Chapter 144: Getting Cleaned Up, Waiting for You in Your Room_1

Fu Yanlin was almost 1.9 meters tall, so even Wen Sheng who was 168 cm tall, considered tall among women, still had a noticeable height difference with him, especially when she was wearing flats today.

She was lifted by the chin by Fu Yanlin's hand, falling into his deep, black eyes. They were as dark as obsidian and unfathomably deep, easily bewitching, and drawing people in.

For some reason, Wen Sheng forgot to resist and immediately became compliant, clinging to the clothes on his chest, awaiting the storm to come.

Their warm breaths spilled onto each other's cheeks, with their noses brushing against each other. Their exhaling intertwined, blurring the boundaries between them.

From such a close distance, Wen Sheng, with her head tilted up, gave off a sense of submission under his powerful aura.