Chapter 037: The First Time in This Life_1

Fu Yanlin stood downstairs in the cold wind for over an hour.

The car was parked under an old banyan tree, its abundant branches and leaves almost covering the entire car.

Instead of standing under the tree to wait, he stood in the open space where he could look up and see the balcony of Wen Sheng's sixth-floor apartment. Or rather, as long as Wen Sheng stood on the balcony and looked down, she would spot him immediately.

A flurry of images crowded Fu Yanlin's mind, all featuring Wen Sheng's aloof face—from her innocent youth to her current mature beauty. Those unforgettable doe eyes of hers still held the same cold indifference they had for all these years, a distance he had never managed to bridge, a loneliness he could never understand.

He chain-smoked until the packet was empty, but Wen Sheng never came down to look for him.

Instead, she turned off the lights.

Such a heartless woman.