~Chapter 21 Michael's Lament & Sir. Pentious~

~Heavens Conference Room~

Michael fell to his knees as he had fear in his eyes of being caught by anyone especially his father. He got up and opened his cabinet and pulled out an old whip, one that was used to beat the sinners or those who went against heaven. He gripped it as he took off his shirt and began to beat himself with it for having any emotion, feelings, thoughts anything unpure. He bit his lip to hold on the yells that he gave for this, so his brothers would never know.

~Hotel Lobby~

Luna Moon comes back flustered after her moment with Michael in his office. "Are you okay Luna?" Charlie asks seeing Luna all flustered.

"Oh yeah! Just had a meeting. Can I get a room."

"Of course! Let me get a key." She gives her one but Angel feels like he must protect her and suggests to let her stay with him. "Hey Charlie do you mind ifa she stays with me?"

"Huh? Are you sure Angel? Having room mates can be alot."


"Well then.....alright Angel can you show her to the room then?"

"Sure! Right this way, Uh Luna Moon right?"

"Yes, thanks alot Angel."

"Hey, it's what I do." He says flipping his hair back being his normal flirty self. "Call me hot and charmin" he jokes with a smile. Luna Moon giggles too it.

Gabriel finally coming down from his room. He slept most of the day. His hair is messing and he's shirtless, Luna Moon covers her eyes embarrassed by seeing Gabriel this way, Angel looks him up and down as they walk by. "Damn I see why they be called Angels."

~Heaven's Conference Room. (Michaels Office).~

Michael heard a knock at the door as he covered up and answered it after fixing himself to look like nothing happened, the beating he gave himself for his desires.

"HEYY MICHEALLL : )))))We need to talk 😋" says Luna Moon who came back to visit again as she was told.

Azrael just looked up at Michael, before standing upright and fixing his hair.

Michael looks over at him. "I hope that wasn't how you looked at the gate, Azrael."

She pulled my hair. Azrael answered, quite irritated with Luna.

"I would NEVER do such a thing." She flashes a sweet fake smile.

"Even after I thought about being your friend? How rude." Azrael responded dramatically.

Luna hugged Azrael. "I'm sorry" she looks up at him sweetly.

"ah. Affection." Azrael patted lunas back. "it's fine..."

"Friends? How ridiculous. This way Luna Moon." He says leading her to his office.

~Michael's Office~

Michael lead her to his office. "This way. What is it?" He says closing the door.

"I had a flash back today." He sounds irritated.

"It was from when I was sent down to hell."

"And?" he says looking at her with one eyebrow up.

"I think it was adam who did it." She hoping he won't get mad.

💢 he tried to stay composed. "Of course..of course. He is supposed to handle people who don't follow heaven." Says Michael a bit irritated. Even though every part of him wanted to touch her and kiss her.

"^^ ! Well uh thats should be all!" Luna Moon lifts his chin up and kiss his cheek. "Goodbye!" She walks away.

Michael is happy by her kiss at least until he hears a call in his office. He looks at the phone as has his heart beat races, he reaches for the phone.

"Hello?" His eyes got bit as he stood up properly. He listens. "No all is fine father."

"I know what your doing, if you can't straight up those behaviors I'll have too." Then you hear him talking but not what he says. Michael felt himself panic.

"Yes, of course. I won't let you down father." He hears silence as he hangs up as he tries to hold back tears and fear of what was told. "Crap, crap CRAP!" He swipes his hand as he sees the Hotel and what was happening in it as they all laugh and joke. "Tsk! Argh!" He says throwing the ball down.

Michael's angelic clock ticks as he feels the pressure in the rank he was given. He gulps feeling as if the room was getting heavy.

🎶Every year, the same reminders of the things I've lost.🎶 He Remembers his Lucifer's falling.

🎶Absent friends and broken pledges wrapped in heavens clouds.

Why should I be bright and happy?

Why should I, won't someone tell me?

Tell me, tell me, tell me!!!🎶

🎶Heavens winners filled with joy, are all I've ever known.

you can keep them.

Just leave me aloneeeeee

"Why not join us, enjoy the merry?

Don't they know I have my reasons?

Tell me, tell me, tell me, TELL ME!!!🎶

🎶Every year such joy and gladness

Sparkling in their eyes

Treat them tougher, make them wonder

Bring them down to sizeeeee!!!🎶 He sings walking back and forth.

🎶All around me, oh so cheery

I'm not happy, so why should they be?

Tell me, tell me


🎶 TELL MEEEE!!🎶 He throws down his stuff on his desk.

Luna Moon heard him singing as she catches the blood from her face in her hands and more blood drops from the clouds from a fallen angel being on angelic clouds. Luna Moon passes out and falls right through the clouds. Michael sees this while looking around on his heavens orb and sees her laying there dripping as a portal opens and he steps out and looks around and he picks her up in his arms as he walks through the portal again and back to his office to bandaid her up.

