Chapter 96: A Toast or a Penalty, You Choose_1

Song Yu'en was somewhat dumbstruck.

Yes, he knew that old dog Fu was quite fond of Wen Sheng, but he didn't expect him to be this fond!

He would even bow down to her!

Song Yu'en had seen Fu Yanlin in romantic relationships before. Back in America, the guy was changing girlfriends like clothes, with a different girl by his side every time. When had Song Yu'en seen him be so invested in a girl?

It was always the girls pleading, begging him to look at them again! Love them again!

This jerk, had he finally awoken to his scumbag ways?

No wonder Xun Rangchu said that justice would eventually catch up with the philanderer Fu Yanlin, and his downfall would be disastrous.

Song Yu'en was curious to see how far he would go for Wen Sheng. With this in mind, he immediately made a call to arrange for Jiang Shifang to join them at Lantai Club in the evening.

Naturally, he made it clear who had invited him.