~Chapter 33.5 Nolastname Mafia Conflict.~

There are was a beep on Cherries phone while she laid next to Angel as she did when they were feeling down or hurt by Valentino. She picked it up and made a ugh noise as she replied and an expression of an semi angry face as she wrote them put her phone in her pocket and looked over at Angel before leaving their room.

~Hotel Lobby~

Cherri came back from being with Angel and saw the gang talking and Shadōmu.

"Hello, Cherri. How are you?" He said nervously.

"Fine thanks." She said passive aggressively as she rushed out the door. This worried Shadōmu, since they were close.

~Nolastname mafia headquarters~

"Well, I'm fuckin here. Come out!" She said irritatedly. He goes downstairs and opens the door.

"Cherriii. Hey babe." walks up to her and pulls her close. "Decided to come back around. Need more drugs don't ya."

"….Drugs?.." She says in a confusing way.

"You use to buy drugs from me sugar cakes." You I think I need more drugs pls, I guess. I'm running out maybe." says Cherri thinking of her and Angel.

"Yea, alright." Gets them and goes to hand them to her but then take it back. "I have a different transaction this time." He took her hand and pulled her into his arms to force kiss her.

Cherri turns away when Travis was about to kiss her by force. "I think I'm good." She got off his arms instantly. "Plus, I just need the drugs." She says.

"It wasn't a permission. I've been seeing you have been around. I would hate ta see him disappear."

"Yeah…" She says with a nice tone of her voice.

"So listens, doll. I'm givin ya an ultimatum. Take these drugs and be mine or, let's just say, your little hotel and "friends" will cease ta be. Am I makin myself clear?" He says pulling her into his arms and lifting her chin.

"Clock is tickin."

"Okay fine, I'll take the drugs." She sighs softly.

"You made a good choice. Bein my girl and being apart of fun, is part of hell." He kisses her and holds the drugs. "Tell, no one of the hotel of our relationship. I have a rep to protect."

"That's why yas are my gurl." He gives the drugs to her and sends her on the way with a smack to her butt.

~Hotel Lobby, Hazbin Hotel~

Shadōmu sits at the bar and drinks some drinks. Angelean sees Shadōmu and smiles. "Hello, I don't see you drink often." Cherri comes back to the hotel not saying anything as she rushing off with a little distressed expression, that she tried to hide.

"Anything I can do to help?" She smiled sweetly.

"Delete my shadow powers? Bringing me back to my world?" Says Shadōmu.

"Oh, umm.....well....I think that might be more of a...high demon or angel thing. Like Lucifer, or Bálor here. Sadly I'm not great with my powers. I'm sorry." Explains Angelean feeling bad and a bit awkward about not being able to help them. Cherri walks upstairs and stands by the rails, watching them.

"It's okay, I'm not mad, its just... my head hurts really bad, and since i came to this hotel. I keep dreaming about a person who is covered in shadows...." Shadōmu takes a sip of alcohol.

"I see...I'm sorry. Shadōmu was it?" Angelean looks over and sees Cherri. "Oh hello Cherri." Cherri waves at Angelean. Bálor watches Shadōmu and Cherri, smiling and waving at them. "I could at least help you get home, but it would have to be through a deal. I don't do favors for just anyone." He turns his attention to Angelean (Eve). "I would do it just to check on you, changing the bad one to another." He says drinking coffee.

"Thanks, but this is something impossible." Shadōmu takes the last sip and goes to Cherri Bomb. "Hey Cherri." He smiles.

Bálor having heard of and learned a bit of a place that sounds like he described, slightly raises an eyebrow then shrugs it off as if to say "suit yourself" and continues to drink coffee as he walks off to Cherri.

"Heyyy!, Sorry I didn't tell you I got back." commented Cherri.

"Its okay, im glad you here. It feels like something is up, is everything okay Cherri?"

"Yeah, Everything's okay! Why? Are you okay?" she asks Shadōmu.

"Yea, just a headache, nothing important." he looks in her eyes. "You know, you can talk to me when you want something, right?"

"I don't need anything, Nothings wrong. Just tired yk thats why😅"

"Are you going to rest?"

"Nah. I'm just going to my room."

He thinks that he gets on her nerves. "Okay, go get some rest Cherri, hope you get better soon...."

