Chapter 37 An Lan, Get Out Here!_1

An Lan returned to her desk, briefly organized her work, and intended to go to the break room for a glass of water when she unexpectedly overheard quite a few people gossiping.

"Did you hear? Movie Queen Gu is coming back to develop her career in the country!"

"Movie Queen Gu? Is that the one who almost got engaged to our Director Huo, Gu Xi?"

"Exactly! I heard that the two of them were about to get married but it got messed up by that mistress from our company!"

"Mistress? Who is that?"


Seeing An Lan approaching, several people scattered like mice upon seeing a cat, slipping away quickly.

An Lan was too lazy to bother with these minor characters; her mind, however, flashed back to the last time she saw Gu Xi.

She subconsciously looked up towards the direction of the president's office, where from her angle she could clearly see the closed doors.

Wonder if Huo Zhanting knows about this news?