Chapter 15 A Dance That Stuns Everyone, I Want You to Fall in Love with Me_1

The woman's fingers were long and fair, her nails neatly trimmed, and despite wearing a backless evening gown, her movements were dashing and handsome. Beneath her smiling eyes, even the worldly Huo Zhanting was taken aback by her radiance.

Setting down his glass, the corners of Huo Zhanting's lips hooked upward as he reached out and took An Lan's hand, "Here's your chance to shine."

An Lan smiled brightly and, hand in hand with Huo Zhanting, they slowly walked into the dance floor.

As they passed the band, Huo Zhanting whispered a few words to them.

Under the spotlight, Huo Zhanting stepped forward, wrapped his arm around An Lan's waist, and smiled, "Don't embarrass me."

"Got it."

An Lan circled her arms around Huo Zhanting's neck, and the two of them were so close that their breaths and heartbeats were distinctly audible.

As the melodious sound of the violin slowly began, it was the famous Spanish song "A Step Away".

An Lan lifted her skirt and began to dance to the music, with Huo Zhanting gallantly supporting her waist...

All the guests unconsciously gathered around, as if An Lan and Huo Zhanting were the protagonists of this engagement party.

Meanwhile, An Yuxian stood in the corner, nearly driven mad with jealousy!

She had assumed that after An Lan married into the family, she would be nothing but a housemaid; unbeknownst to her, Huo Zhanting had started to dote on her so!

Given Huo Zhanting's status in Binhai, Xiao Yihe couldn't catch up even if he tried!


An Yuxian turned her head to look at Xiao Yihe beside her, who was staring at An Lan unblinkingly, his gaze deep and intense.

Xiao Yihe didn't have her in his heart at all!

An Lan, this wretched woman!

An Yuxian clenched her fists so tightly that her nails dug into her flesh, hating An Lan enough to grind her teeth. Coincidentally, An Lan in the center of the dance floor looked her way.

An Lan raised her eyebrows slightly, her expression proud and disdainful. Her gaze swept over and then moved away.

An Yuxian's face fell, and she tugged at Xiao Yihe, "Yihe, let's dance too, shall we?"

"Didn't we just do the opening dance? I'm tired."

Xiao Yihe didn't even spare her a glance, his whole attention fixed on An Lan, and his tone was perfunctory.

An Yuxian clenched her fists tightly, her nails embedding into her flesh due to the force.

An Lan!

You wretched woman! You don't deserve this!

You don't deserve such happiness!

I will take everything that is yours, sooner or later!


In the center of the dance floor, the music suddenly changed.

The melodious violin was followed by a powerful piano melody, and An Lan suddenly pushed Huo Zhanting away.

Huo Zhanting's steps didn't falter, and he drew in close again.

Their faces nearly touching, Huo Zhanting felt as though he could see a flame burning in An Lan's eyes.

It was like a vigorous vitality, burning stubbornly like her, impossible to look away from.

An Lan, smelling the subtle fragrance on Huo Zhanting, found it fleeting, just like him: enigmatic, fickle...

The two danced with smiles, sometimes affectionate, sometimes ethereal.

The fierce yet fraught with hidden dangers of the tango mirrored Huo Zhanting and An Lan's relationship.

Like friends and enemies, in their push and pull, both longed to be the victor.

But at that moment, neither realized that there are no real winners in love.

As the violin melodies soared once more, slowing the tempo, An Lan and Huo Zhanting ended their dance.

Surrounding guests burst into enthusiastic applause.

"I did pretty well, didn't I?" An Lan asked Huo Zhanting softly.

Such lighthearted conversations between the two were rare, and the freshness of the moment was surprisingly pleasant for Huo Zhanting.

He chuckled softly, "Mediocre."

An Lan nudged his arm and poked his ribs, "Can't you say something nice?"

Huo Zhanting replied seriously, "Words are never as good as actions."

An Lan knew he was hinting at something, and her face instantly turned red. As she looked up, she met Xiao Yihe's gaze.

He seemed to be holding himself back, his eyes rimmed with redness, as if he wanted to come forward but was afraid to disturb An Lan. Caught in a difficult situation, he could only stand there, frozen.

An Lan's heart inexplicably trembled.

"Can't bear it?" Huo Zhanting whispered in her ear.


An Lan shifted her gaze away, deliberately clinging to Huo Zhanting even tighter.

Having made her decision, there was no need for hesitation.

Whether she still liked Xiao Yihe or not, she had to keep her distance from him; that was the real way to be good to him.

Huo Zhanting watched with interest as An Lan put on a cold front; this woman was truly intriguing.

Clearly, she was concerned about Xiao Yihe, yet she could act so indifferent.

An Lan had completely ignited his competitive spirit; he truly wanted to see her fall in love with him.

He really wanted to possess her.

And from the day he was born, everything he had wanted, he had gotten.

He believed that An Lan would be no exception, unable to escape from the palm of his hand.

"Let us all raise our glasses! To toast to Miss An's and Lawyer Xiao's destined union, wishing them happiness and fulfillment!"

Following the emcee's loud call, everyone raised their glasses, looking in the direction of Xiao Yihe and An Yuxian.

"Congratulations, Miss An!"

"Congratulations, Lawyer Xiao, what a beautiful couple!"

"Wishing you both a century of happiness..."

The sounds of congratulations were never-ending. An Yuxian responded with a face full of happiness, while Xiao Yihe had a gloomy expression throughout.

Suddenly, someone from below started to chant, "Kiss, kiss!"

Gradually, everyone began clapping and cheering while joining in on the chant.

Xiao Yihe frowned, about to decline, but An Yuxian directly met his lips with hers.

Seeing this, the cheers from the crowd grew even louder.

Huo Zhanting narrowed his eyes, but his peripheral vision was fixed on An Lan.

"We've danced, and we've drunk, shall we go back?"

An Lan suggested.

Huo Zhanting readily nodded his head and walked out side by side with An Lan. They had only taken a few steps when An Guohua rushed up to them, taking three steps at a time.

"Director Huo! Director Huo!"

An Guohua caught up to them, gasping for breath, "Director Huo, wait a moment!"

Huo Zhanting stopped in his tracks, his face as cold as frost, "What is it?"

An Guohua glanced at An Lan, "Director Huo, may I have a word with you alone?"

"One minute, if you don't speak, get lost."

Huo Zhanting glanced at his watch but showed no intention of sending An Lan away.

An Guohua had no choice but to grit his teeth and say, "Director Huo, I've thought it over. If you're willing to help the An Family, we can accept the merger for that twenty million!"

He had considered it; even if he handed over the An Family to Huo Zhanting, it was better than losing it to An Lan!

Besides, the Huo Family's business was vast; it was merely a change of name. In the end, he would still be the one in charge. With the support of the Huo Family, it would be a good deal by any measure!

Huo Zhanting bluntly stated, "The Huo Family doesn't want useless assets."

As he finished speaking, he turned to look at An Lan, hardly disguising his intention, "I just gave you fifty million. Whether you want to save the An Family is up to you, but I don't want to hear about the An Family again."

An Lan "???"

When had Huo Zhanting given her fifty million?

While An Lan was still confused, An Guohua was already glaring at her furiously.

This despicable girl had outright refused him last time, and yet she had so much money and was unwilling to help him!