!! He yells his fist in the air flipping off the heavens.

Charlie hears shouting so goes to investigate to realize it was Adam being distressed about being here. She knew that it probably wasn't easy for him like it is for them as well, since he did try to kill them all. She rubbed her arm as she approached him. "Adam? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine-yea it's alright though it's just a little blood, go the fuck away!"

"Your hand is bleeding. Let me help you bandage your wound." He let her but not happily as he watches her fix up his hand. "Why are you helping me?" Asks Adam confused by this.

"Because....even if we have our differences. Your apart of the hotel and that means I have faith for you. There." It was wrapped.

Adam lightly laughs. "Thanks...bitch..." He walks off.

Angelean didn't see Adam but saw him outside and went to see him as she goes outside. "So you like to draw?"

"I guess" Sits beside him as she watches him draw.

He esses up then gets mad and draws black over it, she lightly chuckles to this. "You know Adam. You and I aren't so different."

Adam looks at her, rolling his eyes a bit. "I guess, so huh? uh anyways I'm.... sorry I got a little mad there..... Just being down here fucking sucks!"

"I'm used too it. Especially from Angel."

"Yea angel gets mad often, honestly I'm used to it from the people here I did try to destroy hell after all heh-"

"I suppose it was part my fault. She mumbles but not loud enough for him to hear.


"Oh uh it's nothing...." Alot of times Adam kept to himself besides puppet Lute and his puppet exterminators. Angelean began to eat an apple that Charlie gave her. Notices this. As flashes back of non face Eve giving him an apple, all those centuries ago. "So why the fuck do you like apples so much?" She looked at the apple she was eating. "Oh idk I just, idk like them. Want one?"

"No thanks...."

"So." Angelean swallows the apple piece. "Why do you hate them?"

"What?" He looked over at her. "Hate what?"


"It's fucking nothing ...." He crossed his arms. He looked at her as she looked sad.

"Someone from a long time ago....that's all I can say."

"So what do you plans for redemption?"

"Ha, you got to be kidding me. Redemption isn't real....and if you believe it. Then you're a joke like IT is...." Adam begins to walk off.

"...bye Adam."

Luna Moon knocks on the door and waits patiently. As she dusts herself off from being asked by Michael to basically be his spy. "Hi!" Says Luna Moon to Vaggie who opened the door. "Yeah, looking to be redeemed?" Asks Vaggie.

"Yup!" Says Luna Moon.

"Well your welcome. Just let me get Charlie. Hey Amor! You have another sinner!" She looks at Luna Moon and thinks maybe winner. "I think?"

"Oh shoot! Coming!" Says Charlie stumbling down the stairs as she hurries to get down there to introduce herself. "Hi! I'm Charlie Morningstar. Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel! Hells ONLY way to redemption!" She says spinning around once with arms raised and a big smile.

"Hello, Charlie. I'm Luna Moon. I heard this place is a place for redemption?" She said kinda in a nervous way. Charlie noticed this.

"Are you okay?"

"Y-yea....I just.... got out of a awkward conversation...."

"Oh! I'm sorry. Are you alright?" Says Charlie with her sweet caring side. Luna Moon nods. "Yes."

"Well, I'm glad your here! Well have to tell Gabriel and the others you're here."

"G-Gabriel is here?" Says Luna Moon.

"Yes! Are you friends?" Smiles Charlie as bubbly as ever, Luna Moon nods.

~Hotel Lobby~

Vaggie clears her throat "Hey! Everyone, meet a new person looking to be redeemed. Mija, please feel free to introduce yourself."

Luna Moon clears her throat. "Hi." Adam gives a mean look to Vaggie for her scoldng him and she gives one back as well. "I'm watching you." Says Vaggie.

"Tell us your name just so we all know." Continues Vaggie.

"L-luna." She says.

"Nice to meet you Luna." Says Vaggie. Luna Moon nods being shy about it.

Vaggie looks at Luna. "Don't worry, as long as everyone plays by the rules, there will be no fights." Says Vaggie. Luna Moon looked at Vaggie again in thought. "W-wait. That x on ur face.."

"You're either wondering what it means or you have a hunch as to what it means, am I right? I used to be an exorcist, yes but when I saw what this place was really like and refused to attack someone, I was excommunicated."

"Me t-to." Comments Luna.

"Oh? Interesting."

Luna Moon uses magic to show her halo.

