Chapter 195: Marriage_1

So it's taking things to the next level?

Wen Sheng was baffled and could nearly see question marks forming above her head.

Fu, the phrase "taking things to the next level" doesn't seem to be used like this, does it?

Yet, Fu Yanlin didn't spare any time for Wen Sheng's hesitation. He started the car and drove home.

How fast was he going?

Well, it usually took forty minutes. However, Fu Yanlin made it home in less than twenty.

After parking the car, they held hands and took the elevator. Before the doors had even fully closed, Fu Yanlin, unable to wait a moment longer, grabbed Wen Sheng's hands, pinned them against the wall, not giving her a chance to react, and kissed her.

"Mmm..." Wen Sheng wanted to protest about the surveillance cameras!

Fu Yanlin, calm down!

But was Fu Yanlin in the right mind to care about the surveillance?

These residents were all rich and prestigious. Who would dare leak their footage?