Chapter 126: If Wen Sheng loses a single hair, I want you to be buried with him_1

As if led by some evil spirit, Wen Sheng opened her phone to check WeChat. A friend request had just come in.

She clicked in, not surprised, it was from Fu Yanlin.

"Runaway white-eyed wolf, have you fled again?"

"Wait till I catch you, see how I will deal with you!"

"Wen Sheng, I'm warning you. You're not allowed to talk with strangers when you're out! I swear the fear I experience when I lose my temper!"


He had already sent several messages in a row.

There were gaps of various lengths between the messages.

While looking at the messages, Wen Sheng could already visualize the expressions on Fu Yanlin's face when he wrote these words.

Assertive, arrogant, reckless, proud.

Wen Sheng bit her lip and put away her phone.

She knew Fu Yanlin would find out about her act of fleeing and evading sooner or later.

But she indeed needed to cool down and think clearly.

Every time, Fu Yanlin confused her with his methods, leaving her helpless to resist.