~Chapter 24 Tell Me Brother.~

Lute stops infront of Hell's gates as she railed her exterminators troops. "ALL EXTERMINATORS! DO NOT STOP UNTIL EVERY DEMON IN THAT HELLHOLE IS LONG GONE!" Lute yells to the exterminator army, who cheer in response. The gates open, and lute sends the army through the portal gate thingy to hell.

Azrael stands by the gates again, atlas by his side. "Hey, Azrael, mind if I steal your attention for a mo?"

"Oh? Not at all. What's up?" says Azrael

"It's just, ya know. Maybe it's me." Say as a soft boi with there head on there hand. "Buttttt did Michael act, a little strange today?"

"Oh he was definitely strange. I'm glad you noticed it too." says Azrael to Uriel.

"I think we all did. He doesn't show like his emotions, often."

"Not to us men. That is just to Raphael."

"Yea, that sounded almost forced. Something's up." says Azrael suspiciously.

Raphael walks towards them.."Heyy! What are you guys talking about?"

"Oh? Yea, I did find it pretty strange, but I didn't want to upset Michael." says Azrael to Uriel.

"Just about the meeting." says Azrael to Raphael.

"Girl, you always get all the attention. What do you have to worry about." Says Uriel to his sister Raphael.

"Well, it's just the respectful thing to do but I did find that meeting awfully suspicious."

"He's covering up something. I just know it." says Azrael to them.

"Agreed, Michael is....." says Uriel.

"What are you guys whispering about?" Michael says leaning down between them.

"Um, the event at hand dear brother." Says Uriel.

"Exactly! Don't worry about us Michael." Raphael smiles sweetly. Michael listens to there conversation and how different they are acting.

There up to something? He thinks.

"I mean, you could, like join the conversation?" says Uriel trying to hide it.

"Yeah." says Azrael not really wanting that though.

"Thanks for the offer but you know how much work I have. I just wished to see my siblings, we should have a brunch soon." Comments Michael.

"Absolutely! A little snacking is, fun I guess." Shrugs Uriel.

"We should! I can't wait." Raphael says, smiling. Azrael doesn't say anything.

Michael smiles. "Tomorrow it is then. I'll make time."

Michael walks off. "Goodbye brothers. He kisses Raphaels forehead in innocence.

"So! How have my dear brothers been?"

"Uhhhh, I need a new style. Blue is so not me" comments Uriel.

"Really? I thought you looked wonderful, no matter the color!" comments Raphael.

"What about you, Azzy? I know you've been pretty busy." asks Raphael.

"Awwww girrllll. I see why your the favorite." Jokes Uriel giggles.

"..I've been fine. Yea, just busy. Helping Michael guard heaven and all."

~Heavens Gate~

A demon just randomly comes in (because hazy sucks at his job).

"..hazy." says Atlas.

"UHHHH..What? isn't that a angel?" Says Hazy.

"HAZY. THAT IS A DEMON." yells Atlas!



"WHAT DO I DO?!" Yells Hazy also panicking. Michael shots at it with his finger as they explode and blood flies everywhere. "That." Says Michael as Atlas stomach drops seeing Michael appear.

😨.. "oh heh- heey Micheal funny seeing you here- heh-" says Atlas nervously.

"We're so dead." says Hazy.

"Boys. You have to be careful. Dangerous things could happen around here. I would HATE to see more people disappear. He touches there shoulders tightly with a scary intimidating face. Atlas literally feels their soul leave their body.

"Heh- uhh yeaa- whatever you say."

Michael gives a fake smile. "Make sure to do your jobs. We're "counting" on you."

"Right. It won't happen again sir." says Atlas.

"Good." He says leaning over there shoulder and his expression changed to a sweet smile. "I'll be back later on, keep up the work." Hazy looks at atlas scared. "Yesir." atlas holds his breath, waiting for Michael to leave. Atlas collapses and stays on the ground.

"You ok Atlas?" sits next to Atlas asks Hazy.

"We could've died just now. We can't die more than once- can we? " "I dunno..." Comments Hazy.

"Fine?? You heard what Az, Raph and Uriel said! Michael is a literal psycho! If the demons can die twice, so can we?"

"Emily got my back obviously." Says Hazy.

"They're literally ARCHANGELS, Emily can't do anything and even if he doesn't kill us, he's probably gonna go after Azzy, since we're technically his responsibility, or whatever." says Atlas.

