Chapter 125: Trouble has Arisen_1

Office of the CEO at Linyun Technology.

Fu Yanlin stubbed out his cigarette, guessing that Wen Sheng must have gone to Yuncheng.

He understood Wen Sheng too well — At this point in time, taking annual leave could only mean she was off to Yuncheng. It was impossible for her to completely let go of work to rest, especially since the recent Wei Xinuo project she was working on happened to be based in Yuncheng.

Although he and Wen Sheng were not yet reconciled, he kept close tabs on her every move.

Thinking of this, he sat upright at his office desk, tapping rapidly on the keyboard, successfully hacking into Wen Sheng's ticket booking software.

He had seen her use the same software in Rong City when they were booking their return flight together.

A simple task such as hacking into an account was quite easy for Fu Yanlin.

Sure enough — he quickly found out that Wen Sheng had not only booked a flight but also a homestay.

It was all too easy.