Chapter 233: Face Slapping_1

Fu Yanlin once again became the center of attention, but this time, the reaction from the audience was completely the opposite.

The word "plagiarism" is always a sensational topic in any industry.

Moreover, the journalist below raised this solid accusation in front of hundreds of people at the scene, as well as tens of thousands of viewers in the livestream.

Fu Yanlin, unflustered, stealthily gave his assistant a look from the side of the stage. He patiently clarified the doubts of the journalist and finally waited for the person who started the commotion to arrive.

"Sister Sheng, I'll go check backstage," Zhu Qingjia almost simultaneously stood up, hurriedly leaving these words behind as she rushed toward the back of the stage.

Wen Sheng sat in her seat with her fingers tightly interlocked. Although her heart was beating wildly, she maintained an outward calm and composure.

She had confidence in Fu Yanlin.