Chapter 99: I'm not interested in other women, understand? _1

Song Yu'en had just hung up the phone and turned around to find that Fu Yanlin had already awakened.

He had downed six bottles of liquor and had a cold and fever, which easily triggered stomach bleeding. Even now, his fever was around 104 degrees, and his face was flushed. He looked like a boiled tomato, very radiant indeed.

Fu Yanlin had heard the conversation between Song Yu'en and Wen Sheng.

It was as he had expected.

If Wen Sheng were to forgive him so easily, she wouldn't be Wen Sheng.

If this heartless woman were so easy to court, why would he have to wait for 10 years?

Seeing this, Song Yu'en scratched his head slightly embarrassed, "Well, Yanlin, my sister-in-law is rather busy, one meeting after another…"

Fu Yanlin did not respond, steadied his hands to get off the bed, "Call Jiang Shifang, meet in half an hour, transferring the property."