~Chapter 37 The Challenge & For Whom The Bell Doth Toll~

Raphael walks in, closing the door behind her and leaning against her desk as she tried to make a coherent thought. Right, she needed to choose her soldiers. She looks down, determined to do this.

~The Challenge-Epic The Musical Parody~

🎶 I'm supposed to choose an angel to start a war… I said I would choose as soon as I weave this shroud. 🎶" She looks outside through a window, watching Atlas and Hazy round up the exterminators that are left. Raphael's expression softens, the fierce facade wearing off a little. 🎶 Though I never thought I would resort to this…just know, I'll be here.🎶

She hardened her gaze again. 🎶Though I don't know how much longer I'll last since I saw those notes…and though it was so close to our family, It was far from the norm.🎶

Raphael's eyes widened in a sort of realization, putting the sheets of paper down on her desk. 🎶Unless.. Oh, could it be some kind of sign?.. That my world is all about to change?🎶" She looked outside again.

🎶 Is it finally time for the extermination I arranged?🎶"

She walked closer to the door, now determined. 🎶Though I never thought that it would come to this… just know, I'll be here. buying you time!🎶 She threw the doors open.

~Heavens Gates~

Raphael imagined the demons getting ready below them, weapons sharpened and deadly.

[the demons] 🎶Time is fleeting, it's running out. Time to be the man of the house! 🎶

[Raphael] "🎶Oh! Buying you time~!🎶"

[The demons] "🎶Time is fleeting, it's running out. Time to be the man of the house! 🎶"

She took a deep breath, thinking to herself now. 🎶Whoever can string my brothers old bow, And shoot through 12 axes cleanly. Will be the new leader, lead all of the girls. And report all of it back to me~~..🎶

Raphael wiped a tear from her eye. 🎶Let the arrow fly, Once you know that your aim is true.🎶 She thought of her brothers, her siblings who she loved very dearly, how none of them are here when she needs them most. 🎶 Cause I'd rather die… than grow old without the best of you!🎶

Raphael walked through the perfectly stood exterminators, weaving her way through. 🎶Though I never thought that these would be the lengths we'd go for love! I would not have it any other wayyy!🎶

She stood infront of them all, next to hazy and Atlas. 🎶And though I never thought that it would end like this..Just know, I'll be here...🎶 Raphael took a shaky inhale. 🎶Waiting…waiting…🎶 The exterminators joined behind her. 🎶Raphael.🎶"

[Raphael] 🎶Waiting… waiting…🎶

[Exterminators] 🎶Raphael.🎶

[Raphael] 🎶waiting… waiting… ohhh~…🎶 She closed her eyes again.

In a low, soft, yet determined voice, she gave out a single word. "Attack."

The exterminators cheer and yell as they fly through a portal opened by Raphael to the hotel. Raphael waits for everyone to go and flys down as well. Atlas grabs his adhd soon-to-be boyfriend and flys into the portal.

~Outside The Hazbin Hotel.~

Emily flies down in a hurry, flying as fast as she could, she knocks on the door. "Charlie! Vaggie! Anyone please open up the door!" Yells Emily. "Please it's important!" She says banging on the door. She waits for someone to open the door. "Please help me. The angels are planning another extermination." Says Emily very loudly.

The hotel door opens as a man with a cane walks out as his smile eyes glow so does his iconic smile. "Why hello, my dear. Can I assist you?" He says too Emily, it was none other than the radio demon, Alastor.

"I need to warn Charlie and Lucifer!" She says in a bit of a panic.

"Now, now. They cancelled that. We ended there rane." He laughs too them failing at killing them.

"Emily?" Says Charlie walking outside the front door to see her.

"You know this, angelic lady?" Asked Alastor as he put his hands behind his back with his smile as he looked over at Charlie.

"I do. She helped me in the trial to help hell for redemption.Before finding out Vaggie was an angel." Comments Charlie.

"Thank you." Says Emily as they walk into the hotel.

~Hazbin Hotel, The Lobby~

Charlie, Alastor and Emily, walk into the hotel to the lobby to speak. Emily looks around and how it has been fixed up and how it was starting to all FINALLY come together. "Nice place." Says Emily.

"Thank you! But why are you here? Oh, my gosh! Did you fall?!" Worried Charlie that she fell because of everything that happened in heaven. "Please say you didn't?!" Says Charlie.

"I did. I'm sorry but I'm here to warn you about the next extermination." Says Emily seriously. Her cheerful loving self had changed for that moment.

"What extermination?" Asks Charlie, now worried by this.

"The Archangel Raphael is send exterminators to lower the population here in hell....they say you are a threat but I know there wrong!" Emily takes Charlie's hands in hers. "I know you wouldn't purposely hurt anyone, the battle only happened because you were protecting yourself from THE EXTERMINATORS!" Charlie looked at her with soft eyes which instantly whiched too worry again.

"No! Why?! I thought we stopped this?!" She says in sadness.

"Seems they didn't learn the first time, they need another talking too, dear." Comments Alastor. Gabriel comes down from the upstairs. "Why are you here?" Asks Gabriel.

"Did you know about this?!" Says Charlie too Gabriel.

"Extermination? No, no that isn't even happening anymore. Besides, Michael is in control of it." Explains Gabriel to Charlie and the group.

"No we can't find Michael!" Argues Emily.

"Michael is missing?" Asks Gabriel who is a bit worried.

The bell rings through the rings of hell as everyone looks up and runs to the sound. They hear the clock go off. "Oh No! I'm too late. They're here!"

"Oh no! Emily was right?! Everyone go to safety!" Yells Charlie.