"I hide i-it because you know, I don't want people to have the wrong idea..."

"That make sense."

"So u-uh what now?" Asks Luna.

"Well, we will just show those exorcist assholes that anyone can be redeemed."

"Y-yeah!" Says Luna Moon encouraged.

Bálor joins the others in the lobby, leaning against the wall with only the slightest hint of curiosity as face shows disinterest and boredom, hands inside pockets of jeans now being worn and looking at everyone else. "There's a new girl here."

Luna looks at him. "H-hello I'm luna."

"Bálor." He smiles politely. "Nice to meet ye, Luna."

"Nice to meet u as well." She smiles sweetly.

"I'm really only here because Alastor had so kindly recommended the exercise. I thought I'd see what it's all about."

"Indeed, why it was that or enjoying the more FINER PLEASURES this place has to offer." Alastor knowing what Bálor did with Angelean. He said with a big smile as he does. Luna Moon is confused a bit by the comment.

"I'm here because it will be fun!" Says Luna Moon lying.

Bálor raises a dubious yet humored eyebrow. "Uh-huh." Flashes a grin. "Right, yeah... fun."

"You seem almost too sweet to be in a place like this. How did ye get to be here?" referring to hell as much as the hotel.

Luna thinks for a moment. "Hmm I don't really know I think I accidentally killed someone?"

Angelean comes down the stairs and sees him with a blush as he talks in his Irish accent. Her demon heart skips a beat. She was wearing a black dress.

Gabriel is merely there watching the going ons from the Balcony scribbling things down on his scroll.

Gabriel looks over at Luna. He looks at Charlie forcing a smile. "Oh? Sure. What would you like to speak about?" He gives a wave of his hand and the quill and scroll disappears.

"Soooo, I was thinking since your from heaven that, maybe you. Could do this exercise. For. Redemption?" Says Charlie.

"You want me to participate." They frown thinking for a moment. "Very well. I already know I'd have no problems passing your little program."

She's them walk past her, but she meant more give them a better chance at passing. "Wellll, actually I mean help them get redeemed and since you know your an angel....maybe you would know how to?"

He grumbles smacking at her hands.

Luna Moon sneaks behind Gabriel without him noticing and messes his hair up.

"Do not touch me! What is with you hell beasts. No boundaries." His attention goes back to Charlie, but irritated. "Oh....of course. That is why I'm here."

Luna slaps his hand. "W-watch ur manners Gabriel! You shouldnt be such a b-brat."

"A Brat! I am The Mighty Gabriel. Messenger of God and a fine tuned warrior." You hear Lucifer mocking him from the back with his hands as he makes fun of his words. "I am the mighty Gabriel blah blah, messenger of blah blah, dick." Luna was a bit hurt that Gabriel didn't really remember her alot or the fact that she felt so out of place.

"Okay. I see this isn't a good start, sooooo Angel lets sit here and let's keep our hands to ourselves and um Luna sit here." Charlie Sits them down in chairs far from Gabriel but Luna feels she is going to cry from what she talked about being cast out as she runs off. "Luna please! Wait! I'll, uh be right back just to ahead and uh do your thing." Charlie runs after her.

~Outside The Hotel~

Charlie chases after Luna Moon. "Luna?! Wait!" She runs up to her. "Are you okay?" Charlie says putting her hand on her shoulder.

Luna moves "Please d-don't touch m-me.."

"Im-im sorry. I should of asked you before, it's kinda of a force of habit." She says kinda fidgeting.

"Its-its okay.....hey Charlie...can I tell you something?"

"Only if you feel comfortable about it. Sits beside her.

"S-so I'm a fallen angel.....a-and I know G-gabriel but I don't think he remembers me

.." she felt sad by this.

"O-oh! I see. So that's why your nervous around Gabriel. Well.....he kinda seems like he is, uh a little grumpy." She giggles a bit.

"Y-yeahh-he was the kindest before I went "missing". Me, him trained e-every day and we was best fr-riends."

"I'm sorry to ask but....how did you fall?" Asked Charlie trying not to have them feel sad or ashamed by it.

"... I really don't know.. It was secret and it wasn't sera or Adam or Lute who did it. For heaven, I'm just m-missing right now."

"That's strange. That's never happened before, i-I think?! But nether has an angel fallen to hell ether, and here Adam is!"

"Yeah true, Well let's go back inside. I want to try to bond with Gabriel."

"Alright." They walk back into the hotel.