"Aw man!!! I'll come back from the dead and rip his pretty face off!:3 Rip his throat out and make him choke on his own dick" Hazy is talking to himself about ideas for killing. 

"He definitely would." replies Hazy.

"I just- I seen things. Okay? Promise me that. I'm surprised he's still an angel. Isn't god like- all knowing? Surely he sees the things Michael does." explained Atlas.

"Woah uh big words slow down?" Says Hazy.

"Sorry. They say God knows everything that happens, so wouldn't he have seen Michael do all that psycho shit? Or he at least has a pair of eyes. Kinda like how I watch things for Azrael, or just watch Azrael and Michael talk in general." explains Atlas.

"Ohhhh, true."

Someone taps Hazy shoulder. "Hey, guys?" Says Uriel.

"AHAHA oh it's just you."

"Oh hey Uriel! What's up?" says Atlas.

Uriel kooks confused.

"Wah? I bet you guys thought I was you know who." He whispered that last part.

"Do you need anything?" asked Atlas.

"Yeah. You gave me a heart attack." says Hazy.

"Don't worry, Michael can't beat THIS." Being kinda sexy.

"You'd be surprised...okay. I need to tell you both something but you can't tell anyone. Not even Azrael...." Says Atlas.

"I'm too much of a big mouth though."

"Hazy I will slap you if you tell anyone."

"Yea don't tell Mikey." Says Uriel.

"No! Don't tell Michael." Whines Hazy.

"Don't tell him I fuckin calles him that k?

"I'm telling him that you call him mikey" says Hazy.


" I'll smite you dear." Uriel said with a dark serious face. "Buttt doooo tell. I love some good gossip."

"We're getting off topic! I was spying on Azrael and Michael, and this weird girl I didn't recognize. Michael called Azrael to his office and something happened after that. Something bad."

"Bad? Bad how?" Asks Uriel.

"Michael and Azrael were arguing, but Azrael might've said something wrong because Michael pulled Azraels hair and took a knife out. I thought he'd cut off his wings. But then he threw Azrael into an angelic cell and left him there for an hour. It scared me and Azrael hasn't seemed to be the same after that. Azrael won't talk about it, and I haven't told him I was there."

"Wait. Look I know Michael is, ehhhh much sometimes but he would never hurt anyone, well at least that didn't deserve it." Explains Uriel.

"Uriel. Cmon. I know you see it. Azraels been acting different. It's worrying me."

"he's been more distant." Says Atlas.

".....he has but.....idk. don't fret. I'll talk to them." Ruffles his hair. "Byyyyeeeee." Says Uriel.

"wait don't- shitttt."

"Can't hear you from the fabulous side of heeeaavvveeennn." Waves Uriel.

"I think I've just fucked myself." says Atlas before walking off to Heavens Gate.

~Consation between Azrael & Uriel~

(Azrael's Room-Uriels Room)

"Uhh! " He throws off there shoes. "Yessssss Uri likess" Flops on there cloud bed as they text Azrael.

Azrael is just tidying up. Azrael gets a text message, he checks it. It's from Uriel.

Heyyyy Azzzy, I noticed you bein a crabby emo puss, so what's up little bro?

"I'm fine. What do you want Uri. Im not ignoring you, this conversation is just going no where. Just tell me what you want.

"I want your attention, like now. You are being like sad lately."

"How so? I've just been busy, yk."

"Uh yea so have us all, come on I know you, you can talk to your big fabulous brother."

"I can't. He's going to know." Azrael text Uriel.

"Who is?


Mikey? Psssehhhhh no. He doesn't have electric powers. Or wait? Maybe he does. Hmmmm *thinks* No I'm pretty sure. He doesn't fam.

"He did something, or has been doing things. I can't view him the same...." Azrael wasn't one for crying but he felt a bit helpless by this.

"What did he do?!"

"He nearly took my wings. I saw that blade. He seriously scarred me."

"WHAT THE CRAP! Oh nuh uh. I'm gonna have a talkin too.


"At least why he is being a dick head. Ops I cursed. Sorry bother. >_< Okayyyyy fine but I'm still gonna like chat with him on why he actin weird."

"I don't know, and atlas and hazy curse all the time I don't really care."

"Your young angels, ya will understand someday."

"Just be careful Uri. If he does anything please let me know. I'm not the angel of protection for nothing."

"I will. Byyyyeeeee." Uriel text ends as Azrael had a bad feeling about all this and begins to worry.