~Michael's Office.~

Luna Moons vines try to protect her, but he sees it and he raises his hand and it dies away. He lays her on his bed and kisses her forehead.

"Don't worry your safe." You hear his faded voice as you go in and out of consciousness. He was working at his desk as he kept checking on her. Luna suddenly wake up and get scared because she didn't know where she was, she brought out her vines out for protection.

"I found you on a cloud, I fixed your wound"

Luna Moon calmed down and smiles. "Thank you" he half smiles.

"Here." He gives her some healing water to help her a bit. Michael touches her cheek softly, losing control of his feelings for his pupil again. Luna looks at him into his eyes and smiles widely. She laughs a bit.

"I didn't think my pain was funny..."

"Hm?"she wondered what he was talking about but had maybe a small idea about what he was saying.

"Never mind. How do you feel?" His words and actions soft and gentle.

"I feel a little better : ) " a soft blush goes over her cheeks.

Michael notices and looks down and away in silence feeling the same. "Well, when your better. You are free to go until our next meeting."

"Yes sir!!" walk to the door and stop suddenly and blows him a kiss and runs off.


Sir Pentious moves along the promenade and looks at all the buildings after having been to all the meetings though was hardly noticed at all during any of them, still unable to fully believe he had made it while also missing his friends and thinking of the kiss he shared with Cherri, wondering how she's doing as well and releases an almost sad sigh. He had heard a faint sound that was like singing as the voice had carried slightly, looking around in wonder then follows the voice in the general direction it came from to know who was singing, coming to the different rooms before slowing down and looking around curiously and a little nervous yet hopeful that they could be a friend.

Michael sighed to his responsibilities and his thoughts on Luna Moon but he also was unsure about some thoughts and who better than to trust, Leonardo. His right hand man and adoptive brother.

~Leonardos Room~

Michael knocked on his door as he waited he knew he could always reply on him. Leo walks out of his hidden dimenson world and hears the knock.

"Leonardo?" He walks out closing the portal before he answered the door.

Leonardo opened the door, knowing it was Michaels voice so he didn't have to worry too much.

"What do you need Michael?"

He looked at the Archangel in front of him with a strange...happiness..? whatever. He shrugs it off like it's nothing.

"Do you have time to talk?" He wandered his mind on thought. "You're my most trusted confidant. You know everything about me."

"Indeed i do, it's almost scary how much i know about you" he quietly laughed to himself before speaking again "and yes i have time, come in" he then opened the door fully and motioned for Michael to come in.

"Yeah....Azrael can be quite lazy sometimes" he smiled before it faltered with slight concern "are you sure Gabriels going to be all...okay? in hell?"

"I don't know. Even if that is so. He wouldn't listen to my words if I told him not too ANYWAYS. So disobedient. Why can't he just be like my soldiers. And follow no question asked." Michael raised his hand up as a blue ember that didn't burn appeared of what he spoke of.

Leo looked at the blue ember before glancing back at Michael, he was never known to be the...talkative type. though he spoke regularly with Michael. he enjoyed listening to his rambles..what was he thinking again..? oh right- he was zoned out for a moment and had almost forgotten to respond "yeah, well you gotta remember he *is* his own person and has his own feelings and beliefs you technically arnt his commander, though i get where your coming from with that"

"I know he isn't...you don't think I don't know that but.....How do I protect everyone if they don't let me."

"...when has father ever been around at this point." he mumbled to himself before clearing his throat with a cough "yeah..its difficult sometimes...you know if you ever need help i'm available right...?"

"Yes....I know...but Leonardo you shouldn't do all the work that they should be handling, your work is with me." He say in an almost sounding like he was his own. That's what Leo heard.

"Oh..?" he took a moment to process the words before just shrugging off any feeling that Michael meant anything. "i'm fine with taking on extra work if you feel overwhelmed at all, sure its annoying but i can handle it...i typically get our brothers work they don't want to do anyway since people like Azy like being lazy but it's fine really" he smiled reassuringly.

"Alright then." He was about to leave. "Hey Leonardo. Do you remember Luna Moon?"

"Who? oh yeaaahhh her...what about her?" he didnt quite understand why Michael was bringing up Luna Moon but whatever kept him with him longer was something he was willing to do....why did he feel so clingy..? he ignored the thought. not wanting to think about it right now.

"I saw her again today. She somehow got in heaven, maybe we need more men..... anyway....I...think I like her. I know, I know it sounds silly."

Leo felt a twinge in his chest when he said that..though he didn't understand why.. "maybe....what do you like about her?" he asked curiously, trying to ignore the stab in his heart at the moment.

"Oh I don't know, familiar perhaps. I did train her by my own hands. A bond between the captain and there army is powerful. Maybe it's the obedience...."

Leo nodded in understanding, he was more-so looking for things to change about himself with the question....why did he care so much? whatever. it doesnt matter...for now. "maybe...anything like...personality-wise you see about her or like...physically?"

