Chapter 141: There's a Man in Sister Shen's Room_1

Fu Yanlin was straightforward and assertive in his speech, not leaving room for discussion. He was like an eager child, so focused and adamant about immediately enjoying his candy.

The candy he craved for such a long time.

A man of the world like him, Wen Sheng isn't the type to be overly sentimental, at that moment, she was both shy and enticing.

The pool within her had been ripples with unceasing waves, stirred by the skilled kiss of Fu Yanlin.

However, having never experienced any man besides Fu Yanlin, she is inexperienced when it comes to love affairs. Naturally reserved, she simply did not know how to take control and incite a flame of wild passion that was uncontrollable.

Wen Sheng bit her lip, her clear fawn-like eyes were watery and carried a tinge of lingering affection. She softly nodded and said in a voice as fine as a mosquito, "Hmm..."