Chapter 226: Mrs. Fu, You've Been Wronged_1

At night.

Fu Yanlin returned to his apartment, exhausted. Upon opening the door, he found a floor lamp still lit in the living room. He pulled open the shoe cabinet to find it packed full, half of it filled with his own shoes.

"Fu classmate, you're back?" Wen Sheng heard the sound of keys turning and walked out from the bedroom.

She was only wearing a thin shirt, without even having time to put on a coat.

"It's chilly, why are you wearing so little?" Fu Yanlin frowned and stepped forward to pull Wen Sheng into his embrace. He didn't care about his own travel-weary state and straightaway lifted her in his arms and headed for the bedroom.

The master bedroom had a large walk-in closet. As Fu Yanlin pushed the door open to find a coat, he saw that half of the space was already filled with his clothes, which instantly warmed his heart. Turning around, he found Wen Sheng already wearing her coat and standing at the entrance of the walk-in closet.