Chapter 192: I Don't Mind Hitting a Woman_1

We already mentioned that our teacher Zhu is a 5'7 beauty with an enviable figure. Even in high heels, Meng Wei is still shorter. At this moment, Zhu Qingjia grabs Meng Wei's hair and easily twists her head around.

"Ah..." Meng Wei lets out a cry.

Before she can react, Zhu Qingjia raises her hand and sets upon Meng Wei's face, slapping her repeatedly until Meng Wei is numb with shock.

"How many times have I warned you, Bi Chi? Stop messing with my sister Sheng. You don't get it, do you? Is your head full of shit or what? I mean goddamn, I thought you'd had an education, but you're still here acting like an idiot that needs a beating every day!"

Zhu Qingjia knew that Meng Wei was up to no good being around Wen Sheng. She'd been fuming for a while, and the idea that this ugly thing was messing with Sheng was just securing her own doom. Fuck her and her arrogance!