Michael chuckled to the comment. "You know I don't have those kind of thoughts and yet.....I don't understand the desire....I don't understand feelings at all. I'm not even suppose to have them....maybe I'm just being ridiculous. Forget I said anything."

"no no your feelings are important..its okay to not understand them. but that doesn't mean you can turn away from them, you are supposed to feel Michael, people can just feel attraction without real reason. sorry for pushing you with questions" he quickly responded, he just wanted Michael to stay..even if it was just for a little longer.

"....But not when your next to God....." he frowned looking up at Leonardo. "I don't get a choice Leonardo. Not anymore....."

"But you do Michael...thats what you dont understand. everyone even god himself feels emotions...." he smiled reassuringly, trying to ease the others dread..

"....I suppose so. Well. I suppose I should go." Says Michael looking down in thought.

Leonardo's smile faltered completely to a expression of sadness...? "you dont have to if you dont want to-"

"What do you mean?" He wondered why he would say such things.

"i...nevermind.." he regretted his previous words..he felt clingy for it and hated it. he just kinda..didnt look at Michael while saying that. Michael half smiled.

"Don't worry I will return soon." He smiles sweetly before he walks out and as he opens the door he falls into Sir Pentious.

"Oh! Goodness! I'm so sorry!" He says getting up from falling on him.

"oof!-" Pentious was backing away from the door after hearing their song but bumps into Michael. "Oh, I'm very sorry! I-I was just..." not completely seeing it's Michael, being surprisedto see him. "Lucifer?!"

"What? No. That's...." Michael sighs. "That's my little brother."

"Are you the Redeemed sinner I've been hearing so much about?" Leo looked at Sir Pentious.

"I sssee... " he looks at Leonardo. "Yes, my name is Sir Pentious. Um... you see, I first met two VERY lovely angels: Sera and Emily. They did help me a little bit. I've been working on a way to tell my friends that it works- the hotel works!" hood "hair" spreads out in excitement and holds arms out victorious, with a wide grin.

Michael expression changed for a moment to serious. He takes Leonardos shoulder and turns him. Leo flinched at the movement, his touch adversity spawning.

"We can't let that happen. Could you ummm, show him around. Distract him. If this gets out. Then we will have more, more demons being up here. That is to big if a risk." Leo whispers. "Dude I know what I'm doing,"

"Don't call me dude, Infront of people...💢"

"Okay damn" Leo rolls his eyes.

"That attitude is not okay. Leonardo."

"Deal with it" comments Leonardo.

Sir Pentious watches as they talk to each other, hope showing on his face that maybe one of them could help him find a way to tell everyone at the hotel.

-_- I'll handle you later. Leonardo." Michael turns and looks at Pentious. "Welcome to Heaven Uh, Pentious was it?"

"I'm ARCHANGEL MICHAEL!" He showed his seraphim wings in an beautiful way.

"And that's Leonardo." Points to him not bring to happy with him right now.

"Honor to meet you too sir p" his wings rested behind him as he smiled he oddly had 4 wings instead of the usual seraphim 6. Michael looks over at Leonardo. "Yes....friend, however that is my brother. He will be showing you around."

"Ah, right-" he smiles. "That would be most appreciated. I've been wandering around and uh." shy awkward giggle, slowly speaking. "Keep getting lost."

"I get it, heaven gets confusing. I'll show you around" says Leo.

Michael smiles. "Thank you Leonardo." He says his hands behind his back.

Leonardo pulls him a bit to talk to him in a hushed tone in the first angelic language so only Micheal will understand what he's saying "ᛇᛟ ᚦᛟ ᚶᛟ𐌵 Ꮤᚣᚻᛘ ᛖᛊ ᛘᛟ ᛕᚽᚳᚳ ꃅᚽᛖ ᛟᚫ ᒍ𐌵ᛇᛘ...ᚣᛈᛘ𐌵ᚣᚳᚳᚶ Ᏽᚽᐯᛊ ꃅᚽᛖ ᚣ ᛘᛟ𐌵ᚱ?"

(So, do you want me to kill him or just...actually give him a tour?)

"Oh, thank you! You're so kind- most of the other angels just... I've been on my own since I arrived. It's sssssooo good to make a few friends up here."

ᛟᚫ ᛈᛟ𐌵ᚱᛇᛊ ᚻᛟᛘ! ᛒ𐌵ᛘ ᛕᛊᛊᚹ ꃅᚽᛖ ᚫᚱᛟᛖ ᚳᛊᚣᐯᚽᚻᏵ! (Of course not! But keep him from LEAVING!) He says in anokian. (Angel language). Leo nods before straightening his posture and looking at Sir P. "Where would you want to go first?" he smiled.

"Could we perhaps go find a place to eat" holds stomach while looking down at it

"I do feel very hungry right now."

"Of course, follow me" he opens a portal to leave and walks through it. Sir Pentious follows Leonardo through the portal, feeling happiness and relief.