"Thank you!!, I appreciate you." She walks off.

"Ugh, my headache is getting worse" He goes outside for fresh air.

~Nolastname mafia headquarters.~

"Travis!!!" Cherri yells out his name as she got in the mafia headquarters

"Cherri, babyyyy. Welcome home. I see you came to see me again. More drugs I assume."

"I don't really wanna be with you. It's because I've already fell for someone I knew for." She looks at Travis with her one eye not feeling comfortable in this type of relationship.

Travis chuckles in a dickish way. "Well. Here's the thing tootz. This is the mob and you don't gotz a choice." Takes her arm aggressively.

"If you THINK your going back to him. Your sadly mistaken. I'll send someone after him!" Says Travis.

"Ow!, No you won't! And plus he's the love of my life!! I'm not very comfortable in this relationship And you should respect it! I know you wanna be with me, But I don't wanna be with you!" She tries to grab Travis hand and remove it from her arm.

"That, sounds too bad. Doesn't it boys?" Men showed up behind him. They laugh.

"I didn't wanna be with you anyway!" She said with a mad expression of her face. "Those men isn't gonna do anything, AND I MEAN IT!!"

"Well, see Cherri, well see. Men go and find this Shadōmu." The men left to the hotel.

~Hazbin Hotel, Outside The Hotel.~

Thenolastname mafia ppear as the laugh with there guns. "Send out Shadōmu and no one gets hurt!" One member said.

Shadōmu stands infront of the doors from the hotel. "What do you guys want?"

"Weres here to exterminate yas. Your in the way of one of our friends business." says another member.

"Uhm.... i think you got the wrong guy, i never got in trouble with a high buissnes people?" Comments Shadōmu.

"No, but ya ladyz friend Cherri did." they evil chuckled all them.

"Yea Cherri!" Says another.

"Che.... cherri?!" he pinches his fist together and his eyes turning dark. "WHAT DID YOU MOTHERFUCKERS DO TO HER!!"

"Nothin yet." They chuckle.

"Tell..... me... where she is, and maybe I will let you go." he says in his demonic voice while some black tentacles coming out of hid back.

They laugh. "We ain't no snitches!"

Shadōmu grabs one with the tentacle from far away and drags him to him. "You ready to die?"

"N-no!-take this fucker!!" They startshooting at him. Shadōmu kills the member that was in his tentacles and walks to the others while being shot, the bullets reflect off his body. Like going through a ghost. "The biggest fail of your life... was to hunt me....." He starts attacking them with shadow magic, as his hands flow and shoot out in the look of a flower that turns to tendrils and attacks them all. They all cried in pain as they got hurt badly but couldn't die by anything that wasn't angelic weaponed. "Retreat men!!!! Retreat!!" Yelled a Mafia member as they began to run off.

"Oh, no...that was a little violent.....but you did it to protect us and Cherri. But....I don't see her? Where is she?" Asks Charlie looking around at the fight that just happened.

"Yea! Where the Fuck! Is my best friend!" Yells Angel Dust as he walks up to them and pulling one of them off the degree with angry eyes. Shadōmu just looks disgust at them with a death stare, knowing he could sealed them away forever in endless pain in the shadows, but he was to kind hearted. "Where is she?!"

"I-I don't know." The member lied.

"Ya fuckin lying!" Argues Angel.

He grabs one of them at there throat. "You look more talky then the others." He opens a portal to the endless shadows. "You know what that is? No? This the endless shadows, a dimension of endless pain, So IF you dont want to get in there...TALK!"

"Okay, okay! listen! She-shes iz with Travis!"

He grabs him harder. "AND WHERE IS TRAVIS!!"

"I-I look I don't know exactly but he is at the headquartas!" Panicked the Mafia member.

Shadōmu lets him down. "You, know." He speaks to the one he let down. "Start a new life, this life only hurts you, go to your family." he turns away. "Hey angel dust, ill get cherri bomb." He says calmly thinking about his past.

"Not without me?!" He argues.

"Angel no, I don't want you guys to get hurt!" Says Charlie worried.

Shadōmu looks at angel with dark eyes, but with a smile. "Angel dust, ill promise you.... i will bring her back safe."

"Yeah…. Okay…" he said unsure about all this. Shadōmu runs to The Mafia Headquarters.