Chapter 131: Serving You, It’s My Duty_1

While the grocery store owner was cooking porridge, Fu Yanlin leaned against the wall and held a video conference with the engineers from his project team to adjust the framework of the new product.

He wore a Bluetooth headset, looking at the model sent by his secretary, his mind spinning rapidly. His absorbed and serious demeanor seemed out of place in the remote and underdeveloped small town.

The shopkeeper watched over the porridge, casting glances at him constantly. She wondered where such a good-looking man had come from. He looked like a movie star, features sharp and distinct, especially those deep eyes that rendered people dazed.

Despite being covered in grime and dust, his muscular physique couldn't be concealed. When he handed over the money earlier, she had seen his well-defined hand and instantly assessed him to be in great shape, a man possessing the dominating aura that a man should have.

And importantly, he was thoughtful and considerate.